The drug "Milbemax": instructions for use, indications for dogs

This medicine is a drug that is used to get rid of helminths, as well as mono- and mixed invasions caused by round and tapeworms.

milbemax instruction
The tool "Milbemax" is intended for puppies. The instruction says that the medication is released in the form of tablets. The active components are the substances milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. Auxiliary components are lactose monohydrate, croscarmellose sodium, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose. The drug is given to adults, young dogs and puppies.

Pharmacological action of Milbemax

The instruction shows that the medicine is an anthelmintic combination drug that acts on cestodocide, nematodes and their larvae that are parasitic in the gastric and intestinal tract of dogs. As a result of the action of the agent, the permeability of the membranes of parasite cells to chlorine ions increases, which ultimately leads to paralysis and the destruction of pests. The active substance depolarizes the membranes, destroys the tegument, causes muscle contraction, as a result of which the parasites die. The medicine begins to act two to three hours after use. The drug is excreted with urine in two days. The drug is considered a moderately hazardous medicine according to the degree of impact on the canine organism.

milbemax for puppies instruction

Contraindications of the Milbemax medication

The instruction explains that it is impossible to give medicine to animals with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with severe violations in the work of the kidneys and liver abnormalities. It is forbidden to add pills to food to exhausted animals and individuals with infectious lesions, as well as puppies less than two weeks of age and weighing up to half a kilogram. Capsules for adult dogs are prescribed to individuals weighing more than 5 kg. It is not recommended to give the drug to Sheltie, Collie, Bobtail puppies. These rocks are hypersensitive to macrocyclic lactones. The drug is given to nursing and pregnant bitches only as directed by the veterinarian.

Milbemax medicine: instruction for use

Tablets must be given to the dog once during feeding. The drug is forcibly placed on the root of the pet's tongue or mixed into a small amount of food in fragmented form.

milbemax instructions for use
Dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal. Puppies up to 1 kg are given half the baby pill, up to 5 kg - one capsule is enough, up to 10 kg - 2 pills. Adult animals up to 25 kg are placed one capsule, large dogs up to 50 kg are prescribed two units of the drug, to giants (more than 50 kg) - three tablets.

Side effects and overdose when taking Milbemax

The instruction indicates that the medicine is well tolerated by animals. With excessive use of the drug in dogs, an uneven gait or trembling, muscle paresis, depression, excessive salivation can be observed. These symptoms go away on their own, without requiring treatment. Do not use the medication with macrocyclic lactones.


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