"Aryan Brotherhood": history, laws and interesting facts

The Aryan Brotherhood is one of the largest prison organized crime groups in the United States. It was founded in 1961 in the state of California and has the glory of the most brutal gang of white Nazis. According to the FBI, making up only 1% of the total number of prisoners, the group is guilty of more than 20% of crimes committed in the territory of American prisons.

The Aryan Brotherhood gang is friends with some criminal groups and is at war with others. For example, she collaborates with Italian and American mafia families. The Mexican group La Eme is also among the allies of the organized crime group, together with which the fraternity confronts the Black Guerilla Family gang.

History of creation

The home of the first members of the Aryan Brotherhood was San Quentin Prison. In the 60s, blacks ruled in American prisons , the number of which was many times higher than the number of white prisoners. The first who dared go against the established rules were four white motorcyclists. Sharp on the tongue, they were subjected to severe physical punishments for their rudeness and disobedience. Their example was inspired by John Tyler.

Aryan brotherhood in Russia

For six months, he founded a group of "intellectual neo-Nazis", which were accepted exclusively white. There were two selection criteria in the gang. It consisted of fighters and intellectuals. The former were well physically developed, engaged in sports and were invincible in fights. The second acted as ideological inspirers, studied methods of psychological influence, read Nazi literature and conducted active propaganda against African Americans, Latin Americans and Asians. Initially, members of the group acted only on the territory of San Quentin, but eventually penetrated other prisons. For many members of the Aryan Brotherhood, the family was the only real protection in harsh prison conditions.

The leaders of the "Aryan Brotherhood" were its most educated and cruel representatives

A well-read and comprehensively developed member of the fraternity, its creator, John Tyler was the main ideological inspirer. He created a code consisting of “60 evil points”, each of which had to be strictly observed.

Many famous criminals dreamed of getting into the gang, including serial killer Charles Manson. He was denied membership because he took the life of the director’s pregnant wife Polanski. This fact indicates the presence among the Aryans of their concepts of honor and morality.

In 2002, after the trial of one of the leaders of the group, Barry "Baron" Mills and Tyler "Hulk" Bingham, the public talked about the fall of the gang. Together with partners Edgar "Snail" Halv and Christopher Gibson, they committed more than 30 murders, but are still alive, and the fraternity continues to exist.

Laws of brotherhood

Over the first few years of its existence, the gang gained incredible authority and terrified the black and Latin American population of prisons. As soon as the "Aryan" appeared in the room, the conversations subsided, he gave way and did not dare to raise his head. The brutal laws of the "Aryan Brotherhood" are unshakable and must be obeyed without question. Initially, only white men were accepted into the gang, at the moment it is possible to join representatives of other races. To become a member of the group, you need to kill the "subhuman." You can get out of it only posthumously. The brotherhood had its own code of laws, paraphernalia and a set of mandatory tattoos.

gang aryan brotherhood

The OCG credo calls to honor the brothers, to be the first to come to the rescue and to put this duty above all: “If I let my brother down, my life will be lost.” The gang did not have a clear hierarchy. The groups in each prison acted autonomously, at the same time creating one cohesive mechanism. Some fought for their idea in prison, others - at large.

Brotherhood Attributes

Attributes, identifying affiliation with the "Aryan Brotherhood", is associated mainly with fascist symbols. In addition to the swastika and symbols of various fascist units, the number of the Beast and various abbreviations associated with the name of the gang are also popular. The brothers looked very stylish: their distinguishing features were an elongated mustache and an abundance of tattoos.

Aryan Brotherhood Tattoos

The bodies of members of the organization are densely covered with drawings. Applying special “Aryan Brotherhood” tattoos on the skin allows bandits to identify themselves and is a prerequisite.

tattoos of the aryan brotherhood

Most often, brothers fill in the abbreviation AB (Aryan Brotherhood) or the number "12" according to the serial numbers of the letters of the alphabet, three-leaf clover and the number "666". Bandits stuff the words White (white) and Aryan (Aryan). One of the favorite images is the swastika and other Nazi symbols.

The activities of the "Aryan Brotherhood"

The organization gained popularity after two incidents. While walking around the prison, gang members killed six Latin American drug dealers. They also killed a black authority with particular cruelty. The bandits crushed his head with a lawn mower. From that moment on, the “Aryans” became almost kings in their world. They were feared and respected, they could kill or rape anyone, they turned to them for support and dreamed of joining their ranks.

