Automation "L" in sentences: statement of speech, effective exercises

Children with the problem of pronouncing the sounds [l] and [l '] even after setting the correct articulation need classes, exercises. The developed habit does not allow changing the diction. Kids continue to use replacing the desired sound with the usual. Therefore, they need automation [l] in sentences and words.

Game classes with a speech therapist

The basic rules of speech therapy classes

The main goal of training is automation [l] in sentences, syllables and words. The tasks of the classes are divided into educational, corrective and educational. There are important training rules, adhering to which, it is easier to get an excellent result:

  • Since children cannot perform the same actions for a long time, during the lesson you need to change activities.
  • It is important to remember that for five-year-old children, classes should not be longer than 20 minutes, but shorter than 15 is also not recommended. But older guys are happy to work on automation [l] in phrases and sentences for half an hour. Although classes longer than 45 minutes are not welcome.
  • Outdoor games or gymnastics diversify activities and allow children to be a little distracted, and then with renewed vigor to begin tasks.
  • It’s great if the lesson on automation [l] in sentences and words obeys one single storyline. It can be travel, fairy tales with the participation of a child, games in which children help out fictitious characters from the misfortune. Such automation classes [l] in sentences, syllables and words are more effective. After all, the kid is interested, takes part with pleasure and performs tasks. And positive emotions enhance the result and allow it to gain a foothold faster.
Practice sound pronunciation skills

Not only a qualified teacher, but also those adults who are involved in raising a child can work on the automation of sound [l] in sentences. That is, grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, nannies and everyone who is interested in him, must work every day between times on the diction and articulation of the baby. But the main effect is achieved precisely during a focused lesson on sound automation [l] in sentences and words.

Educational tasks

Here, the teacher specifically indicates what exactly he wants to achieve by working with the child. Educational tasks are formulated accurately and clearly:

  • fixing the motor and auditory image of sound;
  • automation [l] in words, sentences and syllables.

Only by regularly solving them, the speech therapist and the baby move towards the goal.

Correction tasks

They have a wider spectrum of action. During classes on sound automation [l] in words and sentences, the teacher should develop:

  • facial expressions of the baby, using psycho-gymnastics;
  • articulatory motility using special exercises of the lips and tongue;
  • phonemic hearing;
  • sound analysis skill;
  • fine motor skills using finger gymnastics.
Sound pronunciation correction lesson

Educational tasks

They cover the largest field for activity. Working on the automation of sound [l] in phrases and sentences, the teacher develops with the ward:

  • The desire to speak beautifully and correctly.
  • Broadening the horizons.
  • Vocabulary replenishment.
  • Skill to listen carefully to the teacher and carry out his assignments.
  • Patience and perseverance.

Abstract "Automation of sound [l] in sentences, words and syllables"

Subject: Meeting with Aliens

In preparing the compendium, you should indicate the purpose of the lesson (sound automation [l]) and its objectives. This is described in more detail above.

The course of the lesson devoted to the automation of sound [l] in sentences and texts will also be presented here. All teachers know that at the beginning of a lesson, it is imperative to warm up the articulation apparatus. Therefore, when planning, we will not forget the exercises for the isolated pronunciation of sound [l], as well as in syllables and words.

Course progress: organizational moment

Presenter: Hello guys! Today we will continue to work on the correct pronunciation of the sound [l]. Recall our most important rule:

To make the speech beautiful,

Clearly and leisurely

I need to make a sound

Do not be afraid, do not rush.

If the guys are already familiar with this poem, it can be repeated aloud by the teacher or spoken to everyone together.

Group lesson speech therapist with children

Articulation gymnastics

They knock on the door. A man in a courier costume comes in and hands over the box. The leader of the lesson opens it and takes out an alien figure. You can make it easy by pasting a matchbox with silver foil, drawing a face on it and fixing the legs from below with matches with plasticine feet, and from above - antennas from wire. The speech of aliens can be recorded on audio and accelerated using the editor. It will turn out a funny fast cartoon talk.


- Earthly fiery greetings! My friends and I flew to you from the distant planet Lulaulia. My name is La. We on our planet greet each other three times with the word "Lu!" So I tell you: “Lou guys! Lou guys! Lou guys! ”


- Children, let's greet our friend La in his language. It must be said: “Lou, La! Lou, La! Lou, La! ”

Children repeat.

The second alien appears to be Lo. He is greeted with the phrase: "Luo, Luo!" The names of the third and fourth aliens Ly and Le.

So, having greeted each guest three times, the children will practice pronunciation of syllables with sound [l].

For children over five years old, you can complicate the task. You need to greet the alien whose figure is currently being raised by the host. For convenience, you can write the names on tablets and hang them on the neck.

The host tries to confuse the guys, making deceptive movements, as if raising the alien Le, and at this time quickly raise La. Then, for example, pretend that La is on the table, but quickly pick it up again. Speeding up the movements, the leader makes the children activate attention.

Mistakes usually cause laughter. The presenter plays along with the children, making a distressed face when his cunning fails, and rejoicing if the child is mistaken. But you need to do this carefully so as not to offend anyone, but only make laugh.

Task one: automation of isolated sound [l]

Presenter: But tell us, La, what is your impression of our planet?

The alien La says something very quickly so that nothing is clear. The presenter brings it to his ear, listens and explains to the children:

- Our guest La suddenly had a spoiler! His sound went bad [l]. He wants to tell us something, but we must help him! Will we help? We will arrange in words the sound [l].


