Decorative sunflower - growing

A decorative sunflower (helianthus) first appeared in our country during the time of Peter I. At first, helianthus was grown as a decorative plant. Its beautiful large flowers, turning inflorescences to the sun, were admired, despite the fact that it is a fairly simple plant.

First sunflowers

Decorative sunflower varieties appeared much later and immediately became popular and in demand among gardeners. Its inflorescences vary in size: the largest can reach 50 cm in diameter, and the smallest - about 10 cm. The decorative sunflower has a cup different from ordinary sunflower, which is covered with small flowers, which is why the brown base is completely invisible. Also, the flower can have not only a yellow color, but also white, orange, red. The color of the flower basket of a sunflower depends on its variety.

Decorative sunflower
In addition, the shape of the petals may also be different; in some varieties there are very diverse options: rounded, elongated, curved or twisted petals. Decorative sunflower is one of the favorite plants for insects and birds. The seeds that form on them taste almost the same as the seeds grown on ordinary sunflowers.


When growing these plants, it should be remembered that they prefer open areas that are easily accessible to sunlight. The rest of the helianthus is quite unpretentious. Growing on fertile soil, a decorative sunflower does not require additional fertilizer or top dressing. However, the plant greatly depletes the soil, so next year only beans or beans can be planted in its place.


Propagation of decorative sunflowers occurs in the same way as in ordinary: seeds are planted directly in the ground. Perennial species are propagated by dividing the bush in the fall and spring. To bloom lush, the bushes are divided into the second or third year.

Decorative sunflower growing

Decorative sunflower, the cultivation of which is not difficult, is quite popular at the present time. It is best planted in an open sunny place. When planting, it is important to maintain a certain distance between the seeds. Shoots appear within a couple of weeks after sowing, and sunflowers begin to bloom in 75-80 days. Inflorescences that have already faded should be removed immediately so that new buds can open as soon as possible.

Decorative sunflower photo


In dry weather, decorative sunflowers require abundant watering. You should also protect them from strong winds that can damage or break the stems.

Choose a variety

Currently, many plant a decorative sunflower in the country. Photos of the final result can be seen on the packaging when buying seeds. One of the most beautiful and popular is the Teddy Bear variety. Its height does not exceed one meter, it has terry inflorescences. This variety is perfect even for cultivation in a northwestern climate. They plant it, as a rule, at the end of May, and from the beginning of July until light autumn frosts the sunflowers will delight you with their beautiful large flowers.


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