Agrofibre - what is it? Agrofibre Application

The use of a new polymeric material called "agrofibre" helps in obtaining high yields at minimal cost. What is this, many gardeners already know, because Recently, it is gaining more and more popularity. This material is able to create optimal conditions for effective growth and increase plant yields.

What is agrofiber

This lightweight and durable material, also known as spanbond, is made of stabilized polypropylene having a very fine structure. It is non-toxic, unable to accumulate and release harmful substances into the environment, and is resistant to ultraviolet rays. It resembles an ordinary fabric cloth.

agrofibre what is it
Carbon black, which is part of the agrofibre, absorbs a sufficient amount of heat, which contributes to the rapid heating of the soil. In various versions - as a covering material or mulching film - you can use agrofibre. Application is carried out depending on its type.

Varieties and characteristics

The main feature of a spunbond is its density. The weight of the material directly depends on it. The denser the shelter, the harder it is and better able to protect plants from more severe frosts.

White agrofibre, designed for sheltering greenhouses and plants, transmits sunlight, air and moisture well, retains heat, protecting plantings from cold and ultraviolet rays.

It serves mainly as a mulching material, helping to cope with the propagation of weeds, black agrofibre. What it is? A material of a homogeneous structure that is used directly to shelter the soil. It does not let in sunlight, therefore nothing grows under it, and at the same time free access of air and water is provided. Thus, agrofibre kills weeds and improves the climate in the soil. It is quite durable and capable of serving at least 4-5 years.


From the main characteristics of agrofibre, its significant advantages over other ground cover materials are formed. The ability of a spunbond to pass moisture and air provides a good development of crops. Such a "breathing" material prevents plants from overheating in hot weather and protects against low temperatures, retaining heat much better than a greenhouse film. Some brands of spunbond can be used even as a winter shelter. In the fight for the preservation of the crop from birds and pests, this material will also provide invaluable assistance.

agrofiber Price

Growing most crops under agrofibre can significantly reduce labor costs due to the fact that there is no need to harvest weeds, loosen the soil. In addition, the absence of fungal diseases affecting plants eliminates the additional treatment with fungicides. Harvest using this material appears two weeks earlier. The porous structure of agrofibre allows you to water plants and fertilize without removing the coating. A rather significant factor is the economic benefit, which in comparison with other materials provides agrofibre. The price depends on the density of the material and varies between 4-50 rubles per linear meter.

Black spanbond

This is a mulching agrofibre, the main purpose of which is weed control. It is especially convenient to use it when growing strawberries and strawberries. The material is spread on the surface of the prepared soil, after which small cruciform holes are cut out in it, into which seedlings are planted. This agrofibre can cover the gaps between rows or near-trunk sections of bushes and trees.

black agrofibre

Due to the fact that the soil underneath is well warmed up, the development of the root system is much faster, and in winter it is well preserved under such shelter. Evaporation of moisture is much less, and therefore, there is no need for frequent watering. In addition, this material protects the soil from compaction and mold. The lack of contact with the ground of berries and fruits keeps them clean and reduces the possibility of decay. Black agrofiber is an environmentally friendly material, harmless to humans and plants. In areas with perennial crops, it can be found all year round.

White Agrofibre

What it is is well known to modern gardeners who grow crops such as figs, grapes, and pomegranates in central Russia. Spanbond represents the best protection of plants from frost, cold dew, hail, sunburn and pests. Lightweight canvas with a homogeneous structure has a different density and is used to obtain a full crop of vegetables, fruits and berries. The most dense agrofibre is used to shelter perennial plants in the winter as a protection against frost and wind. Use it to tighten spring greenhouses to get the effect of a thermos.

agrofibre white

Agrofibre white, as a rule, does not require the creation of a structure in the form of arcs or greenhouses. To create the optimal microclimate for plants, it is enough to cover them from above, fixing the canvas at the edges. Especially effective is the use of this material when growing strawberries. Plants get enough air and moisture, and the berries ripen clean and beautiful. The death of shoots, which often occurs as a result of the greenhouse effect, is also significantly reduced. For trees, shrubs and any vegetable and fruit plants, a universal shelter is white agrofibre. Its price is slightly higher than the cost of the film, but still use this material is much more profitable, because he can serve for many years. And if we take into account obtaining higher and earlier yields, saving time on planting maintenance, the advantages of agrofibre are undoubted.

How to choose an option for growing strawberries

The covering material differs not only in color, but also in density and purpose. The selection of a suitable option is based on the tasks that need to be solved with its help. For mulching the soil when growing strawberries, it is better to use black agrofiber with a density of 60 g / m 2 . The width is selected taking into account the size of the beds.

If it is necessary to protect the plant from adverse weather conditions without creating additional structures, it is recommended that white agrofibre, whose density is 17 g / m 2 . It can be used by simply covering the plants from above. On temporary structures and on open ground, as well as in greenhouses, a covering sheet with a density of 30 g / m 2 has very well proven.

agrofibre for strawberries

Strawberry agrofibre is used to increase productivity, accelerate ripening of berries, and also to preserve bushes in inclement weather. As the density of the material increases, the degree of plant protection increases. Therefore, when choosing agrofibre, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the region.

Soil preparation and planting seedlings

Before planting strawberries, the soil must be properly fertilized with humus and ash. Then carefully loosen it to a depth of 30 cm and form ridges that need to be covered with agrofibre, fixing it with stones or other improvised material. At a distance of about 25 cm, cuts are made on the coating, under which small holes are formed for planting strawberries.

In spring, it is recommended to plant strawberries in small bushes. And in autumn it is better to do this with seedlings. Planting seedlings can be made directly in cups, then the plants take root much better. Wells in this case are prepared deeper. When landing, it is not recommended to move along the agrofibre so as not to shorten its service life. Special tracks should be made. For this, ordinary boards or paving slabs are suitable.

Plant care

Strawberries under agrofibre do not require any special care compared to crops in open ground. When the growing season begins, it is necessary to fertilize with complex fertilizers. Then it is carried out again in August for laying the future harvest.

agrofiber application

Watering is best done using drip irrigation. This is the most economical and efficient way to minimize the cost of electricity and water, as well as reduce the amount of fertilizer applied. Even during hot weather up to seven days, agrofibre is able to retain moisture. For strawberries, excessive moisture is undesirable, which contributes to the appearance of rot and mold. Therefore, watering is much less common than under normal conditions.


Compliance with the rules of storage of agrofibre and careful attitude to the product allows you to use it for 3-4 seasons. After removing material from plants, it must be shaken properly, then thoroughly dried and folded. Store agrofibre is recommended in a dry and dark place. Otherwise, the material may completely lose its effectiveness. Moisture that has fallen along with the ground during storage can cause rotting, making agrofibre unusable. The use of such material in the future can lead to disease and even death of plants. You need to remember this.

agrofibre cultivation

Many amateur gardeners and large farmers have already appreciated the benefits of such a coating as agrofiber. What is it and how to use it correctly to get the maximum effect, many already know from their own practice. This material has become an indispensable assistant in the fight against frost, the scorching sun and other negative environmental conditions.


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