A little about the jellied floor

A smooth floor is not only part of the magnificence of the interior. It is also a practical necessity. Indeed, for most modern household appliances, one of the main installation requirements is a clear horizontal. And if this condition is not met, then the equipment wears out faster. To make the surface even, you can use such modern technology as a flood-plain floor.

What is a jellied floor

flooded floor

First, let's figure out what is hidden under such a concept as a jellied floor. This is a special building mixture, the main purpose of which is to level the surface. This polymer coating provides an almost perfect surface without seams and flaws. It practically does not slip, therefore, it can be used as an alternative to ceramics, tiles and natural stone when decorating a bathroom, bath or sauna. It is also used for arranging 3D floors, while its thickness is only 3-4 mm.


There are a fairly large number of types of this product, which are divided according to various indicators.

According to the thickness of the polymer coating layer, they are divided into two types:

- highly filled;

- thin layer.

By type of base, they can be:

bulk floor reviews

- solvent;

- water.


- not conductive;

- conductive;

- conductive;

- antistatic.

By the degree of smoothness, bulk floors are:

- smooth;

- moderately rough;

- rough.


Attention to this type of coating is due to a number of advantages that it has:

- The absence of seams and gaps, due to which such an important effect is achieved as a smooth surface.

- Large operating periods, which are about 30-40 years on the flooded floor.

how much is the bulk floor
- High rate of wear resistance. First of all, this coating is focused on industrial premises, where the corresponding requirements for this parameter are presented. As for its use in residential premises, according to this criterion, the bulk floor, reviews of which are only positive, has a huge advantage.

- This flooring is resistant to various mechanical and chemical influences.

- Another important indicator is resistance to such an external factor as high humidity.

If we consider this coating from a safety point of view, we can distinguish incombustibility and non-toxicity as its distinctive characteristics. Dust-repellent properties can also be distinguished as one of the positive characteristics. It is also important that the jellied floor does not require special care.

How much is the bulk floor

The price of the jellied floor varies greatly depending on the type of coating and the manufacturer. In the building materials market, this product is represented by various companies, both Russian and foreign. Therefore, the choice of material can be done according to personal preference. As for the type of coverage, the final cost is calculated based on many indicators. This is the thickness, and the degree of smoothness, and electrical conductivity. All these factors influence the final price of a product.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32401/

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