Girl's homemade grapes: planting and care

At home, entwined with beautiful plants, are at least admirable. This is a mystery, mystery, exclusivity and originality. In addition, the ornamental plant attracts many views and causes admiration. This is not about ivy, but about girl's grapes, although, frankly, they are sometimes confused. In addition to the leaves, nothing else reminds of the grapes themselves, since it does not bear fruit, only inedible berries. What is its use? Such decoration from nature will help to create a beautiful exterior, decorate and cover ugly areas of the cottage, create a cool shadow and green the fence, house, porch or hedge. Girl's grapes: planting and care - how to properly care for it?

grapes girlish planting and care
Pros and cons

Each plant has its pros and cons. Before you consider the topic: "Girl's Grapes: Planting and Care", you need to weigh the pros and cons. So what is the plus of this plant? Firstly, it is beautiful. In spring and summer, it pleases with its greenery, shadow, and in autumn and winter - with a bright red color. In addition, thanks to such vines, it is possible to strengthen the details of the cottage, to add a twist. Five-leafed girl’s grape has a positive effect on the state of the microclimate, as it plays the role of noise, gas, and dust insulation. The plant inhibits the development of microorganisms, and also helps to protect against moisture and heat. What is the minus? The fact is that if you do not take care of it and let it go to its own devices, the plant will grow so much that it will be almost catastrophic.

five-leaf maiden

So, you still decided to purchase such a miracle plant - girl's grapes. Landing and caring for him is not difficult, but he requires loving hosts. Lianas are not picky, so any type of soil is suitable, except for soils that are very dry, depleted or saline. Before planting a tall plant, dig a hole 51x51x51 cm in size. It is best to fill the hole with fertile soil and plant a plant. If you purchased the bulbs, then it will be optimal to plant in the spring somewhere at a distance of sixty centimeters between them.

grape growing care

In order for the grapes to set in and grow beautifully, it is best to establish supports. Suitable iron rods, which are decorated in combination, as well as fishing lines, threads, boards. In general, everything that comes to hand. The main thing is that grapes should have support. If the weather in summer is too sunny and there is no rain, water the plant. Do not worry about severe frosts in winter - grapes are resistant to such phenomena. Regularly feed. Twice a season, fifty grams of nitroammophoski or one hundred grams of Kemira Universal is applied per square meter. You can find many analogues of dressing - for this, contact specialized stores, where they will advise you and tell everyone. Remember that this is a finicky grape. Growing, caring for it takes time. Loosen the soil, remove dry or damaged branches and leaves. In order to reduce its volume - cut. Remember that the plant appreciates love and care. An ideal solution for decorating swings, arches, arbors - girl's grapes. Landing and care do not require much effort. Just take care of him, take care and love.


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