Cat ear diseases: types of diseases, symptoms, causes and treatment

Cats are very popular pets around the world. Unpretentious, cute and funny, they give the owners a lot of positive emotions. Alas, they can get sick, and the more expeditious the treatment will be, the greater the chances of a full recovery. Ear diseases in cats are quite common. Therefore, each owner should at least a little understanding of this topic.

Danger of disease

By themselves, diseases are already an unpleasant phenomenon. They can cause serious discomfort to the animal, and sometimes sharp, almost unbearable pain.

cat ear disease treatment

But the consequences in some cases can become even more sad. For example, if you do not start treatment for a cat’s ear disease in a timely manner, the animal may well become deaf. This is a really serious blow. After all, hearing is for cats the most important feeling that allows you to most fully perceive the surrounding picture of the world. Therefore, deafness, especially acquired, and not congenital, will forever change the life of your pet, not allowing it to live as before.

Other consequences can occur, including facial paralysis and even brain damage, which almost always leads to death. It is not surprising - after all, cat ears are a very complex tool and are located in close proximity to the brain.

So it’s impossible to be too careful when it comes to ear diseases in cats. Photos of the symptoms of some of them are attached to the article.

Ear structure

To more fully present the picture, it will not be superfluous to learn about the structure of the cat's ear. This is a very complex and delicate tool that allowed weak animals to survive for many thousands of years.

The ear is divided by experts into three parts: internal, middle and external. In turn, each of the parts is further divided into several more.

Parts of the outer ear are the eardrum, the auricle and the ear canal. Their main function is to capture sound, transmitting vibrations to the middle ear.

In turn, the middle ear consists of two interconnected chambers. The auditory ossicles such as the anvil, hammer, and stapes are also located here. Their main function is to amplify sound waves and transmit to the inner ear.

Finally, it is the inner ear that perceives all sounds that are subsequently processed by the brain. By the way, the labyrinth is located here - the vestibular apparatus responsible for the balance of the cat. Therefore, some diseases affecting cat ears can lead to loss of coordination and balance. As a result, a dexterous, beautiful, graceful animal turns into a clumsy, barely standing on its feet parody of itself. So it’s very important to know the symptoms of ear disease in cats. Perhaps because of this, you can contact a veterinarian in a timely manner and save your pet from such a sad fate.

How to identify a disease

It is very important to consult a specialist in a timely manner so that he conducts a full examination of the pet and identifies any deviations in the health of the furry pet. And for this you need to know the main symptoms of ear diseases in cats. Treatment should be prompt to eliminate the disease quickly and easily.

Ear combing

In general, all the symptoms, regardless of the type and nature of the disease, are quite similar. Therefore, the main task of the owner of the cat is to notice them and visit the veterinarian. A detailed examination of the ear cavity followed by taking tests (if necessary) and making a diagnosis is the prerogative of a veterinarian with the appropriate education and experience.

So, what should alert the owner of the cat:

  1. The animal often shakes its head, as if trying to shake something out of its ear.
  2. The auricle is noticeably swollen.
  3. The cat so actively scratches the auricle, which scratched it to the blood.
  4. An unpleasant odor emanates from the auricle.
  5. When touching the ears, the animal responds inadequately - it growls, rushes, runs away, howls in pain.
  6. Incomprehensible discharge from the ears.
  7. Impaired coordination and movement of the cat.

As you can see, the list is quite long. If any of these symptoms are detected, it will not be out of place to consult a veterinarian. Of course, perhaps this will only be a harmless nuisance like a scratch or a mosquito bite. But it’s still better to be too vigilant and spend several hours of your time than to risk the health and even the life of the pet.

And now briefly talk about various diseases of the ears in cats. Photos will create a more holistic picture.

Foreign object in the ear

In general, the ingress of foreign objects into the ear cannot be called a disease. However, this happens quite often, so this case should definitely be included in the list.

Most often, parts of plants (leaves or seeds), sand or insect larvae fall into the ear. It can also be just a sulfur cork. The latter usually does not cause discomfort, but significantly impairs hearing. Therefore, the problem should be solved as quickly as possible.

First of all, it is necessary to remove a foreign object from the ear - this is quite obvious. Alas, it is not always possible to do this independently. For example, if it is a sharp seed of some weed grass that has sunk rather deep into the ear. It will be better if the vet takes care of the extraction. It may even be necessary to apply local anesthesia for this - cats are very reluctant to allow a person to delve into their ears.

After removing the item, the ear canal is washed with three percent hydrogen peroxide or a soda solution. To reduce the pain response (in cases where the inner surface of the ear has been damaged), camphor oil can even be used.


Another common problem. The cat may well damage the ear while walking or in conflict with other animals - domestic or homeless. The cause may also be an insect bite. Sometimes cats themselves damage their ears, for example, combing them too actively.

