What to wear at the disco for boys and girls

Club life is one of the modern ways of spending leisure time, familiar to many people. But, unfortunately, not every person can dress in such a way as to enjoy all the moments of the disco rhythm, namely, to look attractive in the eyes of others and feel very comfortable. What should be preferred - convenience or fashion? What to wear at a disco?

Before answering these questions, you need to understand the institution itself - what is the custom to go there and how to behave in general. In other words, the rules and ethics of a particular dance institution should be followed. So, for example, you should not wear too solid outfits at a regular disco, they will misunderstand you, and they will make fun of you. No need to be closed in the style of clothing, choose strict and inconsistent outfits. So what to wear at a disco? We answer - fashionable and comfortable club things - jeans, mini-dresses, skirts, tops.

Modern men, going to a disco, also ask similar questions - what to wear, which accessory is more suitable, which shoes to choose. And so here you also need to find out the style of the club itself, its rules and traditions. Men and women should maintain a certain style of dress, an evening dress with a baseball cap or a skirt with sneakers will look ridiculous and ugly.

What to wear at a disco if it is in a traditional style? Firstly, things that look beautiful and wear comfortably, these qualities should complement each other. Lack of one of them can lead to stiffness and isolation at a party. The best option will be the clothes that always look advantageous, add an accessory in the form of a belt or a scarf to it - and the outfit for a disco is completely ready. You should not wear a completely new thing, since it is not frayed yet, which means it will cause inconvenience. You should also choose shoes to match along, do not forget about the right and beautiful underwear.

What to wear at a disco if it is designed for a social event? In this case, there is no hint of flirtation and nudity in clothes, everything should be harmonious and loyal. But at the same time, the party, business party or corporate party does not say that it is necessary to dress extremely strictly and solidly. Not at all, here you also need to be catchy, gorgeous and attractive. Do not abuse glitter and tinsel, the outfit should be calm, but at the same time evening and beautiful. When going to a party, no matter what style and kind, you need to choose only neat, clean and ironed clothes.

Many men ask what to wear at a disco guy. There are several answers to this question:

- a democratic outfit is welcome if the goal of the young man is dancing. For example, a T-shirt and jeans, sneakers will be an excellent option as shoes;

- The “sexy” outfit is relevant if the man wants to attract attention. For example, a silk shirt with fashionable trousers.

To understand how to dress a guy and a girl in a disco , you need to consider several style options:

- “glam and chic” - this style implies brilliance, luxury and catchiness. In this case, it is worth choosing things trendy and sexy that will be aimed at the attention of others. There are practically no special issues with the choice of clothes. But do not confuse vulgarity and elegance;

- “rock and roll” is the most universal stylistic trend;

- “ar-n-bi” - here the clothes are chosen, first of all, comfortable, beautiful and extravagant. In this case, you can use bright dresses, mini-dresses with a beautiful neckline, silk shirts. Glamor and sophistication - these are the main directions of this style;

- “hip-hop” - clothes should be bright, give confidence and set up for a good mood.

So, we found out what to wear at the disco, each outfit should be not only fashionable and modern, but also practical and convenient. You should not choose high-heeled shoes for dance, and sneakers and jeans - for a corporate party.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F24162/

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