Lyubertsy City Court of the Moscow Region

In the article we will talk about the Lyubertsy city court. Consider in detail his story, find out how it works now. Attention will be paid to structural divisions in court, specific points regarding litigation.

The situation of ships in Russia

Recall that the courts are the authorities that administer justice locally. The lowest level of the judicial system was the local people's courts, which took place until 1960. In 1951, the Lyubertsy district was located within the boundaries of the Ukhtomsky district. In his council in October 1951, a network of people's courts was approved, which included 8 sections.


According to the legislation in force at that time, the election of people's judges was scheduled for 1951. The history of the court, by the way, begins precisely from this moment. Unfortunately, there is no reliable data on how the proceedings took place up to this point in the Lyubertsy district. On December 16, 8 people were elected, who became judges. Timofey Razorenov became the people's judge of the Lyubertsy district. It is worth saying that only a few of the first judges have survived to the present day, however, it was these people who made history in Lyubertsy and were engaged in the development of the judicial system. A lot of information remains about some people, but there isn’t enough article to briefly review the biographies of each of them.

Lyubertsy City Court

Legal proceedings

In the Lyubertsy City Court, judges were elected by popular vote, which was held in the relevant area. Naturally, it was secret, universal, and direct. The election term was 3 years. The district courts dealt with civil and criminal cases. The category of civil cases included disputes in family, labor, civil law and administrative relations. The principle of operation was ordinary: a petition was filed, on the basis of which a court case was opened. They were not considered individually by the judge. There was a college, which consisted of a judge and assessors. The meeting was duplicated in writing in a handwritten minutes.

The case ended with the verdict being read in the Name of the RSFSR. In 1959, the administrative and territorial division of the Moscow Region was reorganized, the results of which affected the organization of the judicial system. One of the most important innovations was the creation of the Lyubertsy city people's court, the administrative center of which was located in Lyubertsy. The judicial reform of 1960 served to ensure that the chairman of the court, Zoya Leonidovna Kiseleva, was elected. Unfortunately, no specific information about the woman has been preserved.

Lyubertsy city court of the Moscow region

Election of the second chairman

In the Lyubertsy city court of the Moscow region in 1966, the second chairman appeared - Alexandra Rybkina. She was in this position until 1987. Enough information has been preserved about her work. It is known that she was awarded the Government Certificate of Honor. Currently, the woman is still working for the good of society.

During her tenure, she did a lot to improve the legal system. She was engaged in improving literacy among the population of the Lyubertsy district, actively attracting judges to improve their legal qualifications. On her initiative, measures were taken to promote studies at a people's university, various lectures to students who spoke about the real consequences of offenses.

Alexandra Rybkina also was engaged in the popularization of Soviet laws among the people, created visiting sessions. The woman encouraged local newspapers to publish articles on the legal proceedings of various respected specialists. This had an important educational effect.

details of the Lyubertsy city court

Our days

In 2001, Nadezhda Tolcheeva, who remained in her post until 2009, became the chairman of the Lyubertsy city court. Since the winter of 2010, the duties of the chairman have been performed by Marina Tchaikovskaya. In 2001, the Institute of Justice of the Peace was created.

Interestingly, the court staff consists mainly of women. Each of them does everything to improve the judicial system to the best of its ability. The chairman deals with cases on any issue, attaches judges to a specific case, organizes the reception of citizens, studies and summarizes judicial practice, informs higher authorities about proceedings, and is engaged in continuing education for his staff. Summarizing all this, we can say that the chairman is the main person who directs the work of the judicial apparatus.

Information Systems

The site of the Lyubertsy city court has data on all information systems. The court has 2 reference legal systems: Guarantor Expert and Consultant Plus. The automated system "Justice" also operates, which includes several subsystems (information kiosk, service, personnel, Internet portal, criminal record, court statistics and record keeping, bank of court decisions, organizational support). The system of audio recording "Themis" is actively used.

site of the Lyubertsy city court

Reception of citizens

Marina Tchaikovsky receives citizens every first Monday of the month from 16:00 to 18:00. Make an appointment with the chairman through his assistant. Deputy Chairman A. Negramotnov considers civil cases on the first and third Friday of each month from 14:00 to 16:00.

If it is not possible to visit the court in person, you can submit your application in writing. The details of the Lyubertsy City Court are as follows: Moscow Region, the city of Lyubertsy, Kalarash Street, 19. At this address you will find the court under discussion. Now it’s clear how to get to the Lyubertsy city court.

Sometimes you need to know some more information. So, the Lyubertsy city court state duty details has the following: Office of the Federal Treasury in the Moscow region. Payee account number: 40101810600000010102. TIN: 5027036564.

Lyubertsy city court how to get


At the head of the Lyubertsy city court of the Moscow region is a chairman who works with his assistant. Further, power is distributed between the vice-chairmen, who are responsible for the work of judges. Each of them works with his assistant. The second branch of government is the administration, which reports directly to the chairman and carries out his direct assignments.

On an equal footing are additional structural units. The general department consists of courthouse maintenance personnel and labor protection specialists. There is a personnel and public service department, and criminal and civil cases departments.

Lyubertsy city court state duty details


The court is actively taking measures against corruption. On the site you can find a redirect to another resource where relevant regulations are posted. Also there you can post information on the work of executive bodies, ask questions of interest. In general, the site was created for public discussion of pressing issues in the judicial system.

Summing up the article, I want to say that the Lyubertsy city court works at its best. Employees participate in the site, are interested in the possibilities of improving their skills. Separately, it is worth noting the rich history of the court, which began a long time ago. Since that time, the judicial system in the city has improved greatly due to the fact that decent professional people have always been elected to leading posts here.


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