Bonobo monkey - the smartest monkey in the world

Experts who study the life of primates came to a consensus that the smartest monkey in the world is bonobo (a species of chimpanzee, it is also called the pygmy chimpanzee). This species is the closest to humans from all known animals of our planet. Scientists joke that 99.4% of bonobos are human.

View Features

Unlike other varieties of chimpanzees, as well as varieties of other primates, the bonobo monkey has the largest number of behavioral characteristics inherent in humans. For example, American scientists managed to teach the pygmy chimpanzee, who was named Kanzi, to understand about three thousand words. Moreover, he was able to use more than 500 words using a keyboard with geometric signs.

bonobo monkey

Other experiments were conducted that led to the conclusion that bonobos are the smartest monkey. This breed does not stand out and belongs to the chimpanzee. Bonobos always, even during meals, actively communicate with each other, using a special sound system that has not been deciphered to date. Their brain is much more developed than other monkeys.

The pygmy chimpanzee is able to perceive other sign systems. An experimenter keeps a captive animal in memory of 20-30 characters and their sound equivalent. The primate remembers various commands in this language and then, when pronouncing previously unheard commands, performs certain actions, for example: “remove the chair from the room”, “lather the ball”, etc. Well, who then will challenge the statement that the smartest monkey - bonobos.

the most intelligent bonobo monkey

The branches of hominids and chimpanzees split about five and a half million years ago. This species developed more slowly than ordinary chimpanzees, and for this reason these animals retained much more archaic features inherent in humans and chimpanzees. Moreover, the set of genes of this dwarf monkey coincides with human genes by 98%. Without pre-treatment, bonobo blood can be transfused to humans. And the blood, for example, of an ordinary chimpanzee needs preliminary removal of antibodies.

External features

It is not known why this animal was called dwarf - the bonobo monkey is not inferior in size to its ordinary relatives. Males weigh from 35 to 60 kilograms, but more often their weight is fixed in the region of 45 kilograms. Females, as expected, are more elegant. Their weight does not exceed 35 kilograms. The growth of an adult is about 115 centimeters.

The bonobo monkey, whose photo we posted in this article, has a rather large head. The superciliary arches are clearly visible above the eyes, although they are poorly developed. The whole body is covered with black skin, except for the lips. They are pink in this monkey, well standing out against a dark background. High forehead, ears small, wide nostrils. There is long hair on the head. Females have more developed mammary glands than representatives of other species.

The bonabo monkey has a slender body with a thin neck and long legs. Animals make loud barking sounds.


The bonabo monkey lives in the only place on our planet. It is located in the Congo Basin (Central Africa). This territory, measuring about five hundred thousand square kilometers, is covered with dense tropical vegetation. Today, about fifty thousand representatives of this species live here.


Bonobos prefer shared accommodation. Their number reaches one hundred individuals (adults and cubs). Despite their smaller size, in comparison with males, females have a higher social status. This is due to the fact that the "ladies" are more united and organized than representatives of the opposite sex. If the female came into conflict with the male, then other females rush to her defense immediately, and no one protects the male.

the most intelligent bonobo monkey in the world

During the day, dwarf chimpanzees spend time and "communicate" in small groups, and when the time comes for a night's sleep, the family unites. As a rule, these monkeys spend the night in nests that they build on tree branches. Compared to other primates, their team does not have such a strict social hierarchy.


All monkeys love to play. But bonobos approach this issue “professionally”. They are especially inventive. The young ones constantly make funny faces and play real pantomimes, even if there are no spectators nearby.

Observers describe how bonobos had fun: the monkey closed its eyes with a piece of a banana leaf or with their hands and began to spin, jump on relatives or jump over bumps - until it fell, having lost its balance. Having a little rest, she continued her fascinating occupation.

the smartest monkey breed

Probably, the bonobo monkey has preserved some features inherent in our ancient common ancestors, in a less modified form. It is obvious that the reconstruction of the social relationships of our ancestors and their behavior will not be complete without taking into account the behavioral features that are inherent in both bonobos and chimpanzees.


Bonobo monkeys are omnivores. The bulk of their diets are fruits. In addition, they eat plants and invertebrates. Present on their menu and a small portion of animal food. They will cope with small antelopes, squirrels, etc.

Japanese scientists, who have been watching the life of these animals for a long time, argue that cannibalism exists among these monkeys, in any case, they recorded one such episode. In 2008, adult monkeys ate a dead baby.


The birth rate of this species is very low. Females give birth once every four to six years. Only one cub is born. Pregnancy lasts approximately two hundred and forty days. A caring mother feeds her baby for three years. Bonobos have puberty only at the age of thirteen. It is interesting that throughout life, the cubs maintain family relations with their mother. In vivo Bonobo monkey lives about forty years. In captivity (in zoos) they live up to sixty years. This is a very rare case when an animal in captivity lives longer than in a natural environment. And another interesting feature - Bonobos never develop SIV - the immunodeficiency virus (monkeys).

the smartest monkey in the world


Today, scientists around the world are concerned about the fate of these unique animals. Active deforestation, instability in Central Africa does not contribute to the well-being of this species. Now the number of bonobos in tropical forests is rapidly declining. Unfortunately, the level of reproduction of this species is very small.

The smartest monkey in the world

The list of the most intelligent animals on our planet is unconditionally headed by anthropoids. But even among them there are outstanding representatives who possess such abilities that there is no shadow of doubt that they possess an intellect that is close to human.

In 2007, the world's most intelligent monkey died - the chimpanzee Washo. She was 42 years old. This was the first representative of primates to "speak" using sign language. For full communication, this unusually quick-witted monkey lacked only the larynx and vocal cords with which nature deprived it.

bonobo monkey

Bonobo Interesting Facts

Studies by scientists have shown that the brain of dwarf chimpanzees is significantly different from the brain of its ordinary relatives. It is larger and more developed. In this regard, these animals may experience a sense of empathy, tenderness, anxiety. Bonobos are peaceful creatures that profess love. The absence of hostility and aggressiveness is a very rare, even, one might say, unique quality among animals.


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