Sources of law

Sources of law are certain forms of external expression of its content, officially fixed. It should always be remembered that along with the external form, there is also the internal structure of the industry in question.

In Russia, there is a document that collects all the provisions that in a general sense characterize all industry areas. This document is the Constitution of the country.

For each industry direction, its own regulations and regulations have been developed. For example, the sources of municipal law include, in addition to the Constitution, federal legislation, the charters of state entities, municipal regulations, as well as international legal provisions.

It should be noted that territorial self-government is enshrined in the Constitution of the country as one of the foundations of the constitutional system. In the Basic Law, chapter 8 is devoted to the regulatory regulation of territorial self-government. It should be noted that constitutional norms are not exhausted by this chapter. Thus, article 3 enshrines the right of the people to express their will both directly and through local authorities, and article 8 recognizes and protects the territorial form of ownership. Article 9 determines that the resources of nature may be owned by territorial authorities and so on.

Federal laws, as sources of law, reflect the general territorial, legal, economic, organizational principles on the basis of which local government is built. At the same time, these principles also determine state guarantees for the implementation of local authority.

Federal legislation establishes the regulatory framework of territorial self-government. This basis is made up of the following sources of law: the Constitution, constitutional laws of the federal level, legislative acts and those or other normative by-laws adopted in accordance with them , as well as charters, decisions adopted at local referenda or civil gatherings and other acts.

It is established that Russia is a federal state and consists of entities. The sources of law of the subjects are their constitutions (charters). They are involved in regulating local power.

In addition, normative acts issued at the territorial level also act as sources of municipal law. These documents, together with regional and federal acts, are of great importance in the matter of the activities of territorial formations and local authorities. The structure of municipal regulations includes the charter, regulations adopted at a gathering of citizens (local referendum), norms, orders and resolutions of the representative body, local head, other officials and bodies defined in the charter.

The sources of municipal law are international legal norms. They are an integral part of the legal system of the state. If an international agreement establishes norms that are different from the legislation of the country, then international norms are used.

As mentioned above, the Constitution is the main source of law in Russia. It enshrines all general legal provisions. Customs regulations are no exception. This industry is regulated both by constitutional provisions and other acts and norms. In particular, the sources of customs law are laws adopted within the framework of the relevant (customs) sphere, and other acts containing relevant regulatory standards. Decrees (of both the Government and the President), as well as other orders, instructions, provisions and requirements, fall into the same category.


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