The best pharmacies of Vitebsk

When a person is constantly traveling, he needs a lot of information about a new place of stay: where to buy groceries, where to stay for the night, where to go with an injury. One of the most important tasks is the purchase of medicines and other medical materials in case of a cut, scratch or burn.

A new city is always an uncharted territory, so immediately understanding not only the location of the desired institution, but also its quality, will not work. This article will examine the pharmacies of Vitebsk, as one of the possible intermediate points of the tourist. We will talk about the assortment, advantages, prices and give the addresses of some pharmacy points.

medicines in pharmacies of Vitebsk


Belarusian company, which is one of the leaders in the sale of medicines of leading companies. It has been on the market for over 20 years. If you count all its departments in Belarus, then more than 60 will come out.

In Vitebsk, several small points are open. Here is the entire list of necessary medicines, a large selection of dietary supplements, baby products, cosmetics and personal hygiene products are presented. It is popular due to regular promotions and discounts.

Pharmacy address: Vitebsk, st. Soviet Army, 6.

"PCF Iasi"

A good inexpensive pharmacy (Vitebsk), whose departments are located near the city center. Convenient location makes the place visited, and prices reinforce this factor.

As in any other pharmacy, there is a list of all vital medicines and other medical supplies for children and adults. The company motivates its customers with a discount card (up to 5%). The discount on purchases increases with regular visits to the pharmacy.

Pharmacy address: Vitebsk, st. General Beloborodov, 1/2.

pharmacies of Vitebsk


A company that is still under development. Her authority in the city is not very strong, but she has her cross. Little popularity is obtained due to prices that are slightly higher than in most other institutions. But the difference is smoothed out by the assortment (here you can find drugs and medicines that are not available in popular pharmacies in Vitebsk), but such a marketing move does not always help.

A complex system for obtaining discount cards has been introduced here. To process it, you will need to collect checks for 300,000 rubles and present them to a pharmacist, or make a one-time purchase in the amount of 200,000 rubles. Next is the calculation of the discount: upon reaching the value of all purchases of 3.5 million rubles - 3.5%, and over 5 million rubles - 5%.

Another very important plus is the ability to search for drugs. Pharmacies of Vitebsk rarely offer such a service, which brings Energofarm to one of the leading places.

Pharmacy addresses: st. Petrusya Brovki, 19; Moscow Avenue, 47.

UE "Pharmacy"

A large pharmacy chain that can be found in all cities of Belarus. The departments are usually quite large, and the range contains a wide variety of drugs, dietary supplements, medical equipment and other specialized products.

pharmacies in vitebsk drug search

Affordable prices for all groups of drugs help the organization grow. Usually, when buying, the client immediately receives the entire list of necessary medicines. Quality service, friendly pharmacists, they will always tell you which is better to choose.

Addresses: st. Cosmonauts, 8; st. Chkalova, 11; st. Gogol, 6.

In addition to these points, there are many others. You can find them on almost every corner, since the network is very common. Pharmacy provides discount cards to regular visitors.


The usual small pharmacy chain, however, it has an advantage over other larger organizations - it is around the clock. All the necessary drugs are on the shelves, so in a critical situation at any time you can contact here and be sure that they will help here. It is possible to pay both in cash and by card.

Pharmacy address: st. General Beloborodov, 3.

Some points of this network are located almost in the very center of Vitebsk.


Large modern pharmacy chain with a wide selection of medicines and other medical products. Just opened several pharmacies in Vitebsk, the search for drugs here is also possible. The main innovation that distinguishes this point from the rest is the ability to book drugs through the website. You just need to go in, find the product of interest and put it in the basket for further purchase. With this method, a 5% discount applies to all groups of drugs.

pharmacies in vitebsk search

The company is interesting not only for customers, but also for employees. In order to improve qualifications and interest in the case, seminars are held for pharmacists where new useful information is given to medicines and companies.

Address: Moscow Avenue, 42.

"Favorite pharmacy"

Departments of this pharmacy network are popular, due to which they are distributed throughout the country. In total, there are more than 60 points in the cities. The company offers a wide range of medicines, medical equipment, cosmetics and other products.

There are always a lot of buyers. One reason is discounts. There are certain categories of citizens (people with disabilities, families with young children under 3 years old, etc.) who pay less upon presentation of a certificate confirming their status. The promotion is held until 15:00 on weekdays.

Pharmacy address: st. Lenin, 26 A.

Itera honey

A small developing network, which currently consists of 9 departments. Pharmacies can be found in Vitebsk, Mogilev and Minsk. It is popular in that there is a large assortment of herbal preparations. Medicines, medical equipment and other products are also available here.

Pharmacy address: st. Communist, 23

"Planet Health"

This pharmacy chain is the first private company in the whole country. The modern marketing system constantly attracts new customers due to discounts on medicines and cosmetic products, and here you can also find gift cards, which can be attributed to absolute innovations.

pharmacies in vitebsk

In addition to classic medicines (both domestic and foreign), there is a large selection of perfumes and cosmetics, including well-known brands. The departments are also convenient for young mothers: here you can buy goods for newborns, as well as baby food of various brands.

Address: st. Chkalova, 11, building 1

If necessary, in Vitebsk pharmacies there is an opportunity to purchase a wide variety of goods, both medicinal and ordinary household ones. The prices are reasonable, and the range is very rich. Departments are distributed throughout the city, so finding them is not difficult.


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