Code of Civil Procedure: Scope

Laws govern our lives in many ways. It is vital to strive to understand them. But where to start? Indeed, normative acts that are mandatory for implementation are not only a large number, but they can be attributed to various types of legal documents. For example, the Constitution has the greatest force among all their diversity. There is a hierarchy of power for various types of legal documents. At its very top, of course, is the Constitution of Russia. Then (descending) are followed by federal constitutional laws. Next come federal laws (including codes).

What are the codes

Code of Civil Procedure
Codes have great legal force and constitute one of the main parts of the law. Each of them regulates a specific field of activity. There are twenty different codes in Russian law. The area to which the Code of Civil Procedure relates is relations that arise during the work of courts of general jurisdiction. Such courts are also called civil courts. They may consider cases in which an individual disputes a normative act adopted by a state body in accordance with established rules. In some cases, business-related activities may be challenged here. True, in this area, some judicial issues are required to be considered only in the arbitration court.

The scope of civil law

Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation
What exactly refers to it? In this area, relations related to ownership or other property rights are regulated, and personal property and non-property relations are also regulated. It is important to note that we are talking about relationships that are determined by property independence, free will and equality of their participants. The Code of Civil Procedure governs judicial actions taken to regulate such relationships.

Adoption history

The Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation entered into force on February 1, 2003. It consists of seven main sections. The Code of Civil Procedure regulates in detail not only all the details of litigation in the relevant field of legislation, but also the fundamental principles of such cases.

The contents of the sections of the document

Code of Civil Procedure
In the first section, the general principles of how the Code of Civil Procedure is applied are formulated. The second section is devoted to the consideration of the lawsuit proceedings. The third section examines in detail how the Code of Civil Procedure governs the courts of appeal of the second instance. The fourth section highlights issues related to the review of court decisions that have entered into legal force. The next part of the document regulates judicial actions in those processes where foreign citizens participate. The sixth section regulates some issues related to the arbitration courts. The last, seventh section, covers issues related to enforcement proceedings by court order.


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