How to grow a good cucumber "Siberian garland F1". Gardeners reviews

Cucumber is perhaps the most versatile vegetable that is grown in any suburban area. The variety of varieties is amazing. You can choose cucumbers for specific climatic conditions. Also, all seeds are divided into early and late. Among such a rich assortment stands out the cucumber "Siberian garland F1". Reviews of gardeners prove that the variety is worthy of closer attention. Consider all the individual characteristics of the cucumber below.

Variety Characteristics

Seeds of cucumbers "Siberian garland F1" with pleasure are bought by experienced gardeners. This variety is a prominent representative among all hybrids. Cucumbers acquired such an amazing name due to their branched lashes, on which medium-sized cucumbers flaunt. They taste sweet. Fruits grow juicy, fragrant and crunchy. The hybrid is ideal for pickling, pickling and fresh consumption. Variety "Siberian garland F1" belongs to the group of early ripe cucumbers, which for all its qualities has another, no less important - self-pollination. Ideal for growing in greenhouses. Having tried ripe cucumbers once, it will be difficult to break away from them. They will become an indispensable variety in every garden plot. But in order to get a good crop of cucumbers, you need to properly plant the seed.

cucumber siberian garland f1 reviews

Cultivation technique

If you want to treat yourself to delicious and fresh vegetables earlier than anyone else, choose an early Siberian garland F1 for planting. Reviews show that the variety is quite unpretentious. It easily adapts to the climate of any territory of the Russian Federation. In open ground, you can plant seeds or seedlings. The latter should be grown from late March to mid-April. For this, the seeds of cucumbers are laid in containers filled with soil to a depth of not more than 2 cm. After that, they are kept at room temperature, which should reach 25 degrees. The first shoots will appear in a week. If you want to plant seeds immediately in open ground, then for a start it is worth preparing them for planting. This procedure consists in the germination of seed in warm water for 2-3 days. This increases the germination of cucumbers. Next, we lay the seeds in open ground to a depth of not more than 1.5 cm. It is worth covering the bed so that the seed does not freeze. After this, it remains only to wait for the long-awaited harvest. And until this time, you need to carry out appropriate care.

Cucumber care “Siberian garland F1”

As already mentioned, of all the early ripening varieties, it is the cucumber “Siberian garland F1” that is distinguished. The reviews are numerous and exclusively positive. Amateur gardeners choose him for his precocity. This variety allows you to feast on delicious and aromatic cucumbers since mid-June. To all your expectations come true, it is worth caring for the culture. This includes:

  • Watering. Cucumbers love moist soil, so they are watered with warm water every day.
  • Fertilizer. Cucumbers will then be delicious when you feed them once every two weeks.
  • Weeding. It is worth constantly cleaning the bed with cucumbers from weeds. They only interfere with the normal development of the plant.
  • Loosening the soil. So that the roots are constantly saturated with oxygen, after each watering, the earth is loosened.

cucumber seeds Siberian garland f1

In no case do not forget about the timely collection of cucumbers. Otherwise, their productivity will be reduced.

The cost of seeds and where to buy them

Having described the delights of the variety, we can safely say that everyone thought about planting such a vegetable as a cucumber “Siberian garland F1”. Reviews prove that this hybrid is in demand among many summer residents. You can buy seeds in each specialized store. The main thing - before purchasing, pay attention to the packaging. She must be whole. Do not forget about the expiration date. The number of seeds in the package can reach from 5 to 10 pieces. So, if you decide to plant a precocious variety in the garden, then feel free to choose cucumbers “Siberian garland F1”. The price for one package ranges from 20 to 50 rubles.

cucumbers siberian garland f1 price

Having examined the charms of this variety, everyone can decide for himself and make a choice, should he plant such cucumbers or not.


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