Passage "Skyrim". Parturnax

Dragons are dangerous and hostile creatures with whom you will have to engage in battle in the Skyrim game more than once. Parturnax is an exception to the rule. This dragon is friendly and helps the protagonist in his difficult struggle with Alduin. Therefore, the quest to kill Parturnax causes most players to have an internal rejection. It is so difficult to destroy the one you consider your friend and ally. In this small guide, we will share the secrets of completing this mission and talk about how to keep the dragon alive without any unpleasant consequences.

skyrim parturnaks

Quest description

Meet this character you will happen when passing the main storyline of the game "Skyrim". Parturnax is the mentor of the Greybeards, and for some time the protagonist will not be aware that he is a dragon. This creature is very peaceful, and helps Dovakin in revealing secrets and searching for Alduin, and also takes a direct part in the final battle with the World Eater. In addition, Parturnax gives the protagonist the opportunity to learn new screams and improve the already known words of power. Therefore, the character is perceived by most players as an ally.

skyrim kill parturnaks

During the quest "The Fallen", - the task of the main storyline "Skyrim", - Parturnaks must be destroyed. Dolphin and Esburn insist on this. And if you want the Blade faction to remain friendly to you, you will have to complete this task. But at the same time, if you decide to kill Parturnax during the passage of the Skyrim game, you will lose all ties with the Graybeards. And what would you do, this task negatively affects further events. Therefore, before deciding whether to leave the character alive or get rid of him, you should weigh the pros and cons and only then continue the passage of the game Skyrim.

Parturnax slain

If you decide to complete the quest and destroy this character, then in the future you will find this development of events:

  • The gray-bearded will become unfriendly, and will not tell the main character about the whereabouts of the Wall of Words.
  • You won’t be able to get screaming bonuses from Parturnax meditation.
  • The gray-bearded ones will refuse to participate in the negotiations, and in order to complete the main storyline, you will have to complete quests in the civil war.
  • The blades will become allies, and you can lead the recruits to the Dolphin.
  • Esburn will again buy dragon bone and scales from the main character and create a potion that improves damage protection.

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Leave Parturnax alive

If you decide not to complete the task, then in the future you will find the following events:

  • The gray-bearded will remain friendly and will inform Dovakin about the location of the Wall of Words.
  • You will have access to meditation with Parturnax, during which you can improve your screams.
  • The gray-bearded people will agree to participate in the peace talks, and you will be able to gather all the parties to the conflict in High Hrothgar.
  • The Blade Guild will become unfriendly, and you will not be able to bring recruits to Dolphin.
  • Esburn will refuse to make potions and buy dragon bone and scales from the hero.
  • At a meeting, adherents of the Blade faction will attack the protagonist.

Both of these decisions have negative consequences, and you have to choose how you want to continue your journey through the world of Skyrim.

Skyrim Parturnax Dilemma

Parturnax mod

If you are not satisfied with any version of the events offered in the official version of the game, and you want both Blades and Graybeards to remain friendly to your hero, then you have two ways to solve this problem. In the first case, you can use a special cheat. To do this, enter the following combination in the console: setstage MQPaarthurnax 100. Now Parturnax will survive, and Blades and Graybeards will continue to cooperate with the main character.

Most gamers prefer not to use cheat codes in the Skyrim game. The "Parturnax Dilemma" in this case will be an excellent alternative. This mod will allow you to keep the dragon alive and maintain friendly relations with the Blades. To do this, you will have to convince Esburn and Dolphin to change their decision and convince them that Parturnax is not dangerous. Perhaps these characters will not immediately agree with your decision, especially if the hero’s skill in Eloquence is poorly pumped. But an enhancement potion will help you convince Dolphin that you are right. After this, you can continue your adventure and receive bonuses from meditations with the dragon, lead to the Blades of recruits and find out about the location of the new Word Walls from the Gray Beards.


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