Details on how to mold foxy

Today we will talk about how to mold Foxi from plasticine. Nowadays, most children are overly passionate about computers and phones. For some reason, the wonderful types of leisure activities that their dads and mothers liked (for example, solving puzzles, active games, drawing or sculpting plasticine figures) are completely not interesting to them. But you can not be indifferent to the soft plastic mass of rainbow colors, thanks to which you can create any figure.

how to mold foxy

The main thing is to choose a truly fascinating goal for work. Actually, this is what we will do today.


Next, we will step by step write down the solution to the question of how to mold Foxy. We are talking about one of the main characters of the computer game "5 Nights with Freddy" - an unusual fox. To solve the question of how to mold Foxy, we need plasticine. It should be of certain colors: gray, orange, a small piece of white, black, yellow and beige. The result is a three-dimensional figure of our character. Orange is the main shade of our craft, because Foxy is a fox. Gray is obtained by combining white and black plasticine.

Instruction manual

We turn to the practical part of solving the question of how to mold Foxy. We roll orange plasticine into a neat, round cake. Turn our blank into Foxy's head. Glue the beige hump-nose. On the nose we add a dot of black color. Next, we cut small mustache dashes near the cheeks and denote the bangs. We stick to the head of the eye with a yellow pupil. This is necessary in order to see the mysterious appearance of animatronics. On the other eye, we will attach a bandage of black plasticine. Attach a pair of long orange ears.

how to mold foxy from plasticine

Foxy had a hefty protruding jaw with large teeth. We attach one more flat cake to the bottom of the chin and stick a white strip (teeth) on it. Roll up a body in the form of a bar from orange plasticine and stick three matches into it. Later we will fix the legs and head on them. We put neat cones on the lower matches. And we’ll prepare our head for joining the body. Let's move on to the next step. Combine the head with the body using the upper match.

Final stage

We continue to sculpt our legs by attaching orange plasticine to one and gray to the other. Glue hands to our craft. Let's make them different - one will be iron, and the other will be fashioned in the form of a terrible hook. The tail stroke attaches the tail. Our plasticine figure is ready. Now we may not agree with the fact that modern children can only play in the virtual world. Do not forget to show your work to friends, maybe they will want to do modeling. Now you know how to blind Foxy.


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