How to make a house for children in the apartment?

We all know how sometimes there is not enough personal space. In adulthood, we now and then encounter problems of queues, traffic jams, curious noses that crawl out of place. However, the same can be said about children who simply need their own playing space, in which no one will distract and touch them. Yes, and little secrets that I want to keep from my parents will always be found. If you want to maintain independence, and just to please your child, then a good option would be a house for children. You can bring a children's tent to the apartment or come up with something else.

house for children in the apartment


The main parameter from which you should build on when choosing and thinking over the layout of the future children's room will be the size of your apartment. After all, depending on it, you will have to place a whole playground in the house.

A house for children in the apartment should be selected taking into account how the family lives in general.

  • Are you huddled in a little odnushka? Feel free to forget about wooden structures or large plastic houses.
  • Does your child have a private room? There are options here, but usually children are not allocated large areas, so some kind of option built into the wall will suit you.
  • Well, if you are ready to give the child a large part of the living room, then you can create for him a real two-story game center with slides.


So, this is the easiest option in order to create a house for children in the apartment, if you are constrained by the means and limited by the size of the room. Such a house will take about 1.5x1.5 meters in the room. Of the minuses, it can be noted:

  • Purgability. If you have drafts on the floor or it’s just cold, make sure your child is not blown away.
  • It’s best not to leave very small ones in it. Due to the unstable design, a child can easily knock down such a house on himself.

houses for children in the apartment photo

But it’s not so bad. There are ways to level out these two problems. And along with some advantages, you can get a great shelter in which the kid will go about his business.

  • Cheapness. For a very modest amount, you will let your child feel personal space.
  • Compactness. Such a house can always be folded so that it becomes flat. After that, he takes off under the sofa or behind the closet, not taking up space in the apartment.
  • An insulated coating can always be put on the floor of such a tent.
  • By adding a little money, you can buy a “wigwam” that will be stable and will not fall on your head.

Thus, a tent for a child in a small apartment will add personal space for the child and will become an excellent economist.

playhouse for children in the apartment

Tent +

A little advanced version of the tent will be houses with additional pipes and courtyards. This is a good combination, which includes a playpen for a child or a pipe along which you can crawl. It does not bear practical effectiveness, but many children like it. Especially if you fill it with balls. As you can see, installing a cheap orphanage for a child in an apartment will not be a particular problem. However, many parents prefer more durable options. After all, the originally made house can eventually turn into a whole room. But we will talk about such opportunities a bit later.


If you have at least some free space, the next option is for you. Houses for children in the apartment, photos of which are presented below, are installed in plastic. This makes them very strong and stable, and therefore durable. In addition, they are easy to care for and wash, and low weight allows you to move the structure to any place without much effort. If necessary, this shelter can be taken out into the street (into the garden), and even the rain will be nothing to him.

The disadvantage may be rapid fading and loss of aesthetic appearance. In addition, the size of such houses is very small, and there will be places except for one highchair. While in the same tent the child will crawl to the point of insanity.

house tent for a child in an apartment


If you are an ardent supporter of environmentally friendly materials, then you have no choice but to buy a turnkey solution. Moreover, such a design will not always be a house.

Having made a wooden house for children in the apartment, you will prepare good ground so that the child has his own corner and personal space. Such buildings are durable and reliable. The only thing is that they are not recommended for very young children because of the likelihood of injury. In addition, such surfaces require regular maintenance and dusting.

Two types of wooden houses can be distinguished.

  1. The first is a typical house. With doors and windows. It can be placed both on the street and indoors, securely screwed to the walls. Of the minuses: such buildings are not mobile, and you must know for sure that it will not stand for a year or two, but much more.
  2. The second is more likely a game zone. There are different variations. For example, it can be a two-level bed with a berth on top and a work / play area below. Or, conversely, leaving a berth at the bottom, you can arrange on top of the playground for games, the Swedish wall and slide. But again, if there is free space in the apartment.

Do it yourself

In addition to paid options, there are always ways to install a playhouse for children in an apartment on their own. In this case, you will not need extra costs, but you will have to make a lot of efforts.

do-it-yourself house for children in the apartment

The easiest option is to make a baby house in the apartment out of fabric. More precisely, from a well-known sheet.

