Gays is what? Meaning of the word

Youth slang in the Russian language is largely formed by borrowing from others, primarily from English. Therefore, people who are not familiar with foreign languages ​​and teenage speech may not understand the meaning of many words.

Relatively recently, the word "gais" came to Russian. This word has long been used in slang, but has become popular quite recently.

Origin of the word

Not everyone knows what gays means, but in reality everything is very simple. This word came to us from the English language, where it means "guys", "pals", "guys", etc. Depending on the context, its meaning may vary slightly, but the essence remains the same.

gay is

The word is written in the original as guys, and in the Russian version it is used in two versions: "gayz" and "gays." This is a slang word, which is now used in everyday speech of adolescents and young people.

In Russia, it means the same as in America, Britain and other English-speaking countries.

Examples of use

To understand how to correctly apply a particular word, you need to parse it on a specific sentence or several.

The most popular and famous example of its use today, of course, is the rapper Aljay's song called Hey, guys. In the chorus, the performer sings "Hey, guy, I have everything", which actually means: "Hi guys, I'm fine (excellent)."

In this track, gays are guys or boys, that is, his listeners, to whom the rapper says that everything is fine with him and his life was a success.

Hey, guys or Hi, guys - these are widely used colloquial greetings in the USA. Most often this is how they turn to close friends, colleagues or classmates at the university.

This word practically does not have a negative color, so we can say that gays is a positive term.


Modern Russian has long been a bit of a combination of national and borrowed. Every year, foreign words in our speech are becoming more and more. Many do not even notice how much speech is being modified.

what does gais mean

In Spain, for example, there is even the concept of Spanglish, which in fact can be understood as Spanish-English. There are so many borrowings from English speech in their language. Something similar is happening with our language.

It is difficult to say for sure how bad or good it is. The opinions of experts and speakers in this matter vary widely, but the fact remains. If the trend remains the same, then literally in 5-10 years the Russian language will look very different.


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