Anthony Pogorelsky: biography. Writer Anthony Pogorelsky

The romantic writer who stood at the origins of the fantastic genre of Russian literature is the famous Anthony Pogorelsky. A biography collected from numerous sources reports a lot of interesting facts about this famous person. His real name was Alexey Perovsky. And the pseudonym was formed from the name of the estate of the father of the writer Pogoreltsy, located in the Chernihiv region.

Anthony Pogorelsky. Biography for children and adults

By origin, Alex was an illegitimate descendant of the very rich and influential Count Razumovsky. And the mother of the baby was Maria Mikhailovna Sobolevskaya, who later became Denisyeva, taking the name of her husband. This connection became so strong that it lasted almost until the death of the count.

Anthony Pogorelsky biography

In addition to his legitimate children from his wife, Razumovsky had ten more from Maria Mikhailovna. In the eighteen hundred emperor Alexander the first granted all illegitimate children of the count noble titles. They received the surname Perovsky - from the name of the estate of Perovo.

Childhood and powerful dating

The writer’s childhood passed in the family estate of Razumovsky in Ukraine, where he received an excellent home education. Already in those years, many watched his great craving for creativity, writing essays. In many respects this was influenced by acquaintance with such famous Russian writers as Turgenev, Karamzin, Zhukovsky.

Unfortunately, the biography of Anthony Pogorelsky briefly tells only about the general features of this brilliant and comprehensively developed person. His beautiful appearance and a slightly noticeable limp, he resembled Byron. He was a wonderful friend of Pushkin and Vyazemsky, and also served as an influential dignitary.

Further education and personality development

After the future writer is awarded the title of nobility, he immediately gets the opportunity to continue his studies in higher institutions and in August one thousand eight hundred and five enters the university. And after a couple of years he finishes it and receives a Ph.D.

biography Anthony Pogorelsky briefly

In the same period, the first literary experience of young Alexei is manifested. At one thousand eight hundred and seventh, he takes over the translation of Karamzin's work "Poor Liza" into German. Then the future writer Anthony Pogorelsky directs all his skill and knowledge to the bureaucracy. First of all, thanks to his father, whose relationship and position made it possible for Alexei to achieve excellent prospects.

Recognition in public circles or Razumovsky’s connection

After graduating, Perovsky goes to Petersburg. There, in January, one thousand eight hundred and eight, gets a very high position in the department. The father of the young man at that time became the Minister of Education.

But Alexey Alekseevich does not want to remain in the service and use the authoritative ties of his family. At one thousand eight hundred and ninth, he leaves the merry capital and sets off for the Russian province. Pictures of provincial life gave the future writer great food for thought.

Antoy Pogorelsky underground inhabitants

When he returns from this trip to St. Petersburg, he realizes that Moscow attracts him like a magnet. And in November, one thousand eight hundred and ten Anthony Pogorelsky, whose biography is so far connected only with the bureaucratic service, moves to his favorite places and takes the post of executive in the department department.

The first steps in creativity and the search for your own "I"

At the same time, Alexei Alekseevich appeared the first poems in which there is a tradition of humorous poem. But not one gaiety distinguishes Perovsky. He has a very sharp and penetrating mind, which helps him to observe everything that is happening around him and decide on the choice of his further life position.

At some point, Alexey Perovsky even intends to become a member of the Masonic lodge, but he meets unexpected and categorical resistance from his father, who himself was a fairly influential freemason. The young man continues to work in the public arena, but having not found satisfaction, in January, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, he returns to Petersburg.

Tales of Anthony Pogorelsky
This time he took the post of Secretary of the Minister of Finance. But he did not have the opportunity to serve in this place for too long. The reason for this was the invasion of Napoleonic troops.

Participation in hostilities

In July, carried away by a patriotic impulse, contrary to his father, who even promised to deprive him not only of his contents, but of his inheritance, the head captain Anthony Pogorelsky appears in the Ukrainian Cossack regiment. The biography of the writer tells of the many battles in which he took part.

The military service of Aleksei Alekseevich lasted up to one thousand eight hundred and sixteenth years. He went through the very difficult combat path of an ordinary officer. He defended his homeland from the invasion of the Napoleonic troops, fought, won and was in poverty. He has proven himself as a valiant and courageous man.

Again St. Petersburg or the resumption of service and creativity

After the war, Alexey Perovsky arrives in St. Petersburg and receives the post of official on special assignments, and works under the leadership of Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. Here he renews his literary connections. He meets Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and again tries himself in art.

But now he writes several more serious works. This is the "Wanderer-singer" and "Friend of my youth." Unfortunately, these creations do not provide sufficient opportunity for any assessments, but, nevertheless, they are written quite talentedly.

Anthony Pogorelsky biography for children

Alexey Perovsky gains his first fame when writing articles where he advocates the work of Alexander Pushkin. It was in these essays that many noticed his sharp judgments and the accuracy of his statements. All critical speeches were highly appreciated, and Aleksei Alekseevich became a member of the Free Society.

The death of his father and the resignation of Alexei

At eighteen twenty-two, Count Razumovsky dies. Now Anthony Pogorelsky, whose biography was so closely connected with the career of an official, is resigning and settling in a family estate. It is here that he begins to write his famous works. One of them is Lafertovskaya Makovnitsa, which is already signed by the pseudonym known today.

These works present the unusual nature of science fiction, borrowed from folk tales and the works of Hoffmann, whose works at the beginning of the nineteenth century almost all Russia was fascinated with. Then Pogorelsky writes several more works, but he still does not have wide readership.

Underground residents of Pogorelsky

But then Anthony Pogorelsky appears, whose "Underground Residents" interested not only the younger audience, but also the older generation. And all this thanks to the tale that he wrote for his little nephew, who later became the great writer Alexei Tolstoy. It is called "Black Chicken, or Underground Residents."

writer Anthony Pogorelsky

This work is written in the genre of fairy tales. It is charming and surprising in its direct instructiveness and naivety of meaning. It very likely reveals the inner world of the child, there is an unobtrusive note of morality and a significant proportion of humor and magical fantasy. Tales of Anthony Pogorelsky acquire a special and unique character, thanks to which it is difficult to compare them with any other creations.

In 1880, Alexei Alekseevich exacerbated a chronic disease - tuberculosis, which was still incurable at that time, and he was sent to Nice for treatment. But, unfortunately, he does not have time to get there. On July 9, the writer died in Warsaw.

So the rich, full of interesting and even heroic events took place the life of the descendant of Count Razumovsky and a biography of Anthony Pogorelsky appeared. Briefly speaking about the works of this writer, it is necessary to note his special property to describe in a capacious and wise way the elusive movements of the child's soul. Due to this, he became so famous and popular among young readers.


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