Guinea pig breeds: photos and names

Guinea pig is a surprisingly cute and funny animal, enjoying the constant love of children and adults. This article describes some of the most popular guinea pig breeds with photos. And although they are so called, they have nothing to do with ordinary pigs. Zoologists believe that the ancestors of these rodents got their name due to the fact that when they are satisfied, they make sounds resembling grunts. And when the animal is afraid, it beeps. Why are these pigs called marine if they do not live in the sea and do not know how to swim? It is believed that “marine” is the transformed word “overseas”, since the homeland of these rodents is South America, and the famous navigator Christopher Columbus brought them to Europe in 1580.

What are animals called in other countries?

Guinea pig is called this fluffy rodent in Russia and several other countries. In Spain, Italy, France and Portugal she was given the name Indian. In England - Indian small, troubled mumps, as well as Guinean. In Belgium, the name of the animal is mountainous.

Guinea pig breeds

Animal features

All breeds of guinea pigs are decorative pets. Their weight reaches 1.5 kilograms, body length - up to 30 centimeters. Life expectancy is approximately 5-6 years. A long time ago, the Incas living in South America domesticated these rodents based on gastronomic considerations. After the guinea pigs appeared in Europe, they became exclusively decorative pets.

It is amazing that these wonderful animals respond to their name and have sufficient intelligence to be able to learn some simple commands. At the same time, guinea pigs make a wide variety of sounds: twitter, screech, purr and rumble.


Now there are many breeds of these animals. One of the largest breeds of guinea pigs, whose name is kui, can weigh 4 kilograms and reach about half a meter in length. They are kept in South America as a source of skins and meat. Among kui there are no dwarf varieties.

American guinea pig

This is one of the most famous breeds of guinea pigs, which is the most widespread and unpretentious. It is also sometimes called English. These guinea pigs have short straight hair, the color of which has a variety of colors and glossy sheen. Eye color is also quite diverse and often the same tone with wool. Wool is very pleasant to the touch: smooth and silky.

Guinea pig breeds with photos

The American breed of guinea pigs is even lilac and red. She has a wide and twisted nose. This breed of guinea pigs has an average body size, compared with guinea pigs of other breeds. This is a moving, playful and sociable animal, so these animals must be put in a cage in pairs, which will make their age happier and longer.

It is important for the owners to remember: if you let the pigs out of the cage, you must watch them closely, because falling from even a small height is deadly for them.

Peruvian guinea pig

When looking at guinea pig breeds with photographs and names, you understand that representatives of the Peruvian marine breed are distinguished by their very long (30-50 cm) and thick hair, parted at the back, which makes it look like a female wig. The bangs of these guinea pigs completely cover the muzzle. Short hair on their legs and stomach.

Guinea pig breed name

Abyssinian variety

The Abyssinian breed of guinea pigs is also called rosette. Its appearance falls on the 60s of the last century. This pig was bred by mutation, therefore, it has wool rosettes throughout the body, which gives it an original look. Each outlet has a center from which the hairs grow in different directions. There should be twelve outlets in total, they should be located on the trunk and nose. The ears of these animals are not sticking out, but drooping. Their hair is somewhat harsh, and short (about 4-5 cm) hairs are only straight and should not be curly. The Abyssinian guinea pig is distinguished by a thick mustache and large clear eyes. In some countries in South America, the meat of these animals, like rabbit meat, is still consumed. It is considered dietary and is served in restaurants.

Abyssinian satin guinea pig

The Abyssinian satin breed differs from the usual Abyssinian in that it has a soft satin hair. Such wool has a hollow structure, so it is very shiny and iridescent. Therefore, this breed is unusually decorative. Satin wool is plain, usually matching the color of the eyes. Typically, satin pigs come in the following colors: black, lilac, chocolate, beige, gold, red, saffron, buffalo, white and cream. The satin effect looks great on the crests and rosettes of the Abyssinian breed.

American satin guinea pig

Many breeds of these animals have individuals that exhibit a satin effect. The sateen gene appears in the American pig. Attractive shine and silkiness of monophonic wool - the visiting card of sateen individuals.

Sheltie (snares)

Sheltie guinea pig is another long-haired pig breed. Shelters were called Angora for some time. They are very similar to Peruvian pigs, but they do not have sockets.

