The most terrible animals in the world: photo and description, where they live

Just one step from love to hate, and from beauty to ugliness is very close. You can argue about tastes, but the evolution of life has given rise to many terrible animals. The most unattractive and dangerous, the ugly but harmless will be discussed in this article. The reader has heard of many; some may well be a revelation. But every creature deserves to live, and, believe me, the look of these creatures was not created with the goal of scaring us.

Such different ratings

It is difficult to make a top of even the 10 most terrible animals - after all, among the inhabitants of the deep sea and among those who prefer to live on land, there are outstanding individuals. In our article, we will approach this issue from an aesthetic point of view. And only then we will pay attention to the real danger to humans of the most terrible animals in the world (photos are attached).

From a horror movie

mixin fish

Pictured above is the jawless mixin fish. Another name for this worm-like creature is a witch fish. They live in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and in large reservoirs of America. Finding its prey, which become various sizes of aquatic inhabitants, this fish bites into the flesh and penetrates inside. She begins with a delicacy - she gnaws off the victim's liver first, and then all the internal organs and tissues. As a result, only the skeleton and skin remain of the victim. Not only the most terrible and terrible animal, but also quite dangerous - even ocean superpredators - sharks - become its victims.

Speaking of sharks

goblin shark

The fear that even makes us mention meeting with a shark triple when you look at the goblin shark. A specific outgrowth on the muzzle, two rows of teeth on extendable jaws, a size of up to 3 meters and living in almost all seas and oceans at depths of up to 200 meters, does not make meeting this one of the most terrible animals so unlikely. The good news is that the diet of these fish includes crustaceans and smaller fish.

Monster from the depths

terrible fish

In the photo - the most terrible animal from the deep ocean. This is an indicator or marine viper. In the tropical and subtropical waters at a depth of more than 2 kilometers this monster lives with its mouth always open. The female’s teeth, which can reach 0.5 meters in size, grow constantly, they shine terribly and do not allow the fish to close its mouth. Males of representatives of this species do not look so menacing at all and do not grow more than 7 centimeters in length and have no teeth at all.

Terrestrial alien

10 most terrible animals

Meet - our relative from the primacy squad - Madagascar hand-arm. A small creature (up to 45 cm) with incredible green eyes and strange brushes on which there is one very long finger. Moreover, the animal needs it in order to get insect larvae from the bark. The almost complete absence of hair, huge ears, a long tail and a bewitching look make the animal look like an alien from other worlds. He also has very sharp and strong teeth that can even chew concrete.

Drop fish

fish drop

But this disgusting and most terrible animal, similar to jellied meat that they forgot to put into the refrigerator, became the prototype of the cartoon grandfather ("Up"). A huge mouth and sad little eyes, mucus-covered skin, and a shapeless body earned her the rightful place in our ranking of the terribly unpleasant inhabitants of our planet. It lives in the waters of Australia at great depths, and for food it simply opens its mouth wide.

Dragons exist

Fairytale dragons hid on the islands of Indonesia. These largest reptiles - Komodo lizards - grow up to 3 meters and weigh up to 150 kilograms. Powerful teeth and poisonous glands make them dangerous predators. Their victims are mustangs, goats, crocodiles, monkeys and smaller animals. They usually do not attack people, but in the mating season it is better not to approach them. Honorable place in the list of the most terrible animals in the world.

Little superman

In North America, this small (up to 20 cm) animal lives - the mole-starfish. An unusual sense of touch in the form of skin growths that constantly move, and the lack of eyes make this harmless creature frighteningly disgusting. But it is this feature that makes animals champions in tactile sensitivity - in these outgrowths there are a huge number of sensitive neurons that work at the limit of physiological capabilities. In addition, they allow the mole to smell even under water.

Meet Chupacabra

the most terrible animals in the world

And this is a mammal - an alkalis or an insectivorous animal, a cross between a rat and a shrew, lead a secretive lifestyle and reach the size of a cat. They were considered extinct, but today it is reliably known about their habitat in Haiti and the islands of Cuba. Aggressive and poisonous, with sharp claws and teeth in a rage are quite capable of tearing apart a large rabbit.

Creepy vampires

Another character in horror films is vampire bats (desmods). In reality, they are creatures the size of our finger and wingspan from the palm of your hand. Their saliva contains proteins that prevent the victim from clotting blood. They don’t attack people, but they can harm a cow.

Not only disgusting

photos of the most terrible animals

Brazilian wandering spiders (pictured) not only look terrible, but are the most poisonous. They live in the tropics of South America, and in danger instantly attack. The poison causes damage to the lymphatic system and in 90% of cases leads to cardiac arrest.

Another creepy spider representative is the tarantula Goliath. This is the largest spider - up to 30 centimeters. In addition to powerful chelicera that can pierce the skin of an elk, it has thin hairs that, if it comes into contact with the skin, cause a burn that does not go away within a week.

The other spider, the green, is completely harmless to humans, but it looks like a nightmare character (in the main photo). They are found in the tropics and subtropics and are quite large in size - the body is up to 5 centimeters.

Creepy cancer

This decapod crustacean is a palm thief. This monster lives on the tropical islands of the Indian Ocean. It reaches the size of 35 centimeters and weighs about 4 kilograms. It feeds on coconuts, but can attack dogs and cats.

Harpy Transformation

photo of terrible animals

In ancient Greek mythology, Harpies are disgusting women who abduct children and souls of people. And here other harpies live next to us - caterpillars of the harpy night moth, which, when in danger, turn into a monster. A harmless bright green caterpillar, an inhabitant of central Russia, at the moment of danger rises, draws its head in and turns into an ominous mask with teeth. Two long strands bend at the rear end of her body, and she spits formic acid in the enemy, which causes burns to the mucous membranes.


water bug

The giant water bug grows to 17 centimeters in length. He lives in lakes and swamps of the tropics and subtropics, knows how to fly and is poisonous. For a person, a bite is not fatal, but unpleasant. A distinctive feature is the male’s touching concern for the offspring, because it is on his back that the female lays eggs, and he is forced to swim on the surface of the water until the kids leave him. Nice, but it looks very creepy.


And although there are no comrades for the color and taste, but still the most terrible animal on our planet is man. After all, it is he who annihilates annually about 1% of all animals on the planet, it was he who shot from the sporting interest of Komodo lizards, and today this species is listed in the Red Book of the World. Whales are washed ashore with polyethylene bags filled with plastic bags, polar bears lose their habitat as a result of global warming, and oil spills in the oceans lead to the death of all living things in vast water areas.


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