Butterfly Museum in St. Petersburg - what is this wonderful place?

The garden of living butterflies is a unique place where each visitor can forget about their problems and relax, enjoying the fluttering "living" flowers. To get to such a fabulous place, you do not need to go abroad. In St. Petersburg there is a corner of eternal summer, even if the street is snowing or drizzling with autumn rain.

What it is?

โ€œMindoโ€ - Garden of Living Butterflies - the first exhibition, which presents about 50 species of tropical butterflies from all over the world. This is not even an exposition, but a real botanical garden where the most exotic plants and flowers from the tropics grow. And among them hundreds, if not thousands of winged beauties flutter. There are no fences, so the inhabitants of the garden are free to contact with visitors and calmly withstand numerous photo shoots.

Butterfly Museum in St. Petersburg

Now Mindo is a huge complex, the construction of which took more than eight months. The best architects worked on the project of the future Butterfly Garden, at the same time expeditions to the tropical forests of America and Asia were equipped, numerous consultations were held with employees of foreign gardens in England, Switzerland, Indonesia, Holland and Costa Rica.

Butterfly Museum in St. Petersburg

The result of all these efforts is evident. The complex imitates a tropical forest. The air temperature here reaches 30 degrees with 80% humidity. There is a sea with water turtles living in it, a swamp with all its inhabitants and characteristic vegetation, a lagoon with beautiful water lilies, a shaman shack and even the Mayan pyramid. A special incubator has been created for the most curious, where they can be present when new winged inhabitants of the Garden are born. This moment will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.


Once in the butterfly museum in St. Petersburg for the first time, many freeze with delight. A huge number of multi-colored butterflies soars in the air. Some of them, straying in flocks, arrange airy little air. There are days when so many butterflies appear at the same time that they do not even have enough free space at the fruit feeder, where they regale themselves with juice and nectar. Then there is a real struggle for a place at the table. But the most interesting is that there are collected such types of butterflies that would never have been found in the wild. Nevertheless, in the Garden they easily sit โ€œwing to wingโ€ on their favorite plants.

butterfly museum spb reviews

Of particular interest is the world's largest butterfly, the Peacock-Eye Atlas. In the wild, it can be found in Borneo and in Southeast Asia. This is a night beauty, which is allocated only five days to please her with her appearance. Then she dies. And all due to the fact that she does not have a proboscis, and she does not eat.

Another resident of such a place is no less worthy of attention - Blue Morpho. She is considered to be the most beautiful butterfly in the world. Her wings with a metallic sheen, depending on the angle of incidence of the light, can shimmer in a variety of shades - from pale blue to dark green or blue. It is called the pearl of the Amazon forests. In local tribes, this butterfly is sacred. They believe that Morpho is the messenger of the gods and can convey to them the most secret desires of people. The wingspan of these butterflies is impressive. It can reach 14 cm. Morphide itself is considered to be a centenarian in comparison with other butterflies. She can live up to 1.5 months.

Rare species

It is pleasant to note that the Museum of Living Butterflies in St. Petersburg was on the list of recipients of unique and rare butterflies - Birdwing, Ornithopter Priam - from a nursery in Australia. He is the only one in the world where this endangered species is bred. In a year, the nursery can distribute no more than 100 cocoons in the butterfly gardens of the whole world. And for this you need to earn a reputation among such gardens and the trust of the nursery workers. And this is quite difficult.

butterfly museum in spb addresses

Reggae lovers in the Butterfly Garden on the street. Ropshinskaya is waiting for a surprise. Every Thursday will be dedicated to this musical direction. The compositions of performers from Jamaica, Costa Rica, Colombia and other countries will create a cozy atmosphere of the Caribbean islands - the birthplace of many tropical butterflies.


In addition to the exposition of butterflies, the complex has its own store. Here you can buy live butterflies for a gift or order them for a wedding. Handmade souvenirs are no less popular. It should be noted that in the manufacture of frames and panels with dried butterflies, only high-quality baguette is used. There are handicrafts in which craftsmen use real wings. The assortment is huge for every taste and budget. None of the visitors will leave the exhibition empty-handed.

Museum of Living Butterflies in St. Petersburg

The Butterfly Museum in St. Petersburg, the photo of which you see in our article, conducts charity tours for disabled children and orphans. To do this, it is enough for any child care institution to arrange by phone or contact by email. Such children are especially lacking in warmth and attention. Cognitive excursions into the warm world of a fairy tale will make them a little happier. Thousands of children have already been able to visit the Butterfly Museum in St. Petersburg and touch Nature itself.

butterfly museum in spb photo

The employees of the complex convincingly ask visitors not to touch the beautiful inmates and tropical flowers. Nevertheless, often the butterflies hold a completely different opinion and begin to โ€œpesterโ€ the guests themselves. They especially like bright clothes and perfumes with a delicate floral aroma. Therefore, those who wish to communicate more closely with Nature should dress brightly and spray themselves with light spirits. The main thing is not to go too far with the smell. In conditions of high humidity and temperature, the strong smell of perfumes can cause a headache, and then the whole tour will be hopelessly ruined.


Now you know that there is a Butterfly Museum in St. Petersburg, we will list its addresses for you now. The large garden is located on the street. Pravdy, d. 12, and the second is located on the street. Ropshinskaya, d. 17. Knowing these data, you can immediately go on a tour. Just remember that the Butterfly Museum in St. Petersburg is open from eleven in the morning until eight in the evening. The last session at 19:30. Those who have visited such a place as the Butterfly Museum in St. Petersburg leave only positive reviews about the tour. And this is not surprising, because wondrous creatures fascinate with their beauty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32376/

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