Best Jim Ron Quotes

Jim Rohn is a well-known American business coach. His works on personal development and psychology are known throughout the world, as they shed light on important issues of personal growth.

American Coach Jim Rohn

What does a person need to do a serious job?

Jim Ron's quotes help shed light on many obscure points that may accompany the process of personal growth. For example, a philosopher says:

To do more, I try to become more myself.

Often people set themselves large and ambitious goals, but in reality it is extremely difficult to achieve them. What is the secret of failure? In addition to objective external circumstances, one more condition is often prevented from doing more useful things in life - lack of strength. And if a person himself does not become β€œbigger” spiritually, as the above quote by Jim Ron says about this, then it is extremely difficult for him to do serious work. That is why in order to achieve the goal it is important not only to attract external resources, but also to become stronger psychologically.

About discipline

The business coach pays great attention to the issue of discipline. Ron writes:

Discipline is the foundation upon which any success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure.

Serious goals cannot be achieved without discipline. After all, the embodiment of the desired always directly depends on the amount of effort made by a person in this direction. The lack of discipline leads to the fact that a person is mired in empty dreams and plans for the future.

goal setting

Daily work is the key to success, and this can not be argued with Jim Ron. Many other quotes by Jim Ron are devoted to the problem of self-control. For example, he also writes:

Each disciplined effort is rewarded many times.

The person who works today will reap the benefits of his work tomorrow. In the present tense, they may not exist, but disciplined work always leads to the desired results. It is the only way by which the desired can be achieved. Without discipline, it is impossible to lose weight, get a quality education or promotion, develop your own business or build good relationships. Jim Rohn defines discipline like this:

Discipline is a bridge between goals and achievements.

About education

The following quote from Jim Ron reveals the truth about what education actually gives a person:

A formal education will give you a piece of bread. Self-education will give you a state.

Of course, this statement cannot be applied to absolutely all high school graduates. But the sad reality is that just getting a diploma does not give a person a full guarantee of success and financial security. A clear understanding of their goals and constant self-education in the chosen direction are the means that have led to the success of many outstanding personalities of our time. Among them are the well-known Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Henry Ford, Quentin Tarantino and many others.

Is motivation necessary?

Jim Rohn's quotes on the problem of motivation are also known. For example, he writes:

Motivation gives an initial impulse to work, but the steady continuation of the necessary work is the result of habit.

Motivation helps to get started, but in reality it is impossible to achieve success only at the expense of it. For many people, motivation is the necessary β€œdope” that allows them to move forward. But the guarantee of success is all the same hard and systematic work. Another quote from Jim Rohn says:

Success is nothing more than a few simple rules that are followed daily.

Thus, the achievement of success, which to many seems to be just luck or a consequence of favorable circumstances, is in fact the result of daily labor. Several rules, introduced into life and used on an ongoing basis, can become the guarantee of achieving the heights of self-realization, gaining prosperity.

Jim Rohn notes that motivation alone means very little. β€œHow many fools do not motivate, the maximum that you will achieve is a motivated fool,” the business coach emphasizes. There is a rational element in these words: it is useless to motivate many people to do noble or useful actions. If they do not want to change their worldview system, apply the rules for success in practice, reasonably evaluate the current situation, motivation alone will help them to a very small extent.

achievement motivation

Jim Rohn: Motivational Quotes

However, a lot of statements of a business coach can provide a motivational impulse so necessary for the beginning of personal changes. For example, Ron says:

If you do not change yourself, you will always have only what you have.

Without working to change his personality for the better, a person dooms himself to be content with the meager property (both spiritual and material) that he has. But if he works to transform himself as a person, he has every chance to get what he wants.

the importance of self-motivation

The motivational quotes of this business coach teach readers to gain strength within themselves, without relying on the help of other people:

The best motivation is self-motivation. Some say this: "I want someone to appear and direct me in the right direction." Well, what happens if no one appears? It is then that your best program of action will mature.

A person should be able to motivate himself on his own. According to Jim Ron, in this case he will have the most optimal strategy for further actions.

Jim Rohn quotes and aphorisms about success is a great source for inspiration and motivation. They can be used for pages on social networks, and for personal reading. In both cases, the statements of the business coach will help you look at yourself and your goals from a different angle.


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