Guinea pigs breed with photo

Fine silky hair grows from head to tail and falls on the sides. Long hairs grow on the cheeks and between the ears, creating the effect of mane. Seen from above, their body shape is like a drop. The coat color of these guinea pigs may differ from the color of the eyes.


Texel guinea pigs are wonderful animals characterized by a beautiful long curly coat. This breed was bred in 1998 in the UK.

Texel is a very attractive breed, but such a pet requires frequent and thorough care of a fur coat. If the hair is not combed daily, tangles will form on it.

These guinea pigs are calm. They are very friendly, which makes this breed even more popular among lovers of these pets.

Texel is a curly analog of sheltie, and they are combed in the same way as sheltie. The difference between the Texel breed is that its strands are wavy.


How many breeds of guinea pigs are known and loved around the world! In 1978, in Canada, thanks to a surprisingly successful mutation, a wonderful breed appeared that looked like a Teddy bear. The teddy pigs have a thick and short (up to 2 cm) fur, which funny laughs, making the rodent look like a stuffed toy. This similarity complements the compact size of a rather powerful body. Their large ears hang, they have a Roman nose with a hump.

Guinea pig breeds with photos and names

White guinea pig

This breed appeared in America more than fifty years ago by accident: among babies born to a smooth-haired Dutch breed, individuals with white rosettes on their heads were found. The breeders set to work.

These animals are also called white or American baptists, and also - American crested. On their foreheads is a white crest-rosette. But the color of their body is not white at all, but, on the contrary, completely excludes white color in color. The color of the crosses is both monophonic and, for example, brindle. English crosses have a crest of the same color as the main color.


This breed - the result of a long selection - appeared about 20 years ago. These guinea pigs got their name from the rosette (crown) on their heads. They have long hair, even parting on the back and hairs, thick at the base and thinning towards the end. Wool can either lie on its sides, or cut or curl into papillots.

Guinea pigs of different breeds

It is impossible to make ponytails to coronets, because the wool is cut off from this. The colors of these funny animals are very diverse. The hair of coronets requires regular care and proper nutrition for the animal.


Alpaca guinea pigs have long, slightly curly hair. This American breed was bred by crossing Rex and the Peruvian breed. These pigs have two sockets at the back. From them towards the head grows wool. After some time, these animals grow bangs on their heads, and thick whiskers on their cheeks. These pigs are distinguished by soft and silky long hair (from 12 to 30 cm) and a wide variety of colors. The most valued individuals are lemon, buffalo, roan and cream. Alpaca guinea pigs have a short and elastic body, broad shoulders, a somewhat broad and rounded muzzle, large hanging ears. The eyes of animals of this breed are set wide, large enough and shiny.

Before you start guinea pigs, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of caring for them, how and what to feed them. Guinea pigs are incredibly popular among pet lovers, as they have a very friendly character, they are quick-witted and unpretentious in their care. These animals can be a great choice for families with young children. Wonderful animals will be a never-ending source of positive energy and good mood for the whole family, it is always fun with them. However, if your family has decided to have guinea pigs, you should not start acquaintance with these animals from long-haired breeds that require special care and certain experience.

American guinea pig breed

Naked representatives

Guinea pigs of different breeds have very beautiful coat. But there are also naked - hairless - breeds of these animals: skinny and baldwin. Oddly enough, these guinea pigs are very popular. They are well suited to people with allergies.

The skinny has some hair on the legs and head. And the baldwin is completely covered with hair at birth, but already on the fifth day of life completely bald. Skinny in 1978 was removed artificially by Canadian scientists. The Balduins were also artificially bred just over ten years ago.

Skinny has smooth skin with folds on the neck and around the legs. They have no tail; the muzzle is enlarged and blunt. Their bodies are a bit overweight, which sets them apart from other breeds. Skinny is surprisingly similar to little hippos.

Owners of guinea pigs need to remember that due to the lack of hair, bare breeds are incredibly sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Their body temperature is higher than that of other breeds - 38 ° C. To maintain this temperature, they need more water and feed than other pigs. They need to be kept in a warm room and protect the delicate skin of animals of such breeds from the sun.

Those who are going to have these cute animals at home need to get acquainted with photos of guinea pig breeds and information on the features of their content.


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