"Viburkol": instructions for use, reviews

Among the modern assortment of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, not everyone can be used for babies, pregnant, lactating women and other categories of patients with hypersensitivity. The candles “Viburkol” are not only authorized by the instruction, but also recommended just for relieving spasms and pain relief in patients especially susceptible to medicines. What is their feature?

The composition of the medication

According to the classification, “Viburkol” is referred to homeopathic remedies. It contains exclusively natural components of natural origin, and their minimum concentration ensures the relative safety of the drug for absolutely all categories and ages of patients. According to the instructions, Viburkol is based on extracts:

  • belladonna;
  • large plantain;
  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • lumbago;
  • nightshade.

In addition, an important component is the mineral substance calcium carbonate, which is in the highest concentration, in comparison with other components. As an additional substance, candles have only solid fat.

Description of components and their actions

Instructions for use "Viburkola" does not give a detailed description of the action of each component of the composition, but since they are known to many for their healing properties and have long been used in traditional medicine, you can independently determine the positive effect on the body of all individually.

Medicinal chamomile has long been used as an effective anti-inflammatory agent both externally and internally. Once in the body, the plant provides an additional sedative, antispasmodic and antiseptic effect, but in small quantities, therefore, the composition also contains belladonna extract. This substance in small doses enhances the benefits of chamomile and independently eliminates pain from cramping. In large quantities belladonna (the second name is belladonna) is poisonous.

Belladonna officinalis

Lumbago helps to normalize hormonal status and has an analgesic effect.

Plantain acts as a sedative, and calcium reduces intoxication and pain syndromes.

If you summarize all of the above, it becomes clear how the drug affects the patient. According to the instructions, “Viburkol” copes equally well with spasms of any smooth muscle organs and cramps, cleanses the body, relieves inflammation, has a sedative effect and promotes a speedy recovery.

Release form

The medication is made in the form of rectal suppositories and with a standard dosage for all categories of patients. Candles can have a white, light yellow or cream color, which is within normal limits. Their shape is torpedo-shaped, well preserved. The smell of candles is specific because of the fat in the composition, but there should not be a feeling of “rancidity”. At the bottom of the suppository is a recess in the form of a funnel, which can pass through the entire candle with an air rod.

Rectal candles

The drug is packaged in cardboard packs with two contour cells of 6 suppositories each. There is also an instruction in each box of Viburkola.


In addition to the listed therapeutic effect from the use of the drug, one should highlight its ability to exert a lytic effect and act as an antipyretic, without lowering blood pressure and without changing blood flow.

Candles quickly dissolve, and the active components begin their work in a quarter of an hour. The first signs of their activation are a decrease in inflammation and the removal of spasms.


According to the instructions, "Viburkol" is introduced exclusively into the rectum. During pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed for infections of the genitourinary system and uterine hypertonicity. The dosage is usually 1 suppository 1-2 times a day, but can be adjusted by the attending physician depending on the symptoms. In cases of the acute phase of a gynecological disease, the frequency of administration can be increased up to 4 times.

In acute inflammatory processes in adults, the doctor may prescribe the introduction of 1 suppository every 20 minutes up to 8 times. After such emergency assistance, suppositories are used no more than 3 times a day.


The instruction "Viburkol" candles for children with teething permits the use of teething. If the baby is not yet six months old at this time, then the maximum daily dosage is 2 candles. After six months, the drug can be prescribed already in the amount of 4 suppositories per day, both as an anti-inflammatory and as an antipyretic. If the temperature rises above 38 °, then pediatricians are allowed to increase the dosage to a maximum of 6 suppositories per day. To consolidate the therapeutic effect after normalizing the temperature, “Viburkol” should be used for another 2-4 days, 1-2 candles.

Indications for use

In addition to the dosage described in the instructions for teething, the drug can be prescribed for other diagnoses. So, it is often used to treat infants with:

  • ARVI;
  • nervous excitement;
  • mild cramps;
  • dyspeptic syndrome.

Also, “Viburkol” for children, the instruction confirms this, can be prescribed as a component of complex therapy for whooping cough, chickenpox, measles, before and after vaccination.

For teenage girls, suppositories are often prescribed for menstrual irregularities and severe pain accompanying bleeding.

Menstrual cramps

For adults, the drug can also be used as part of the therapy of ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, pancreatitis, gastritis, enteritis, colitis, nervous ailments, seizures, stress and overwork.

It is very important that the drug does not have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, therefore it is often used in the treatment of prostatitis in men, adnexitis in women, pyelonephritis, cystitis, hepatitis, inflammation of the biliary tract and other diseases.

Bans to use

"Viburkol" instructions for use for children and adults strictly prohibit only those patients who have personal intolerance to any of the components of the composition.

With the simultaneous treatment with other drugs, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In the course of research, there was no negative effect of Viburkol on other medicines, but manufacturers do not exclude this possibility.

The drug does not affect the speed of decisions and control of mechanisms.

Side effects and overdose

The likelihood of negative reactions when using suppositories is minimal, but you should be prepared for the fact that itching, swelling, burning sensation and other unpleasant symptoms may appear in the anus. If any of them manifests itself, you should immediately stop the treatment with the medication and seek help from a specialist.

Pediatrician consultation

Over the entire period of studies of the drug, there were no cases of overdose, so the symptoms of its manifestation are unknown. Despite this, the amount of the drug recommended by a specialist should be carefully observed, especially when treating infants and pregnant women.

Special recommendations

Before you start using Viburkola, you should know that the first days of treatment are often accompanied by worsening symptoms. As a rule, this phenomenon is considered the norm and disappears the next day, but if no improvement is observed, you should immediately stop taking the medication and consult your doctor for advice.

Use the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor in any case. Candle packaging should be kept away from children, in a dry place without direct sunlight. The optimum temperature at the same time is 15–25 ° C; it is forbidden to overheat or wet the packaging. Subject to all storage conditions, suppositories can be used for 3 years from the date of their release.


Direct analogues of this drug do not exist today. Preparations of the homeopathic group Aflubin, Suprima-Broncho, Sinupret, Doctor IOM, Imupret, Atma and others are similar in mechanism of action.

Analogues of the drug

Of course, the decision to replace the drug can only be made by the attending physician, and if Viburkol is not suitable for the patient, you should immediately visit the doctor for consultation and further therapy.


You can find many opinions on the network regarding the use of these suppositories, and almost all of them are positive. "Viburkol" instruction, reviews confirm this, positioning it as a natural, and therefore safe means. Many mothers consider it indispensable in the baby's medicine cabinet, especially during teething. In gynecology, the drug is appreciated for the absence of a negative effect on the liver and kidneys.

Despite the fact that many people still consider homeopathic remedies as “under-medications,” many of them regularly prove the opposite, including Viburkol.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F24141/

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