Arctic troops of Russia: equipment, uniform, photo

The main task of the Russian Arctic forces is to ensure security in the northern regions of the country. The scope of their action extends from the city of Murmansk, which is located beyond the Arctic Circle, to Anadyr, in the north-east of the country.


In April 2014, by decree of the President of Russia, a new generation ship and submarine basing system was created, and a new body was created to fulfill political will in these regions. He launched a large-scale project to create and introduce military bases, airfields in six main regions.

You can see the photo of the Arctic troops of Russia below.

Arctic troops of Russia

The structure of the Russian Arctic forces includes the following regions:

- the land of Franz Joseph;

- Cape Otto Schmidt;

- Wrangel Island;

- Novosibirsk islands ;

- Northern land;

- New Earth.

Thirteen airfields in various regions of the northern part of the country are subject to construction, reconstruction and modernization. Groups of troops in six regions combined into one tactical. Ground forces comprise two brigades.

Arms and equipment of the Arctic forces of Russia

Since the beginning of May 2015, a detachment of unmanned aerial vehicles called the Orlan-10 has become an effective monitoring tool for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. In addition to military needs, they are used to monitor the environmental situation and the formation of glacial masses in the coastal sea zone.

Arctic grouping of troops of Russia

In 2017, at the next parade in Moscow, modern models of military equipment designed to protect areas with a harsh Arctic climate were shown . Among them are such as the Pantsir-SA air defense system - a short-range anti-aircraft missile system; crawler SAM TOR. Their main feature is the ability to work in frosts at a temperature of -40 ° C degrees and hurricane winds reaching 40 m / s. The task of the complexes is to protect and cover bases in the main northern regions.

The SOPKA radar complex was designed specifically for the harsh conditions of the Arctic and is actively used by the Russian Arctic forces. A powerful antenna of the complex is able to distinguish individual objects flying in one group. Reinforced radar design allows you to work in frosts down to -40 degrees and winds exceeding 35 m / s, which is very important in severe weather conditions.

Arctic troops of Russia

The anti-aircraft defense systems of the Arctic part of the country are anti-aircraft missile systems based on S-400 and S-300 missiles.

For effective movement on snow and ice, the army units are equipped with the Trekol and DT-30PM all-terrain vehicles.

Combat boats provide patrolling water areas. Currently, Stealth technologies are being actively introduced. The special coating of the warship guarantees complete invisibility to enemy radars, and the versatility of the design makes it possible to use it as a tugboat and icebreaker. The installed artillery guns on board will turn any ship into a powerful fighting vehicle capable of attacking both sea and land targets, increasing the effectiveness of the grouping of the Russian Arctic forces.

Such combat units work well in hot tropics and in ice, up to 1.5 m thick.

Air technology

The Russian Arctic forces use the Mi-8AMTSH-VA helicopter. The crew of this unit will feel quite comfortable even at a temperature outside the porthole window of -50 ...- 40 degrees. The helicopter is equally good for transporting military personnel, as well as for long-term rescue operations. A feature of the rotorcraft is that it can be controlled in complete darkness. For these purposes, designers designed night vision goggles. With gusts of wind up to 15 m / s, the built-in autopilot can independently land an Arctic helicopter. The flight range at one gas station is up to 1300 km.

Arctic troops of Russia uniform

For comparison, a standard Mi-8 helicopter is able to fly only 500 km without refueling, which is almost 2.5 times less than the Arctic modification. A reinforced version of the engine and moving parts allows you to cope with maneuvers in bad weather.


Especially for the soldiers of the Arctic forces, military technology developed “smart” clothing with an integrated computer module equipped with medical sensors. Depending on weather conditions, it provides comfort to the soldier and includes heating clothes, if necessary. Data is transferred to the command center, which allows you to track the status of subordinates.

To increase combat efficiency and endurance, innovative amplifiers are included with the form, helping to run faster, carry large loads, etc. High technology allows you to embed them directly into the fabric of the uniform. A serious problem of harsh Arctic everyday life is the debilitating uniformity and monotony - the polar night lasts 6 months, it is very difficult for military personnel to serve in such conditions. That is why entertainment facilities are being built at military bases (sports grounds, swimming pools, cinemas, etc.).


A set of uniforms for the Russian Arctic forces consists of thirteen different items. Among them: underwear with the effect of moisture removal, fleece thermal underwear, a mask to protect the face from strong winds, a warm winter hat, insulated gloves, a jacket and pants, a bag for carrying things, unloading, body armor, a helmet and others.

Arctic grouping of Russian troops

Particular attention is paid to disguising the Arctic forces of Russia. For camouflage in the snow, traditional white camouflage is used. For mixed areas, camouflage with a pattern of small gray squares is used - a similar coloring of military-style fabric serves as an ideal protection against detection in the Arctic.

Tasks and Goals

The development and militarization of the Arctic by the Russian Federation is not accidental. According to experts, it contains, according to conservative estimates, a fifth of the world's oil and gas reserves. With the depletion of resources from the main sources, sooner or later there will be an interest in mining in the Arctic region.

Arctic troops of Russia photo

A dispute over these territories may arise in another three countries claiming to be part of the Arctic.

The location of the Arctic is quite advantageous: the path to Europe and Asia from here is the shortest, and therefore the most economically profitable. In the future, it will be exploited for the transportation of oil and gas to countries in Europe and Asia. In addition to oil and gas, fisheries are successfully developing.

The Russian Federation owns half of the entire territory of the Arctic, the remaining half is divided between the United States, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Iceland.

Disputed Territories

According to the 1982 United Nations Decree, the delimitation of the territory occurs according to the law of the sea law. In addition to the United States, all countries have recognized this document. He says that if a country has a border with the Arctic, then it can lay claim to a 370-kilometer zone with the possibility of expanding another 270 km if it can prove its territory.

Currently, the disputed territory is the Lomonosov Ridge. Three countries (Russia, Canada and Denmark) are simultaneously arguing over it, each of which considers it to be a continuation of its mainland. A dispute over a territory that has oil and gas in its bowels can eventually develop into an armed conflict.


The problem of the Arctic today is the contamination of the mainland by industrial waste. The Russian government has allocated more than two billion rubles to clean the land of Joseph Franz from deposits of garbage and other waste - this is important for the ecology of the planet as a whole.

A military presence and capacity building in the northern regions of the country minimizes the likelihood of an armed conflict.


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