Hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1: instructions for use. How to use hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1 and VIT-2

Maintaining good health depends, among other things, on correctly selected temperature and humidity ratios, which allows you to maintain the necessary microclimate in the room. Control of these parameters can be carried out using special instruments called a thermometer and hygrometer. The latter is used to calculate the relative humidity, but with it you can determine the temperature. In this article, we consider the instructions for use of the hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1.

The concept of this type of device

Instructions for use hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1

The functioning of the VIT-1 psychrometric hygrometer is based on the fact that this device has two thermometers, based on the readings of which the difference is calculated. One of them is dry, and the second is wet.

The ambient temperature is constantly measured, while one of the thermometers is always in distilled water, and therefore these two devices show different temperatures. The difference between the data of these two devices is one of the parameters that make up the relative humidity.

Thermometers are attached to the base of the hygrometer, a feeder filled with distilled H 2 O, a special psychrometric table, which determines the relative humidity.

Security measures

Hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1

We begin consideration of the instructions for use of the hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1 by considering those measures that will avoid the dangers when working with this device. During installation and operation, the device must not be subjected to sharp shock; it is impossible to wipe with various chemical liquids the scales of thermometers and the psychrometric table; Thermometers overheat above 45 Β° C, which can lead to the destruction of their tanks.

In this case, the psychrometric hygrometer VIT-1 and VIT-2 differ in heating temperature, for the last device it should not exceed 60 Β° C. It also contains toluene instead of distilled water, which must be removed with SMS from hot water when the components of the hygrometer are destroyed, since It is a toxic and flammable substance.

Preparation for work

Instructions for the hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1

Instructions for use of the hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1, like any other device, include this mandatory section.

This preparation should begin with the unpacking of the device in order to compare the completeness with the passport. The hygrometer feeder of the psychrometric VIT-1 is removed from the base, after which it is filled with distilled water. This procedure is carried out by immersing the feeder in a container of water, with the sealed end pointing down.

Then we return it to its place and place it so that from the thermometer reservoir to the open end of the feeder there is at least 2 cm, while the wick should not touch the latter. When transferring the feeder to the working position, the wick and the reservoir of the wet thermometer are moistened with water from the feeder.

The hygrometer is placed at eye level looking at it. Installation is carried out on level ground, without vibrations, there should not be any different sources of cold and heat nearby, which would create a temperature difference between the main and spare tanks of more than 2 Β° C.

When using the data of the psychrometric table, which is attached to the base of the hygrometer, it is necessary to maintain a certain rate of aspiration of the flows washing the device. It is measured before determining the relative humidity using a winged anemometer U5. The resulting values ​​are rounded to tenths. Relative humidity is determined after establishing the readings of the thermal devices that make up the basis of the hygrometer.


Instruction manual hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1

Consider the operating instructions for the hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1.

Take readings on two thermometers. The scale at the reference point should be straightforward in relation to the eye of the beholder. You cannot breathe on the device data during the countdown. First, tenths of a degree are determined, and then integers.

The temperature is determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a degree, adding corrections from the passport to the device to certain indications by adding them. Calculate the difference between these indicators. According to the psychrometric table at the intersection of temperature on a dry device and the resulting difference determine the relative humidity.

If there are no corrections in the passport or the resulting temperature difference, then linear interpolation is carried out according to neighboring values.

Thus, we examined how to use the hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1.

Possible malfunctions and measures to eliminate them

Hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1 and VIT-2

The hygrometer instruction for psychrometric VIT-1 also includes such a section. This appliance contains glass products, so it must not be hit or dropped. If the feeder is destroyed, it must be replaced with a new one, while the remnants of the old must be completely removed. If liquid breaks appear in thermometers, they are eliminated according to the passport.

Instrument Maintenance

How to use a hygrometer psychrometric VIT-1

The feeder should always be filled with distilled water. It is topped up either after taking measurements, or at least half an hour before they are taken.

Boiled water with an exposure of at least 15 minutes can be used. It is poured into the feeder, pre-cooled to room temperature.

The wick of the humidified device must be clean, moist and soft at all times. As it gets dirty, it needs to be replaced. Before this procedure, the old wick is removed, and the tank is wiped with a swab, which is pre-moistened in warm water. The new wick should have a length of 6 cm. It is wetted in one of the waters listed at the beginning of the section, after which it is pulled onto the tank so that above it the end of the knitted wick is at least 0.7 cm. It is pulled over the above device with a loop of thread with a knot of the latter. The wick is tied under the tank with another loop, and it must be constantly adjusted so that the tank fits snugly. The loop is tightened so as to ensure capillary wetting of the tissue.

The new wick can be made of various fabrics with preliminary preparation - with washing in soda solution, with boiling and rinsing. Then it is sewn, depending on the diameter of the tank, with a machine seam with a height after trimming, not exceeding 1.5 mm.

The initial calibration of the device is carried out upon release from the factory, then - once every two years.


This article provides instructions for using the VIT-1 psychrometric hygrometer. This device can be operated at temperatures from -5 to +25 degrees. Relative humidity is determined by the psychrometric table at the intersection of the dry thermometer and the difference between dry and wet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F24163/

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