Desktop Organization: Overview of Options

The workplace is a personal flight control center. Labor productivity directly depends on how good its organization is. DIY desktop organization - how to do it right? Tips and tricks in this article.

Arrange everything correctly

Remember that the monitor should be located at a distance of 45 centimeters from the eyes. What you often use is better placed closer to yourself, from the side of the prevailing hand. For example, telephone and office stuff. Why is this convenient? There is no need to reach out, demolishing everything in its path.

desktop organization

Make rational use of stationery

Are you sure you need 15 pencils, 15 pens and a cutter? Proper organization of the desktop begins with rationality. Keep on your desk only what you use all the time. The rest is better to put on the table, in the pencil case, but it’s better to put it away.

You can make a separate chest of drawers or bookcase under stationery.

We use stickers without fanaticism

It is pointless to paste over the monitor with all the colored pieces of paper that you find as a bulletin board. DIY desktop organization is unthinkable without moderation: take notes only with short-term reminders of the most important.

Do not overdo it with personal belongings.

The organization of the workplace desk should reflect the harmony between personal life and career. It is not simple.

What raises our mood and warms our souls during the working day? Memorable souvenirs, family photos and other pleasant things. However, what causes a storm of emotions in a person’s soul often distracts him from work.

Experts advise to keep on the table no more than three personal items.

workplace desk organization

Email: Regulated Use

One of the most convenient ways to communicate on the Internet is email. But if the employee is constantly distracted by letters, this will inevitably affect his productivity.

Check your mail no more than twice a day, and also turn off notifications so as not to destroy the idle state.

Paperwork - a separate place

Sometimes the organization of the desktop is so inconvenient that there is no room for hand-writing of papers.

Depending on the prevailing hand, have an empty seat. It is not necessary that it be large. A 30 Γ— 40 cm rectangle will be quite enough.

The organization of the student’s desktop should also be designed so that the child has a place for working at the computer and for writing in the notebook.

Workflows need to be streamlined.

What does not apply to current work should not be kept at hand. If the table is full of papers on past, present and future projects, then chaos sets in. To avoid this, group documents by working folders. This requires competent organization of the workspace.

The table top will be cleaner if you take into account the following advice: to simplify the workflow, it is better to keep the paper in a special organizer, and not on and not on the table.

Mud - fight

Disorder for most people is a negative thing. It reduces productivity and concentration. Ask yourself more often: is everything on my desk in place?

Remember that the workroom is your assistant!

The organization of the desktop should contribute to productive work. Only a few things will have to be changed to make work more pleasant, and inspiration visited more often.

DIY desktop organization

Wall color

This criterion needs to be given special attention if you are just starting to plan the design of your office, because it can negatively or positively affect your productivity. Many articles examine the effect of color on work ability.

For the workplace, any shade of the dark is a bad choice. Dark or even black walls will make your workroom narrower, and most likely will put pressure on you. And very bright colors will distract you from work and interfere with focus.

The organization of the desktop and the place will be more productive if the walls of the office where you work are warm, because it can help solve ordinary problems in terms of creativity.

For an office or office, it is better to choose light shades, as they are associated with openness and lightness.

Work chair and table

The choice of a desktop and a chair is an extremely individual moment, which largely depends on your type of activity. People who are going to work a lot at the computer do not need as much work space as those who are going to embroider, draw, work with papers and so on.

If you choose a table exclusively for yourself, then you should pay attention to ensuring that it is optimally suited to all the affairs that you are going to do. In addition, remember that you need a place to store a variety of things. Cups, blueprints, paper records, books - all this requires a separate place.

diy desktop organization

What is the right type of work chair? One that you will also select individually. Remember that the type of work chair significantly affects productivity, concentration, and more. If you intend to work at a computer for a long time, then it should be convenient for you even in the case of long-term sitting without movements. But remember that a break at least once an hour is essential. It will be beneficial for your entire body. It is important that you have back support, and you should also be comfortable and comfortable sitting on a chair straight.


Now let's talk about the most important in terms of the proper organization of the workplace. Remember that the best lighting is natural. Try to place the table as close to the window as possible so that it gets maximum sunlight. If this is not possible, then try to put large mirrors so as to illuminate the workplace. If you correctly position the mirrors, the space of your table will visually appear larger.

school desktop organization

Get yourself a good lamp that will give a lot of light. If you save on light, sooner or later you will have to spend good money on points.


It is impossible to imagine a single workplace without at least one houseplant. This will provide you with an extra portion of oxygen. Productive work for you!


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