A pyometer is a collection of pus in the uterine cavity. Pyometra in a dog: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications after surgery

One of the most dangerous and common obstetric problems in dogs is considered a pyometer. This disease is accompanied by an accumulation of purulent exudate in the uterus and an inflammatory process. The disease is dangerous not only because of the loss of the reproductive function of the pet, but in some cases can lead to death. Treatment is possible in conservative ways, but experts believe that the surgical solution to the problem is more effective. Below we will talk more about the symptoms and treatment of pyometers in dogs.

What it is

In order to understand how serious this disease is, you need to ask why this is happening and what consequences the pet is expecting. Translated from Greek pyometritis means a purulent inflammatory process in the uterus. The disease can occur at any age, but most often it occurs in the second half of the life cycle.

Here it is worth familiarizing yourself with information regarding estrus in dogs, how old it is and how it affects the development of pyometers. Veterinarians say that estrus can last almost a lifetime. During this period, the level of progesterone in the animal’s body is increased and remains so for some time after the end of estrus. This contributes to the thickening of the uterine mucosa in order to prepare it for possible fertilization. During this period, the animal's immunity weakens, which, along with an open passage into the uterus, is often the cause of the penetration of pathogens.

At the same time, the lack of air circulation inside the uterus and the body temperature of the dog create ideal conditions for the reproduction and growth of bacteria. An increase in their number leads to the development of pyometers or infections in the uterus.


treatment of dogs in the hospital

Veterinarians believe that the main reason for the development of pyometers is hormonal problems. A failure in the dog's body occurs due to malfunctioning of the ovaries and malfunctioning of the corpus luteum. In this case, the production of progesterone in the ovaries increases, which is responsible for bearing the offspring and preparing the uterus for fertilization. The hormone reduces the protective functions of the mucous membrane of the organ, which leads to the development of pathogenic microflora.

In addition, an increased level of progesterone in the blood leads to the closure of the neck, which causes the accumulation of pus in the uterus of the dog. Also, the causes of pyometers include:

  1. The absence of childbirth in a sterilized dog. An estrus that does not end with fertilization often causes hormonal disruptions and is accompanied by inflammation. If each estrus ends in a viscous and childbirth, the animal is also susceptible to this serious illness.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle, obesity. These factors adversely affect the supply of oxygen to internal organs, which leads to uterine atony. Reduced contractile activity of the muscle layer of this organ causes stagnation.
  3. Reproductive system diseases. Endometritis, ovarian cysts, inflammatory processes, vaginitis - all these are risk factors for pyometra.
  4. False pregnancy. Hormonal disorders lead to negative changes in the uterine mucosa and contributes to the development of inflammatory processes.
  5. The use of hormonal contraceptives to control the sexual behavior of the dog. "Sex barrier", "Stop sex" and similar drugs lead to endometrial hyperplasia and provoke inflammation in the uterus.

According to the observation of veterinarians, most often a pyometer is a disease of animals older than 5 years. It is worth noting that for sterilized pets, a dangerous ailment is not characteristic. Also, many breeders and doctors consider an unbalanced diet of amino acids and proteins, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and uniform feeding the provoking factor.


dog diseases

In veterinary practice, two forms of pathology are distinguished:

  • An open pyometer in a dog - appears when the cervix is ​​open, which allows purulent discharge to go outside.
  • Closed pyometra in a dog - occurs when the cervix is ​​closed. This form is considered more severe, since the discharge cannot go outside. The uterus is gradually filled with liquid, which leads to intoxication from bacteria.

A strong increase in uterine volume can cause organ rupture. This is a serious complication that leads to the development of septic infection and even death. If with an open form of the disease, medical treatment is still possible, then with a closed pyometer only surgical intervention and removal of the uterus will help.


symptoms pyometers in dogs

A sick pet is characterized by constant thirst and an increase in the amount of urine (polyuria). The owner may notice purulent or bloody discharge in the dog, as well as an increase in the volume of the abdomen. The animal becomes lethargic and lethargic, the pet lacks or decreases appetite, while the body temperature is elevated.

Discharge from the external genitalia can be noticed only with an open form of the disease, since mucus and pus can freely leave the uterus. In a clean animal, the owner does not always notice the dog’s discharge on time, in case other symptoms of the disease are less pronounced.

With a closed form, the uterus does not miss a secret and the condition of the pet quickly worsens. Pus accumulates inside the body, which over several days can lead to uterine rupture, diffuse peritonitis and death of the dog.

Diagnosis and treatment


Most often, making a diagnosis does not cause much difficulty - it is enough to collect an anamnesis, examination and ultrasound. A dog can take a blood test, urine, an x-ray and a smear cytology from a loop.

The method of treatment of pyometers depends on the form of the disease. Closed implies only surgical intervention. It is this method that can increase the chances of saving the animal. During the operation, not only the uterus filled with pus is removed, but also the ovaries, in order to prevent relapses and hormonal deviations in the future.

As a rule, pets in serious condition are admitted for surgery with a pyometer, therefore, after surgical intervention, infusion therapy is carried out, with the help of which the body is maintained and the volume of blood lost during the operation is replenished. In some cases, a dropper is placed on the operating table.

dog dropper

Drug treatment

At the initial stage of open pyometers, you can try to carry out drug treatment, but only under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. As a rule, before starting therapy, the doctor clarifies whether it is important to maintain the reproductive ability of the animal. If not, surgery is suggested, since after drug treatment the risk of re-illness is very high.

In addition, surgery is performed if the treatment does not give a positive result. An improvement in the general condition is considered good dynamics, I also reduce the size of the uterus. From 2 to 3 weeks can pass before the organ is completely cleansed of pus. Therefore, during this period, discharge may still be visible.

During conservative treatment, the following drugs are used:

  • Antibiotics. Before the appointment, bacterial culture is performed. The treatment course lasts 2-3 weeks.
  • Prostaglandins. The basis of these drugs are substances that will lead to the destruction of the corpus luteum and the reduction of muscle fibers of the uterus. They also do not reduce neck tension. It is worth considering that such drugs have many side effects, therefore they are used only in a hospital.
  • Antiprogestins. Such drugs lead to the opening of the cervix and eliminate the effect of progesterone, which helps to restore muscle contraction and reduce the impact on the endometrium.

Pyometra in dogs: complications after surgery

complications after sterilizing a dog

During the operation itself, something may go wrong. In order not to risk the animals, you should carefully select a veterinary clinic for the procedure. The more experienced the doctor, the less risk to the dog’s life.

Complications after surgery include bleeding, discrepancies in sutures, infection, urinary incontinence and the negative effect of anesthesia on the animal's body.

Prevention pyometers

Sterilization is considered the most effective preventative measure for dogs against pyometers. If the animal is intended for breeding, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Increased physical activity, as they help maintain natural biorhythms.
  2. Refusal of drugs that reduce sexual activity.
  3. Satisfying the instinct of reproduction.
  4. Natural and timely emptying of the bladder and intestines.
dog for a walk

Danger to humans

For the occurrence of the disease in humans, namely in the female, blockage of the cervix should occur, after which an infection may develop due to the inability to exit the discharge. Blockage can be caused by the hormonal or physiological characteristics of a woman. Pyometra is not a contagious disease. But nevertheless, when a sick animal is in the house, sanitary measures should be carefully observed, since the secretions contain many bacteria, which in themselves can be dangerous to human health. It will not be superfluous to isolate the dog from immunocompromised people and children.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F24147/

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