Information culture is an essential part of society

The term “Information Culture” is based on two basic concepts: culture and information. In accordance with this, a significant number of researchers distinguish information and cultural approaches to the interpretation of this term.

From the point of view of the culturological approach, information culture is a way of human existence in the information society. It is considered as a component of the development of human culture.

From the point of view of the information approach, the vast majority of researchers: A.P. Ershov, S.A. Beshenkov, N.V. Makarova, A.A. Kuznetsov, E.A. Rakitina and others - define this concept as a combination of skills, knowledge, skills of selection, search, analysis and storage of information.

Information culture, depending on the subject acting as its carrier, is considered at three levels:

- The information culture of a particular person;

- The information culture of a particular community group;

- The information culture of society in general.

Information culture
The information culture of a particular person, according to many researchers, is a tiered system that develops over time.

The information culture of a particular community group is observed in the information behavior of a person. At the moment, a base is being developed to create a contradiction between the category of people whose information culture is created against the background of the development of information technologies.

After the information revolutions that took place, there were changes in social relations in every area of ​​human life. The modern informational culture of a society includes all past forms connected in a single whole.

information culture is
Information culture is both a part of the general culture, and a systematized set of knowledge, skills, abilities, ensuring the best implementation of personal information activity, which is aimed at meeting individual needs of a cognitive nature. This population includes the following list:

1. Information worldview.

Under the information worldview refers to the concept of such concepts as information resources, the information society, information arrays and flows, the laws of their organization and actions.

Society Information Culture
2. The ability to formulate their information requests.

3. The ability to conduct a personal information search of different types of documents.

4. The ability to use the information received in their own cognitive or educational activities. Information culture has three stages of completeness.

The development of the information culture of a person can be seen in his cognitive behavior. Through this behavior, on the one hand, reflects the activity of the individual as a learning subject, his ability to navigate in the space of information. On the other hand, through it a measure of accessibility and ease of use of aggregate information resources is determined. These are opportunities provided by society to a person who seeks to take place as a professional and a person.


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