Seasonal Care: Winter Rhododendron Shelter

Rhododendron, which is also known as rosewood, is one of the most popular ornamental plants in the world. This can be explained by the fact that it has a spectacular appearance, and at the same time is not very picky in care. Rhododendron looks most attractive in spring, when beautiful flowers of various colors (purple, white, red, orange and others) stand out clearly against a green background of foliage. On the territory of our country, you can find more than a hundred species of this plant. In addition, many of its hybrids have also been bred. As for care, the most important thing in it is the correct wintering, depending on the specific species. About how the shelter of rhododendrons is made, and will be discussed further.

Rhododendron Shelter

To begin with, you should determine the variety of plants. The current opinion about the fragility and fear of severe frosts is wrong, because some varieties are able to withstand temperatures of minus thirty degrees. In this case, we are talking about the most delicate part of the bush - flower buds. The plant itself can withstand more severe conditions. Therefore, for some species of such a bush as rhododendron, shelter for the winter is not required. Whatever it was, regardless of the variety, it is recommended to insulate young varieties, especially in snowless winters.

rhododendron shelter for the winter

Some plant varieties evaporate moisture even in winter. This should not be forgotten and they should be provided with the necessary amount of water. This is done before the first frosts by abundant watering in an amount of about twelve liters of water per instance. Next, mulching is performed due to the thick layer of pine bark. As soon as the first frosts come, it should be increased by adding pine needles or compost. Such a peculiar shelter of rhododendron for the winter will allow him to easily survive it.

It should be noted that deciduous species are less demanding on frost than others. The main thing for them is that the branches are covered with snow, and the root neck is sprinkled with dry foliage or peat with a layer about 15 cm thick.

Shelter of rhododendron for the winter can be both artificial and natural. In the first case, all sorts of frames suitable, as a rule, are covered with kraft paper. As for natural species, they are usually dry oak foliage or spruce spruce branches. Such a shelter of rhododendron for the winter as burlap is considered very good. Some of the domestic gardeners even build special houses, using polypropylene and polyurethane foam for this.

winter rhododendron shelter
The branches of the rosewood are quite fragile, so you should constantly shake off the snow from them. If this is not possible, it is recommended to build a kind of frame for it from the boards, not forgetting the need for access to fresh air.

The created rhododendron shelter for the winter should be removed after the threat that the temperature drops below ten degrees below zero is over. The fact is that none of the varieties of this plant are afraid of such temperatures. Moreover, if the shelter remains, then this can lead to the fact that the bush will undermine. In the case when the plant is protected, it will successfully survive even a very harsh winter.


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