Antithesis is a brilliant way of rejecting symbolism

Many literary geniuses often used an artistic tool such as antithesis in their works. This was a peculiar expression of conflicting feelings, and its special peak occurred in crisis eras, when the usual way of life was undergoing serious changes. A vivid representative of this tool is “Fathers and Sons”, because even in the title of the novel an antithesis is visible. The examples, of course, do not end there, but given that the work already in its organizing beginning has the considered literary device, it is ideal. Turgenev decided to use the antithesis for a reason, because the plot of his novel reflects a turning point. It was embedded in a generational conflict, and they did not necessarily live on the pages of a work.

thesis examples
Antithesis is a special stylistic figure that juxtaposes opposing concepts in fiction in order to enhance the impression. It can be assumed that its use is rather difficult, and few authors can successfully apply it. But the classics effortlessly coped with the antithesis, and in order to be convinced of this, one does not have to dig deep. You can view titles such as Crime and Punishment, or the mighty War and Peace.

However, not only is antithesis used in prose, this artistic tool has always been popular among poets. Most often here you can find visual images, as in the lines of Pushkin in the work "Eugene Onegin" ("Water and Stone ... Ice and Fire"). Less common is the semantic contrast ("For himself - master and servant"). You can get acquainted with such poems, where the semantic load is built precisely on the antithesis. For example, Lermontov has an eight-poem in which he talks about a lonely pine tree located on the northern peak, and she sees a dream about a palm tree growing on a sandy cliff. There is a kind of interweaving. On the one hand - a pronounced contrast, and on the other - loneliness, regardless of place and climate.

antithesis is

Thus, the antithesis is a technique of literary art. And he will be more receptive and strong if two oppositions form the maximum contrast between themselves.

Speaking of the antithesis, one cannot but pay attention to the thesis. An example of it can be observed in Sadko’s opera: not to count pearls in the midday sea ... This is an expression that needs to be proved, but as concerns our sample directly, it does not need proof, since it is obvious. And the most important thing in the thesis is that it should be crisp and clear, and not be lost in the course of argumentation. Often people prove to each other that one of them needs to quit smoking. The argument here is usually one, and it focuses on the harm of nicotine. If you think about it, the proof is aimed directly at the fact that it is harmful to smoke, but not at all that someone should abandon this habit.

antithesis examples

The thesis is rarely used in literature, the exact sciences are closer to him . And the antithesis is widespread among the authors. But do not think that using one of these tricks is easier or harder. For harmonious application of the thesis and antithesis, real talent is needed.


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