Quotes about heart and soul

Take a decisive step in life, listen to the voice of the heart. Only it is never mistaken. Quotes about the heart of great philosophers and writers remind us of this over and over again. Immerse yourself in a waterfall of inspiration and positive emanating from the depth and meaning of each word.

Quotes about the heart in the pages of literature and philosophy

Quotes about heart and soul

The question of listening to the voice of the mind or heart has always worried a person. Endless disputes between us and within us arise from time to time, when you have to make important decisions, taking the next step in life. The voice of reason, it would seem, always guides the true path and prophesies a happy ending. However, there is wisdom over which years and centuries have no power - the wisdom of the heart. The wisdom of great people, quotes about the heart that adorn the pages of literature and philosophy, have always been admirable:

Before a great mind, I bow my head, before a great heart - I kneel.

The bright words of V. Hugo provide an opportunity to understand and determine the main thing when you are faced with a serious choice. When each of us chooses what he wants to achieve, no matter what. Quotes about the heart of Erich Maria Remarque - a small philosophy of our life:

Do not take anything to heart.

The expression that seemed to sound from every mouth has been relevant for centuries:

A little long is important.

And this is proved by the life experience of everyone:

The human heart can endure and survive a lot. It seems to be broken, but the soul is actually suffering.

Heart and soul - a reflection of the inner essence of man

Heart and soul - a reflection of man

The inner world of man is very quivering and vulnerable. It reflects its inner essence. Quotes about the soul and heart are direct evidence of this. How can one resurrect a soul? Yes, at least a look! Sometimes a few necessary words can cure all doubts and anxieties. The heart is the source of life and the light of human existence. This is a magic reservoir, giving us not only the ability to breathe, but also the ability to have fun, enjoy, be sad. A vivid confirmation of this is the quotes about the heart of a person from Living Ethics, which says that the symbol of the overwhelming is the human heart and this symbol grows all life.

Raise the heart to heaven

- the ability of a person to love. No one will ever give an exact definition of this feeling. For everyone, love is his world, inner state, soul harmony, inherent only to him. Each loving person will be able to tell about love in his own way. Quotes about the heart and love of the great ones who managed to sing a bright feeling in their work sensually talk about this.

To win a person’s heart, the shortest path is the path of love.

So said G. Fethullah. True truthful words. What else can I add? Only that this path can be not only the shortest, but also the longest.

The heart remembers minutes of love

The heart remembers minutes of love

The height of feelings in direct proportion to the depth of thoughts is the state of mind of a person in love.

The thought of W. Hugo about this deeply reveals the essence of human feeling. It is no secret that the heart brightens the human soul. Having opened the window of the soul, a man imagines himself radiant, lives with a dream and loves. Throughout life, a person learns and reflects. An extraordinary sense of joy envelops his heart from the knowledge of great and bright love. Feelings that can raise, exalt even lost hope in everything. An indelible impression is left in the soul of unforgettable moments of love. The heart always remembers such moments. Regardless of distance, time and space. Everything that has given us happiness forever leaves its mark in the heart.

The heart is the source of light

Heart light source

Memory mercilessly erases yesterday’s events in our lives, and a person’s heart with time more and more clearly remembers moments of happiness. I want to survive them again. All the artists of the world who wrote in pen about love, exalted the beauty of the thoughts of a man who has light in his heart. This light gives rise to joy, a dream, inspires with the light of fire. This light is the light of knowledge. Quotes about the heart from the statements of V. Nikitin personify the heart as a messenger that has rallied people for good deeds. In “Transfiguration of the Earth,” fire is recognized in deeds when a light source is in the heart:

... when we go with the Lord. And each of us is a milky traveler. But only the one who is brave and hardy will hear the treasured call - the call of the heart.

Art in a Nutshell

The source of light and good is inexhaustible in the works of artists and philosophers, masters of their craft. Magnetic expressions about the heart as a source of knowledge and firmness of mind impress with their strength. Reading such expressions, we clearly represent the whole depth of the artist’s thoughts. There is no person in the world who did not reflect on the topic:

The thought laid on the heart materializes.

On the verge of art there is always a catch phrase:

Courage for the feat awakens in the heart.

A catch phrase that has circled the whole world and heard at least once, not only remains in our minds forever, but also encourages eternal victory, is an incentive to continue the path, make the right choice and boldly dispose of it. Particularly realistic are short quotes about the heart - subtle art in a few words. Their peculiarity is effortless thinking and clarity.

The heart is the beauty of thoughts.

Global theme. disclosed in a nutshell. It would seem that there is nothing more to say, and so much has been said. The beauty of thought ... They talk a lot about it ... Heart is the beauty of thoughts. Heart thought is the subtlest energy. These short lines that are superior to one another are hard to overestimate. Proceeding from this, one should always remember the greatness, strength and perfection of the human heart, its true beauty.

The heart is a life guide

Girl, lantern, trail

It is necessary to be kinder to yourself and others, to carry within you the true light that personifies our inner world. It must be remembered that everything that is high and sacred in this life must be in our hearts. The heart is our life light and guide. The main thing is not to lose this light while stepping along life's steep roads, and in any situation to remain human.

Our heart will always tell you the right path. Mistakes are expensive for people. Sometimes, doing this or that act, we feel heaviness and anxiety. As if in advance we know that the result will be disappointing. After a moment, we still do it our own way. And only then, after a while, realizing the mistake, we scold ourselves for not listening to our hearts.

And sometimes the soul is light and joyful! And at first glance the big problem seems insignificant to us. Then feel free to take a step forward. Behind him is the second. And you go through the veil of uncertainty firmly and boldly. This is the call of the heart. And our right decision.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32397/

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