Sore ear

The symptoms are quite simple - there is a swelling, hot to the touch. When touched, the cat flinches, runs away, or aggression appears. In some cases, the hematoma resolves and does not cause problems. But sometimes an infection can lead to necrosis of the ear cartilage in an open wound (and the cat will probably continue to scratch the ear, causing additional damage). After this, the ear will sag and it will be impossible to restore it.

You need to act as decisively as possible. The owner should immediately fix the ear with a bandage and apply cold - in the first two days after receiving the wound. After that, you need to apply irritating ointments and heat.

If home treatment does not bring the desired results, you will have to visit a doctor. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, open the hematoma, carefully removing the clotted blood.


One of the most unpleasant diseases affecting the ears of cats is a neoplasm. Most often it is fibroma, sarcoma or papilloma. Gradually they grow, which leads to complete or partial deafness. In general, the symptoms of ear disease in cats are approximately the same as those described above. The animal does not feel well, combing the auricle (sometimes even to the blood). In some cases, he walks and sits with his head tilted to one side - towards the damaged ear. Poor coordination may also be observed.

Cartilage damage

Unfortunately, the owner himself can not do anything in this situation. You can get rid of the disease only in an operational way, which means that a specialist with the appropriate equipment and experience should act here.

Ear fungus

In general, an ear fungus is present in many cats - even perfectly healthy ones. But a healthy immune system easily suppresses it, so that the animal does not experience the slightest discomfort. Problems with fungal diseases of the ears in cats usually begin against the background of a weakened body. Most often, old animals are exposed to them, as well as recently survived serious pathologies. For example, high temperature, poisoning and others.

In this case, a brown-black coating appears on the affected areas. Serous exudate may flow from the ears. All this is accompanied by an unpleasant sour smell.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Treatment should be comprehensive. On the one hand, it is very important to suppress the reproduction of the fungus. On the other hand, to rid the animal of the root cause of the disease. At the same time, it is very important to increase the immunity of the animal - this will allow the body to effectively fight the fungus and reduce the risk of re-illness.

Auricle necrosis

A really terrible disease, which usually happens only in cases where milder forms (for example, a hematoma or other minor mechanical damage) were not cured in time.

If the infection gets into the wounds, inflammation begins, and then ulcers and necrosis of some parts of the ears - this is necrosis. Blood circulation worsens, cartilage tissue rot begins, and the ear is severely deformed. A characteristic smell of rotting flesh appears.

Unfortunately, treatment is only operable. Veterinarians will have to remove either the entire ear or individual areas of necrosis.

Ear mite

The appearance of an ear tick often leads to such an unpleasant disease as otodectosis or ear scabies. Parasites multiply in the ears, and the results of their vital activity can cause the disease itself. Feces and saliva irritate the ear canal. Because of this, an allergic reaction develops and, as a result, severe itching.

Doctor examination

The most noticeable symptom of the disease is the behavior of the animal. It actively scratches the ear, often damaging it with its claws. A closer examination reveals a large amount of earwax of a dark brown color. If you examine the auricle under a microscope, you will notice both the mites themselves and their eggs.

Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, choosing the most suitable drugs for a particular case. It can be diazinon, fipronil, deltamethrin, amitraz and others. Treat affected areas for at least 20 days.


Another fairly common phenomenon, causing a lot of trouble to the owners of animals. The treatment of ear diseases in cats (the photo cannot convey the full picture) should be prompt and serious.

The reasons can be very different: damage to the auricle, the accumulation of a large amount of sulfur, the ingress of foreign objects into the ear.

All this leads to the development of infection. The auricle turns red, swells. The cat scratches his ear, shakes his head severely. In advanced cases, pus is released from it, which is accompanied by a pronounced unpleasant odor. If treatment is not started even after this, the infection can affect the brain, which will lead to the death of the cat.

signs of otitis media

During treatment, it is very important to clean the auricle with a swab moistened with a solution of boric acid or hydrogen peroxide. After that, the ear is dried with a gauze swab. Only after this drops prescribed by the veterinarian are instilled.


Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate all the causes of ear diseases in cats. But to reduce their number, reducing the risk of disease, it is quite possible.

First of all, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the ears, regularly remove sulfur. In addition, it is very important to provide animals with good nutrition and protection against stress. This is the key to strong immunity.

Any damage to the ears must be treated with hydrogen peroxide, reducing the risk of infection.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Careful care will significantly reduce the risk of damaging your pet with dangerous diseases that can lead to deafness and even death.


On this our article comes to an end. Now you know more about various ear diseases in cats. Symptoms and treatment, also described in the article, will help to cope with the most unpleasant situations. This means that the risk of serious complications is significantly reduced.


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