First time at the airport: what to do to successfully get to the landing

Technology is evolving. Much that seemed fiction just yesterday is freely available today. So unnoticed, and air travel has become an integral part of many people's lives. It is becoming increasingly difficult to meet a person who has never flown in his life. Although there are many of them: someone because of their small age, for someone before there simply was no need. And there are people who, in the old fashioned way, prefer to travel considerable distances by car or train.

For those who are the first time at the airport, they don’t know what to do, this place may seem like a real maze. Experience is needed to immediately navigate and not get confused. Surely, having visited the Domodedovo airport for the first time, many were amazed at the crowds and the complete, at first glance, chaos of what was happening. In fact, everything is not so complicated.

first time at the airport what to do

If the procedure for passing all the procedures in international terminals is different, then it is insignificant.

So, the first instance: the front desk. And if this is your first time at the airport, what to do - they will tell you there. To get to the rack you need: you need to find a bulletin board and your flight on it. The rack number is usually set opposite the flight. While standing in line for registration, keep your passport and your ticket ready. When your turn comes up, hand them over to the airline employee, after checking the formalities they will be returned to you along with the boarding pass.

For international flights, you will additionally need to go through passport control. If you are carrying goods subject to declaration, you will also need to fill out a customs declaration.

first time at the Domodedovo airport

After the papers are finished, the time has come for a personal search. Do not worry, airport staff will tell you what you have to remove and put in a special tray, and what you can keep with you. As a rule, all electronic, metal objects and shoes are rented out. At the end of the search, go to your waiting area: her number will be indicated on the boarding pass. Directly to landing you will be invited.

If this is your first time carrying heavy bags at the airport, what should you do? On the territory of the terminals for these cases, there are special freight trolleys. Take a look around, ask airport staff or go to the information desk. Please note that in most airlines the maximum allowable baggage per person is twenty kilograms. If you fly together, then you can take with you, respectively, forty. However, you must distribute it to at least two bags. For each extra kilogram you have to pay extra in accordance with the established tariff. Usually the amount of overpayment even for a small overload goes decent.

first time at sheremetyevo airport

In order to keep the locks and the surface safe and sound during the flight and transportation of your bag, it is recommended to use the services of packers. For a fee, they quickly clothe your luggage in several layers of polyethylene.

Perhaps the surest advice for those who, for the first time at the airport, does not know what to do is: do the same as everyone else. Focus on more experienced passengers, do not hesitate to ask them for advice if you get lost or become confused in the procedure.

In general, we can say that flights become more convenient and safer for passengers every year. So, for the first time in the Sheremetyevo airport in the 2000s, serious problems began to be felt due to huge queues, but already in 2013 this airport was recognized as the most convenient terminal for passengers in Europe.


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