The original purpose of the group was to protect white people from other races. Driven by initially lofty goals inspired by their particular ideology, over time, in pursuit of profit, members of the fraternity began to trade in contract killings, racketeering, and arms and drug trafficking. But the main task remained the destruction of people with a different skin color. The most famous episodes from the activities of the "Aryan Brotherhood" amaze with their cynicism and cruelty.

leaders of the Aryan brotherhood

Brandon Lynburg moved four black teens in Alabama on his minivan . Alex Bridges shot in the store an African American who did not want to let him in the line. At trial, he would say that he regrets that "do not shoot every nigger, on its way ...." John Mac Laglen burned houses of other races one by one. In the 90s, bandits began to patronize the drug trade and prostitution. They became the owners of many units of firearms. Most of the members of the group loved grenades.

Code of honor

The set of unshakable rules of the brotherhood consisted of 60 points, which had to be unconditionally obeyed. For example, joining a group was carried out only through the murder of a black man, which will be indicated by the rest of the gang. Nothing could be taken from the hands of blacks. They were brutally killed for their insolence or insults against White. It was necessary to serve the common cause and help the brothers in prison and in the wild. The interests of the brotherhood were placed above all else.

Brotherhood today

Initially, the "Aryans" were a kind of prison elite and allowed only the best of the best into their ranks. Now the situation has changed a bit. Psychologists at the US Federal Bureau of Investigation claim that at the moment they are united only by the general idea of ​​interracial hatred. Many of them are uneducated and cannot even read. Whereas before the members of the fraternity stood behind each other, now they are killing their own in the pursuit of power and authority.

aryan brotherhood tattoo
Today, the group consists of approximately sixteen thousand people. They live in small states and suburbs of North, South and Central America, considering residents of large cities a bunch of garbage from different parts of the world. In some states, gang members are not even considered Nazis. They still hate people with a different skin color and even award rewards for killing.

Interesting Facts

  1. The brothers developed their own sign language, which only the old-timers of the gang could perfectly master.
  2. Being fans of westerns, the Aryans called their organization “Brand,” which means the stigma that was used in the Wild West to label cattle.
  3. One of the leaders of the gang, Tyler Bindham, was half Jewish, despite this, he had great authority in his circles.
  4. Because of Bindham's origin, it is believed that Jews were accepted into the group.

Neo-Nazism in Russia

The ideas of the "Aryan Brotherhood" in Russia were shared by neo-Nazis. Being an extreme form of nationalism, this trend manifests itself in anti-Semitism, xenophobia and sometimes even comes to anti-Christianity. Russian nationalism can manifest itself in both individual and collective forms. There are many ways to express your views: from kitchen nationalism to genuine propaganda.

member of the Aryan brotherhood

Neo-Nazism in Russia is developing under the influence of external socio-political and cultural characteristics of our country. The ideas of his adherents are manifested not only in episodes of violence against people of other nationalities, but also in numerous political actions and creativity. They not only kill Caucasians in the gates, but go to rallies, unite in political parties and create musical groups, which gives a much greater chance of promoting their ideas to the masses, unlike their American like-minded people from the "Aryan Brotherhood". It should be noted that many Russian nationalists lead a healthy lifestyle, seeing the bright future of their people not only in the purity of blood, but also in ensuring healthy offspring.

The authorities for the Russian neo-Nazis are Adolf Hitler and the Norwegian black metalist, writer, neopagan and neo-Nazi, the frontman of the Burzum group - Varg Vikernes, who expressed his ideas in the work “Speech Varga”. The symbolism of Russian neo-Nazis consists mainly of fascist attributes. These are the imperial flag, swastika, SS symbols, fascist salutation and Mine Kampf. Closely associating their ideas with neopaganism, Russian Nazis also use Kolovrats, solstices, runes and Celtic crosses as their cultural code. It should be noted that the nationalists of Russia primarily use active propaganda as their weapons and only resort to violence as a last resort.

aryan brotherhood

The rise of the Aryan Brotherhood in the United States is a prime example of how hatred breeds hatred. The emergence of nationalist movements in the modern world, where there is an endless struggle for territory, the right to vote and jobs, is a completely natural phenomenon. But it must be remembered that a person differs from an animal in the ability to think, communicate and negotiate. Patriotism should not be confused with crime and cruelty should answer cruelty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32367/

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