Institutional Pedagogical Council in DOW: Highlights

Each educational institution, including preschool, must comply with certain state requirements and comply with standards. The same applies to kindergartens.

Institutional Teachers Council at Dow

The main thing

What needs to be taken into account and prepared if an installation pedagogical council has been appointed in the DOW? Protocol. It will be there that everything that happened at the meeting will be recorded, all its members will be noted there, as well as decisions and conclusions. The protocol is written by the secretary of the meeting, which is most often permanent. The document is endorsed by several signatures: manager, secretary and other people (if necessary).

Where to begin

In addition to the word “Protocol”, it is necessary to put a date at the beginning of the document, determine the topic of the meeting, and list all those present by name. Surname and initials of the secretary must be indicated. The following is a brief agenda, the course of the meeting is revealed, and all decisions made are described. The document ends with a signature section.

installation pedagogical council in dow protocol

What to talk about: first

So, if an installation pedagogical council is appointed in the DOW, what should I talk about? First of all, employees are congratulated on the new school year, followed by a brief report on the work done over the summer period, educators should be familiar with this. Here you need to tell about everything: about repair work, cosmetic repairs, about how the summer recreation period in children went. The results of this issue are summarized.

What to talk about: plans and results

At its meeting, the installation pedagogical council at the preschool educational institution should also draw up and approve the institution’s work plan for the next academic year. During the discussion, objections or words of support in one direction or another are good, so it will be possible to identify strengths and weaknesses in the work of educators. There may also be a question about the results of the audit for the last academic year, if any. Again, the important points will be to clarify the flaws and recommendations for their elimination.

Teachers' Council at DFG

What to talk about: events

Be sure to take a teacher's council in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, according to state approved standards. This is necessary in order to be able to control and somehow generalize the forms of work with educators. Therefore, each advice should be held in accordance with a certain order, it is important to remember this. It is necessary to provide for all methodological events: teachers' councils, round tables, master classes, and seminars. We must not forget about continuing education courses, after a certain time every educator should take them.

Other issues

The setting-up teacher council in a preschool educational institution may consider issues that relate exclusively to this educational institution or any pressing issues. Here you can also solve problems of a trade union nature, even personal (if the team requires it).


The installation pedagogical council in the preschool educational institution without fail ends with a debriefing and certain conclusions. The item “Decided” must be present, where the work plans for the next academic year will be described. It is also important in this section to mention those responsible for this decision. At the end of the term (they are also set for the implementation of a specific task) they will be in demand.


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