Game League of Legends: Ezreal Real. Guide to the hero of Ezreal (Ezreal): description, features of the passage and reviews

In the game "League of Legends" you will find a wide variety of surprises. It would seem that something unusual can happen in a project where each hero has only five skills? In fact, everything is much more interesting than you might think from the beginning - otherwise so many people would not play in the League of Legends. However, you should consider that if you want to be a competitive fighter in the arena of this game, then you have to make a lot of effort.

First of all, it is worth understanding that it is impossible to master all the heroes perfectly - it is unlikely that you will be able to do this even with a few. It is best to focus on one, a maximum of two or three, if your favorite character does not shine with versatility. And this implies the following: you will not succeed if you just take your character and rush into battle with him. Of course, you may be lucky against newcomers and not the smartest opponents, but in battles of a higher level, everything is decided by the tactical approach and a subtle understanding of the capabilities of your hero, its pros and cons. This is precisely why this guide exists. Ezreal is a character that will be discussed later; he is not very popular among average users. However, it is worth noting that with a competent approach, he can become a very formidable opponent. And this guide will help you learn how to use it . Ezreal, like other characters, has five skills - the first is passive, the latter is the most powerful, called ult. You will learn the rest in more detail below.

Overwhelming magic

guide ezreal

Passive ability is the first thing this guide will talk about. Ezreal is a rather complex character in the initial stages of the game, precisely for the reason that his passive ability practically does not work at low levels. Its essence is that each successful magic attack of a character increases the speed of his basic attacks by ten percent for six seconds. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the effects are summed up, but only up to five times, that is, you will not be able to increase the attack speed by more than fifty percent. The problem is that at the beginning of the game, Ezreal is extremely weak in attacking terms, so an increase in attack speed is unlikely to give you any serious advantages. You will deal the main damage with skills, so passivation, no matter how ironic it sounds, remains passive. However, around the middle of the game, it begins to become increasingly important, and if you survive and pump well at the beginning, then towards the end, the damage caused by your character’s basic attacks will be huge. If you want to know more details about what this hero is capable of, read this guide further, Ezreal will not cease to amaze you.

Mystical shot

ezreal guide

What is the basic skill of a character like Ezreal? The guide will first describe the principle of its action, and then the features that may be hidden from your eyes if you are not extremely careful. So, the essence of this skill is that Ezreal shoots magic energy at the enemy, and in case of contact with him, damage from 35 to 115 is inflicted. This is a pretty good indicator, which in combination with a high attack speed, as well as a long range, can be extremely useful for you - especially considering that hitting an enemy reduces the cooldown of all character skills by a half seconds - this is a real paradise! But there is only one snag - you just need to hit the enemy, so here it all depends on your accuracy and the dexterity of your enemy. Also note that the damage is single, that is, it is the target that receives it, and not everything around it. As you can see, the skill is very useful, but with its own characteristics that you need to know in detail if you want to play with a hero like Ezreal. The guide, however, does not end there - you still have to learn about other skills of this character.

Entity Distortion

Ezreal guide season 6

What else can tell about the skills of such a hero as the Ezreal guide? Season 6 of the game made certain adjustments that affected many characters, including Ezreal. The features of almost all skills have changed a bit, so you should pay special attention to skills such as this one. With this ability, Ezreal releases a directed clot of energy that deals damage to all enemies that come in his way. Damage indicators are quite high - from 70 to 250 damage units depending on the ability level. But that is not all - if you use only the attacking aspect of this skill, then you will lose half the opportunities that it offers you. The fact is that if you direct a bunch of energy not at the enemy, but at the ally, then the speed of his attack will increase by 20-40 percent for as much as five seconds. This is a great way to support your partners in an attack, so do not forget about it - combine the capabilities in such a way as to get the maximum effect from them. A brief guide to Ezreal could and would not mention this feature, but the purpose of this article is to give you a full understanding of what this hero is capable of.

Magic shift

short ezreal guide

This skill is one of the most important among those possessed by Ezreal. Guide (season 5 had slightly different indicators, so you need to familiarize yourself with the indicators indicated here anyway) talks about the most current version of the game, so during the battle you will not have any questions as to why this or that skill acts like this and not otherwise. So, the essence of this skill is that with its help Ezreal can teleport a short distance, after which he immediately attacks the nearest enemy, inflicting 75 to 275 damage to him. This is an extremely effective spell that can allow you to both sharply enter the battle, and to avoid an unwanted battle and escape. Moreover, this skill increases the overall mobility of the character, which can move without paying attention to obstacles and irregularities of the territory, which can also play an important role in the game League of Legends. Guide to the hero Ezreal has not yet described one important ability of this hero - his ult.

Sighting salvo

Ezreal guide season 5

A guide to Ezreal would be incomplete if it had not been said about the most powerful skill that this character possesses. And its power is really undeniable - when you choose the direction of the shot, Ezreal concentrates for one second, after which it releases a powerful volley of energy that flies for a long time, while hitting all enemies on the way. The damage done to enemies is incredibly high - from 350 to 650 units. Each subsequent enemy takes ten percent less damage, but the total damage does not fall below thirty percent. Actually, this ult is good in that it does a lot of damage to several targets, but there is only one drawback, and it is very large - that is the very second of preparation. In this second, a quick adversary can quickly leave the line of fire, and your ult will be wasted, so they also need to be able to use it.


league of legends ezreal hero guide

If you want your Ezreal to be pumped as competently as possible, then you need to follow the instructions in the build build of the hero, that is, the order of pumping abilities. No matter how much you would like to immediately begin to teleport and attack the nearest enemy, it is better to start by fully pumping the first skill, and then proceed to the Magic Shift. The last thing you need to download is the Distortion of the essence, but do not forget to activate it at the 3-4 level in order to be able to use it.

Pros and cons

ezreal guide

The advantages of this character include its high mobility, increased attack speed using passivation, the main skill with great damage and high range, an impressive ult, and the fact that this hero can be relatively easily mastered. But if you do not know about its minuses as well as about the pros, then you will not succeed. The disadvantages of Ezreal are primarily a small amount of health, as well as a small range of basic attack, the importance of accuracy and understanding of the principle of action of skills.


Many users respond well to this character, as they consider him extremely powerful, but at the same time quite easy to use. However, of course, there are also negative reviews, which are usually written by people who lack mana or who miss the enemy. Again, a little skill - and the review would obviously be positive. You should not expect that the character will do everything for you - you have to do all the work, and the effectiveness of the hero depends on you.


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