What should the owner do if the cat has diarrhea?

Many “cat owners” panic if their pet - the cat - has diarrhea. What should be done in this case? The main thing that all pet owners should understand is that any diarrhea is primarily only a symptom of the disease. The reasons for its occurrence in a pet are many.

Therefore, you first need to find out what caused the intestinal upset in the animal, and eliminate the main root cause. Often, diarrhea is the body’s reaction to the animal’s malnutrition. For example, you can’t feed your pussy only with meat and milk, it is strictly forbidden to season food with spices, vinegar or salt. And it is absolutely unacceptable to give food prepared from spoiled foods.

In general, our “smaller brothers” are not in vain wearing such a title. They are really very similar to young children. Therefore, all the reasons that can relax the intestines in human babies may well provoke both diarrhea in kittens and indigestion in already quite adults. Based on this, it can be assumed that the pet’s disease can occur due to moving from excitement or fright, from motion sickness, after a visit to the doctor or with the appearance of new animals. And, of course, such a reaction is likely after major family quarrels or after severe punishment of the animal. Well, just like the little kids! Pets are extremely sensitive to the atmosphere that surrounds them.

Just like little men, cats react to new unfamiliar foods. Therefore, so that the cat does not have diarrhea and does not cause you any trouble, you should introduce new baits very carefully, quite a bit, once a day, strictly monitoring how they are absorbed. Indeed, often some products in a living creature can cause an allergic reaction in the form of vomiting or diarrhea, fever or constipation. By the way, the same reaction can give a change of city water to the well or vice versa.

It should be noted the most common reason, because of which there is diarrhea in the cat - this is overfeeding. Typically, in such cases, diarrhea is characterized by a single loose stool, quite profuse. It is very easy to treat such a “disease”: the amount of food is simply reduced. An adult cat can be brought out of this state by fasting for a day, a small kitten needs to be deprived of food for 8 to 12 hours, depending on age. But the water from the representatives of the cat family should always be plenty - clean, fresh, if possible boiled, but not carbonated!

It is much more difficult to cure the animal on its own if the cat has diarrhea due to some kind of infectious disease or poisoning. In these cases, you just need to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible! Perhaps the bill is already running for minutes, urgently need to do a gastric lavage, give the animal an antidote, or even do the operation. So, if the owners have suspicions that the cat ate some poison, you need to urgently show the animal to the doctor.

Small kittens, especially those not vaccinated, often get plague, which is also accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, refusal to eat. Timely measures taken can help save the kitten's life.

Long-term diarrhea (more than a day) can also be fatally dangerous; it can cause dehydration of the body. Diarrhea with bloody spots should also be treated by a knowledgeable experienced doctor. The color of the stool plays an important role: brown indicates that either the cat took food that caused an allergy, or ate a spoiled product, or reacted to some medicine, for example, anthelmintic; the white one suggests that the animal is suffering from a dangerous viral disease with panleukopenia, so contacting the clinic is urgently necessary !!!

But in cases where there is no virus or serious chemical poisoning, it is quite possible to cope with the problem yourself. So, because of the move, for example, the cat developed diarrhea, what should I do?

If there is no temperature above 38.8 degrees, there is no weakness and pain, you should do a short hunger strike for your pussy (plenty of water) and give activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of live weight) and 5 ml decoction of chamomile and hypericum 2 times a day. Grind the coal and stir it with water, put the mixture into a syringe without a needle and pour the cat into the mouth by the cheek, holding it by the chin. In the same way it is necessary to water the animal with healing broths - they will strengthen its intestines. In the most extreme case, you can give the cat a baby medicine for diarrhea by calculating the dose by the number of kilograms.

You should also switch to normal nutrition gradually, first you can use baby purees with poultry meat, which do not have carbohydrates and especially starch. You need to feed in reduced proportions, approximately, twice. Then it is quite possible to give the sick animal a boiled yolk and boiled chicken white meat. It is very useful at this time for cats boiled rice. A similar diet should be followed for 3-4 days, and then a smooth transition to the usual food is quite possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32391/

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