Walk around the planet ... (children chorus add sound [l])

Feed the little tits ...,

Talk to the kids ...,

Give them gifts ...,

Tanya with a can of cover ...,

Plant Vasya in a spoon ...,

And Natasha the first-grader

I wrapped in a blotter

Pokacha ..., pokacha ...,

So that Natasha does not scream ...

While La says, you can show pictures that accompany the story - this will amuse the guys.

Presenter: Thank you, La. But it seems that you have very serious breakdowns in the intercom.

La: Why?

Host: Children, who will explain to La what he said wrong?

Encouraging children to formulate their thoughts and express them out loud is a very important point in working with speech.

The second task: automation of sound [l] in a pure phrase

Presenter: It is unfortunate that such a nuisance happened to our guest La. Only it is not clear why this happened and how he can be helped.

Lo: I can tell you what happened! We met a girl Mila. She bathed her doll in a basin.

Host: This is very interesting! And what happened next?

Law: Mila said that La got dirty while flying to Earth in her flying saucer. Well…

Mila clean La washed

Soap got inside La!

And you can help him. It is only necessary six times to tell everyone together this purely saying.

Presenter: Guys, try to cure La? Just first, let's learn this clean phrase.

First, the children repeat each line individually. Then they pronounce the entire text with the host, each time accelerating the pace.

Automation of sounds in speech therapy classes

This task is already more complicated than the previous ones, because it is aimed at automating [l] in sentences and texts.

Printouts of pure words are distributed to the guys so that at home they can train to clearly pronounce this short rhyme.

The third task: automation of sound [l] and [l '] in words

Presenter: Well, La, now it’s easier for you?

La: Yes. Just put me on a barrel so that I recharge, otherwise my batteries are dead ...

Lo: And me at the same time.

The presenter puts the aliens La and Lo on a barrel.

Ly: So my turn has come. Guys! We were at the zoo. And there they saw all kinds of animals. And even they were photographed. But we do not know what they are called. Tell us please!

For this task, pictures are selected with images of animals in the names of which there is a sound [l] or [l ']. Ly shows them to children. The guys called animals: an elephant, a fox, a squirrel, a wolf, a lion, a leopard, an elk, a horse, a deer, a sloth, a kulan, and a donkey. If the wrong word is called, the presenter corrects. For example, instead of “horse” children can say “horse”, and instead of “donkey” - “donkey”.

If in previous tasks the pronunciation of solid sound was practiced, then automation is already taking place not only [l], but [l].

Movable Break: Quest Four

Presenter: Guys, since our guests do not even know what these animals are called, they probably have no idea how they move. Let's show, but at the same time and play. Get up from their seats.

When I say “squirrel”, you start to jump, and with the word “elephant” you start to swing from side to side. The horse will run on the spot, and the leopard will crouch, preparing to jump. Practice: "elephant"! Everyone is swinging. Good! "Leopard"! Right, squat, as if preparing for a jump. "Horse"! Run, run, do not be lazy. "Squirrel"! Well done, jump higher, higher!

Ly: Now we are starting to play. Anyone who performs the wrong movement is eliminated from the game and sits in its place. The most attentive win. They will receive these stickers as a reward. Imagine how your mothers and fathers will be surprised when you tell them that you received gifts from aliens!

Tasks for Reading Detectives: Task Five

Presenter: While we were showing our guests how animals move, they hid in words. Try to find them.

You can write words on the board and temporarily cover them until the right moment. There is a second option - to show the children signs with words in which they must find the “hidden” animal.

Words for detectives: village, logs, balalaika, ears of corn, damper, desire, shotgun, whitewash. Answers: donkey, deer, husky, elk, elephant, doe, wolf, squirrel.

The result of the game is summed up by the last alien Le: Here you are, well done! Just like our children, lulaulinyata! In a box to the winners for this reward!

Presenter: I wonder what is in the box?

Gets prizes. It can be sweets or stickers, erasers or cool medals. You can only award winners or all - it depends on the number of children in the group and the capabilities of the teacher.

Effective ways to automate sound pronunciation

Parents usually assign prizes for children. They collect money and buy inexpensive things that can make kids happy.

Task six: retelling the text in a chain

The presenter poses a rather difficult task for the children. The children need to retell the tale, observing an important condition: the last word of the previous sentence should be the first in the next. It is quite difficult, but very interesting and exciting. In addition, during the execution of the task, automation of [l] and [l] in the sentences takes place.

To simplify the task, you can clarify: at the end of the sentence there can be either the word "fox" or "wolf".

The text of the tale: “The fox was sitting on the path along which the wolf ran. The wolf saw the fox. The wolf asked Fox: “What do you eat, fox?” The little fox answers: “I eat a wolf!” They only saw the wolf: he was afraid that the fox would eat him. The fox was eating a chocolate wolf, not a real one! ”

First, the host tells the tale himself. You can accompany the text by showing pictures, which are then fixed on the board with magnets. Then the teacher asks the children to retell the tale, recalling the condition of the "chain." Each child should say only one sentence.

It is very important that classes on automating sounds that cause a child’s pronunciation difficulties not take place occasionally, but regularly. To implement this, a speech therapist and parents should work in one direction. Very effective homework on assignments that the teacher gives in class.

Learn to speak correctly during the game.

Therefore, the presence in the classroom of some of the adults from the family where the baby grows with speech therapy problems would be desirable. In this case, it is easier for parents to pick up new tasks at home or continue to play games with the child that the teacher will teach the children.


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