Saint Bernard - a dog born in the Alps

Since time immemorial, a dog lives next to a person. For some itโ€™s an assistant, for others itโ€™s a guard, for others itโ€™s just an outlet, a beloved creature that, just being nearby, calms and warms the soul. A dog that combines all these qualities is Saint Bernard. Description of the breed begins, as always, with a history that goes back more than three hundred years. Back in the 17th century, the servants of the monastery of St. Bernard, located in the Swiss Alps, bred these magnificent dogs, having done a thorough and lengthy breeding work. Initially, the St. Bernards was used as a draft force and for reconnaissance of the road. They felt great in alpine snows and, possessing a magnificent scent, found the victims buried under avalanches. Accompanying the monks in the mountains, these dogs often saved their lives thanks to their amazing ability to feel approaching danger.

Over time, this breed gained more and more popularity due to its good nature, attractive appearance and developed intelligence. Saint Bernard is a dog that gets along well with people and is an ideal companion, combining an impressive appearance with a good character. He loves his family very much, is a reliable watchman and a true friend. Currently, many St. Bernards still work in the mountains as lifeguards. But most often these are just family dogs, friends and helpers. Created in order to serve people, they should always be close to the person. They love children and play with them with great pleasure, while showing attention and care.

In the countryside, St. Bernard - a dog strong and strong - becomes a real helper in the household. In the apartment, he absolutely does not interfere, behaves quietly and prefers to be near the owner. But it must be remembered that St. Bernard is not adapted to urban conditions. For normal development, he needs space, movement and fresh air. With a dog growing in the apartment, you will have to walk, run and play for a long time. But in the courtyard of a private house, St. Bernard needs long walks so that he does not lose his physical shape, remains strong and healthy. You should not put a St. Bernard on a chain, because such a dog will become closed, embittered and lose that good-natured charm, which is one of its main features.

These dogs should feel like full owners of the territory, and then they will be excellent guards, while remaining good and loving friends. St. Bernard, whose character is calm and phlegmatic, becomes very formidable and dangerous if he has to defend his house or master. Although most often this dog scares away potential enemies with one of its kind.

Saint Bernard is a smart, smart and noble dog, you need to find a common language with him and earn his respect. In no case should you beat your pet or allow other manifestations of cruelty. This only shakes his psyche, but does not make him more obedient and complaisant. St. Bernard, especially the growing one, needs attention, so this breed is not suitable for overly busy people who are never at home.

This dog, like other representatives of large breeds, needs a lot of food, but do not forget about its tendency to gain weight. St. Bernards can not be overfed, their diet should be balanced and consistent with the intensity of physical activity. Another important point is their coat, which requires careful and regular care. This is a great protection against the cold, but in hot weather the St. Bernards are having a hard time. Therefore, in the summer heat, it is necessary to provide them with a cool place and be sure to leave water for the whole day.

Saint Bernard is a dog that disposes to itself at first sight. It has practically no shortcomings, with the exception of one thing - a short lifespan. On average, St. Bernards live for about eight years. But in this short time they bring a sea of โ€‹โ€‹joy to their owners, and the devoted look of their brown eyes for life remains in the heart of every member of the family.


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