Passion. What is passion and how to recognize it

The word "passion" is quite common today. It is not newly invented, such as a "laser" or "computer," or abstruse, rare. which can cause a lot of questions. But still, this word, like any one characterizing the field of feelings, has many shades, and it’s worthwhile to figure out which ones.

passion what is

What is that feeling

What is passion? The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ephraim gives the following interpretation of this concept: “passion” is a strong feeling that arises on an instinctive level. This is a strong hobby, craving or addiction to something.

According to Dmitriev’s explanatory dictionary, the meaning of the word “passion” is defined as follows: strong feeling, physical or sexual attraction of one person to another. It is also a healthy interest in some occupation, profession.

Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary defines the term “passion” in a similar way. What is passion? This is a very strong sensual attraction that occurs in a person subconsciously, instinctively.

Thus, after conducting a literary analysis, we can confidently say that this is still a feeling.

The seven most terrible passions of man

Also quite often this term is used not to describe attraction to a person, but to describe his secret desires that cannot be curbed.

passion is

Such passions include the seven deadly sins of mankind. Many people know this legend. The list of sins includes: pride, gluttony, greed, laziness, envy, anger and lust.

These seven feelings and deeds are therefore attributed to the passions, because it is quite difficult to restrain them. Each of us has been angry many times in our lives, sometimes unknowingly envied, or too proud of ourselves, gluttonous or lazy, this is a matter of course. And this is another criterion for understanding what kind of feeling is passion.

Passion and love in adolescence

All people in life sooner or later learn a sense of passion. And very often it happens that they confuse him with love. Why is this happening?

This happens especially often at a young age, when young people and girls first begin to feel feelings for the opposite sex. Then teenagers confuse passion with love and often confuse themselves with this. After all, teenagers are more likely to have passion. What does feeling mean at this age? In this case, they can be compared with falling in love. It's like pink glasses. It's not about sex drive at all. Girls fall in love with boys and boys fall in love with girls. But they begin to experience a true feeling of love at an already more conscious age.

"Adult" passions

If we talk about adults, it is worth noting that the passion in men and women manifests itself in slightly different ways.

meaning of the word passion

Men in this matter are more quick-tempered and reactive. If a man has a passion for a woman, the object of his desire, then he is very quickly excited, blood rushes to the brain, figuratively speaking. A man is trying to use all the methods and methods available to him in order to satisfy his desire as quickly as possible.

But when a woman experiences passion, her actions are more measured. Women tend to think a lot about different things and do analysis. Therefore, as a rule, a lady achieves the object of her desire less impulsively, gets emotionally slower, tries to keep the situation under control, restraining passion. What such a phenomenon can lead to negative results - she guesses.

Of course, sometimes it happens and vice versa. People are different, and each in his own way can behave uncharacteristically, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman. This is influenced by factors such as emotional and physical health, temperament, a person’s lifestyle or events that have occurred or are occurring in life.

How to recognize passion

As in adolescence, adults also tend to confuse the concepts of “love” and “passion”. What is love in adulthood is already becoming more clear. That this is not only fun, an eternal candy-bouquet period, but also constant work on oneself, compromises, concessions and mutual understanding. But passion is a more frivolous and irresponsible feeling.

feeling passion

And often you might think that while experiencing an irresistible craving for a person, we love him. But you need to clearly understand that love is the spiritual closeness of two people, and passion is a feeling based on desire.

There are two basic differences between these feelings:

1) Manifestations of feelings. Of course, there is no relationship between people, a man and a woman, without passion. But there is a difference. If relations are built on passion, then in such a tandem, as a rule, people do not take into account the desires of other people, but only their own, since passion is a selfish feeling.

2) Transience. Passion arises quickly, and can quickly “disappear” depending on various factors affecting a person. In most cases, when a person achieves what he wants, passion fades. This is her difference from love. But sometimes it happens that passion develops into a stronger and deeper feeling.

Thus, everyone can understand and set a framework for the concept of “passion” in a little way: what is hobby, craving, love, and what is true love.


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