What is relaxation, how to distinguish from rest?

Everyone knows how to relax, and many think that they know how to do it well - some with a glass of "tea", some with a "TV", and someone traveling to nature. But just why, after such a relaxation, does someone have a headache, but someone doesn’t have a desire to go to work, and even work at it? And every time, many hundreds of “hard workers” confirm the saying that Monday is a difficult day, moreover, after a productive rest on the weekend. All this happens because each of us differently understands what relaxation is, often interpreting it as simply lying on a sofa with pacifying music.

what is relaxation

Many do not consider it necessary to relax in any other way than by changing the type of activity. Thoughts of the type: “I’ll go on vacation, then I’ll rest,” is no better than the simple idea “In the“ other world ”we will rest! Yes, "in the next world" we all will someday "rest"! And I would like to relax and work happily ever after, and give birth, raise a "bunch" of grandchildren, "plant a house", "build a tree" ...

It is in order to have time to do all this while maintaining your peace of mind, and relaxation is necessary. The meaning of the word is relaxation, it perfectly illustrates the fact that we must not forget not only about physical, but also psychological rest. Nevertheless, not knowing why, a person spends his precious time, invaluable health and a lot of effort to overcome himself, fight with something, someone and for something. And then the question arises: "And it was necessary?" And where does the relaxation? What is relaxation and what is all this for?

Conduct an experiment: tightly clench your fists and hold them for 2-3 minutes. Liked? And if you look like this for a day or two? Pleasant not enough! And the body and mind just like that are constantly straining, as a result of which after some time (who has it earlier, who has it later) there is a chronic (and most importantly, imperceptible) overstrain of muscles and ... everything else.

relax value

Many people, when answering the question of what relaxation is, mistakenly believe that this is just a simple rest. Relaxation is the maximum complete physical and psychological relaxation. At first, in order to learn its correct technique, it takes 1-2 months, 3-4 times a week to work! But then, having acquired the necessary skills, you can quickly relax when the situation does not require stress, and effectively strain when necessary!

relax meaning of the word

It seems that many intuitively understand that relaxation is useful. It is not only an experimental proof of this fact (during deep relaxation, normalization of blood pressure occurs, as a result of muscle relaxation, chronic tension is relieved, brain and internal organs nourishment improves, anxiety decreases, and self-confidence increases). And also that it is simply pleasant!

In our modern reality, relaxation is simply necessary. Its significance in everyday life is enormous. There are many techniques to relax properly. For example, autogenous training and meditation, which, despite the semi-mystical, secret view of many, conceals in itself significant benefits for the whole organism. Meditation, as one of the relaxation techniques, helps to look “inside oneself”, enhances self-control, cleanses the mind, and auto-training sets up positive. After mastering these techniques, the answer to the question of what is relaxation will no longer look obvious and one-sided, and the state of the whole organism and mood will significantly improve.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32361/

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