Dog Breeds without a Tail: Short Description

All dogs differ from each other not only in their purpose, but also in their exterior. Some of them stand out for their impressive size, others for thick luxurious hair, and others are remembered for being ... without a tail. Which breeds of dogs have this feature? This will be discussed in today's publication.

Old English Shepherd

These animals were bred at the beginning of the XIX century especially for grazing. In order not to pay taxes, the owners of the dogs chopped off their tails. For many years, these dogs have successfully done their job, and today they are used as companions.

dog breed without tail

Old English Shepherd is a breed of dog without a tail, not distinguished by large dimensions. Depending on gender, the height of an adult is 50-65 cm with a mass of 28-35 kg. On a beautiful proportional head there are not too large hanging ears and dark eyes hidden under a thick bang. The compact body of the dog is covered with wavy fluffy wool of gray-white or marble color.

In addition to a memorable appearance, the bobtail is endowed with a good-natured and absolutely non-aggressive disposition. They are extremely smart, contact and non-conflict. These animals are happy to play with children and are not suitable for the role of a guard.


This breed of dog without a tail was bred in Germany. It received its name in honor of the small German town of Rottweil, in whose territory the main breeding work was carried out. Initially, these dogs were used to distill herds and protect cargo.

Rottweiler is a large, muscular dog, growing to 60-79 cm at the withers and weighing from 40 to 50 kg. On a wide short-faced head with strong jaws there are hanging triangular ears and dark almond-shaped eyes. Athletic, slightly stretched body with a flat top line ending with the base of a short cropped tail, covered with smooth, hard wool of black and tan color.

Rottweiler - a serious, restrained dog, wary of strangers. He quickly becomes attached to his masters and becomes not only a faithful friend, but also a reliable defender. He needs physical activity, long walks and special training.

French Bulldog

This breed of small dogs without a tail has a very complicated story. According to one version, they came from fighting dogs used for fierce battles with bulls. Be that as it may, today these cute crumbs successfully cope with the role of a family dog ​​and delight their owners.

photo of dog breeds without a tail

The French Bulldog is a small, stocky dog ​​whose height does not exceed 35 cm, and weighs from 8 to 14 kg. On a square wide head with an upturned nose and a folded convex forehead, there are large dark eyes and huge erect ears. The entire compact body of the animal is covered with short hair of a plain, tiger or spotty color.

French Bulldog is a breed of dog without a tail, endowed with a cheerful and good-natured disposition. These small animals are extremely smart, but sometimes prone to stubbornness. They are good at training and do not need to grueling physical exercises.


The birthplace of these animals is Germany, and among their ancestors are Bullenbeysers and English Bulldogs.

The German boxer is a stocky, muscular dog without a tail. The breed is not too large - representatives grow to 53-64 cm and weigh 25-32 kg. On a square head with a wide voluminous muzzle and a protruding lower jaw there are expressive dark eyes and high-set hanging ears, which are to be stopped in puppyhood. The sporty, moderately stretched body of the dog is covered with smooth shiny tiger or red coat.

breed of small dogs without a tail

Boxer is a lively, funny and very curious dog, not showing unreasonable aggression. He is extremely sociable and needs close contact with the owners. This dog does not tolerate loneliness and treats strangers with distrust.


This is a relatively young breed of dog without a tail. Photos of these beauties, unfortunately, do not convey all their grace and nobility. The breed was formed in Germany in the 19th century thanks to the dedicated work of Friedrich Luis Dobermann. According to some assumptions, butcher dogs, Old German pinschers, setters, greyhounds, pointers, English mastiffs and blue dogs were used for its breeding.

dogs of which breeds without a tail

Doberman - a tall athletically built dog with well-developed muscles. Depending on the floor, its height is 61-71 cm with a weight of 30 to 40 kg. The whole body of this animal is covered with short, hard coat of blue, brown, black or isabella color with symmetrical tan marks.

Doberman is endowed with an active, mobile temperament. Traits such as fearlessness, vigilance and intelligence are characteristic of him. It is easy to learn and needs regular physical activity. If necessary, this bold and decisive dog will become not only a faithful friend and cheerful companion, but also a reliable defender.


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