  • Take two chairs and place them against the wall. Turn the backs to each other and push them apart at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Now you can cover them with a sheet. You will get an impromptu "staff". To facilitate the task, you can use, for example, the angle between the sofa and the wall, then the three sides of your tent will be ready. The fastest and most convenient option is to use a table-book. In this case, you can always lay out the "children's house" in one motion.


We examined the easiest way to create a game house. However, with a little effort, you can make for your child a more exact likeness of a playroom. It is enough to recall a vivid example when one Filipina made a toy kitchen out of boxes for her daughter. A do-it-yourself house for children in an apartment is a good way to spend at least a little time with your child.

  1. So, to create at least one room, we need some materials. For example, one box from under the refrigerator may be enough, but it is better to use packaging from LCD TVs. For example, take 6 identical boxes from TVs with a diagonal of 80 cm.
  2. We trim the upper and lower parts, which are used to pack the equipment, and leave the bare box.
  3. We cut one of the edges on each of them and get six identical corners.
  4. We fasten them together with tape and a stapler (preferably industrial). We get two high corners. This height should be just enough to hide with a child’s head 1-1.2 meters tall. It remains only to choose exactly how you will place your building:
  • Near the wall. This technique will increase the area of ​​the house. Drive nails into the wall and hang a couple of wooden slats on them. You can attach cardboard to them with glue and small nails.
  • If you decide to fasten two corners together, then you need something in order to make the structure more stable. It is best to install the floor and roof from the same cardboard. If in the previous version everything was attached to the wall, then here we get a box that is completely closed on all sides.

After you install the entire structure, cut through the windows and door. You can leave it hanging on hinges or replace it with a light curtain. In order to give the house a more aesthetic appearance, use a folia or simply paste over with plain paper, and decorate it with drawings with the child.

children's house for a child in an apartment

Note to the Carpenters

If your hands are growing from the right place, you can independently put together a playhouse for children in an apartment. Undoubtedly, wooden home playgrounds are very expensive, even if you assemble them yourself. But the price for them is still not justified. How to make a house for a child in a wooden apartment?

  1. Choose a place in the house where the game house will be located.
  2. Ask the child what he wants. Make associations with real-life projects in stores.
  3. Make a diagram and calculate how many and what elements you will need.
  4. Take measurements and calculate the sizes of the elements.
  5. And now go to any furniture factory and just order a cut according to the parameters that were calculated. So you have to pay exclusively for the material, and not for the work of designers.

Given the modern construction and the fact that finding direct floors and walls in apartments is quite problematic, do not plan to fix a wooden children's house to the wall. This might be suitable for an ordinary Swedish wall, but not for a large building. So be sure to provide adjustable legs for leveling.

Another way to make a house for children in the apartment is to buy an ordinary two-level bed. Let the child sleep at the top, and the lower part can be curtained with a sheet to get normal shelter.


Whichever option you choose, the question of price always remains open. Of course, a playhouse for children in an apartment does not compare with street counterparts, but it may also require a solid investment.

  • Is free. You can make a room using improvised materials. Often this brings a lot of inconvenience to parents, and the mess throughout the apartment is ensured.
  • Up to 1500 rubles. For such a price you can buy ready-made folding options. They are compact, but very fragile.
  • From 1500 to 2500 rubles. They practically do not differ from the previous version, except for one quality - stability. They can use metal elements to increase the reliability and strength of the structure. There are doors that open or turn up.
  • From 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. This option will require you to have quite a lot of space. Plastic buildings are already similar to real houses and differ in size, colors and functionality.
  • But wooden structures can both cost very cheaply and cost fabulous money - depending on how to collect them.

how to make a house for a child in an apartment


In any case, the choice is always yours. Whether it is a makeshift free tent or a full-fledged playhouse, everyone will have to pay their price, whether it be money or labor and effort. But most importantly, remember who you are making the house for. Be sure to ask your child’s opinion and desires. Maybe it will be much more interesting for him to spend time with his parents, collecting and glue yourself a refuge, than you just get a tent for him and forget.


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