How to get a pension for a deceased relative and who has the right to it?

After the death of an elderly person, his next month’s pension may be received by his immediate family. Do not forget that such payments are regular and accrued without delay. Pension due to death ceases to be accrued from the first day of the next month. Payout is in full. If a pensioner died on the 1st, then relatives have the right to receive a pension.

how to get a pension for a deceased relative

How to get a pension for a deceased relative: the nuances

To receive payments, you need to know some nuances:

  1. Pension payments are regulated by specific laws. They also indicate that you can receive money in cases where they were credited to the account the current month before the death of the person, and he did not have time to collect it.
  2. Only close relatives can receive a pension if kinship has been proven.
  3. Since only those who were closely related to him can receive a pension for a deceased relative, it is necessary to provide the entire package of required documents to the relevant authorities.

How to get a pension

The recipient of funds must know exactly at what dates they are credited to the account. If there is a bank card and the relative knows all the data necessary for its use, then he can withdraw his pension at the nearest ATM and dispose of it at his discretion. However, not all elderly people are in a hurry to use such a service of banks.

So how to get a pension for a deceased relative if cash was issued? In this case, you will have to collect a certain list of documents. But first, you should make sure whether a pension has been accrued at all.

whether relatives receive the deceased's pension

Who can get a pension

Can relatives receive a deceased person's pension? In some cases, the payment of funds may be refused. Those who were closely related to the deceased person, or those who lived with the pensioner before his death, can receive a pension. The recipient list includes:

  1. Spouse is officially registered.
  2. Grandson. But only in those cases when he lived with a pensioner.
  3. Sisters and brothers, but only blood. In other words, those who have at least one common parent with the deceased person.
  4. Grandfathers, grandmothers, parents. However, only those who are fully responsible for their actions.
  5. Children: both family and adoptive.

Can distant relatives get

Is it possible to receive a pension for a deceased relative to those who were in a distant relationship with him? In this case, there are also features. Receiving money is allowed in the absence of a closer relative. In any case, the collection of documents is required. Particular attention is paid to papers that confirm the degree of relationship.

how to get the funded part of the pension of a deceased relative

Features of receiving a pension

How to get the funded part of the pension of a deceased relative? It’s worth starting to collect documents. First of all, it is necessary to provide papers confirming kinship. For this, a passport, certificate of marriage, birth, adoption and so on are suitable. You can also use certificates of family composition. The list of required documents includes a death certificate of a relative.

All of these documents must be submitted to the appropriate authorities within six months. After the specified time, it will be impossible to receive funds. If there are several people of the same relationship, then the amount of the pension is divided in equal parts between the applicants. In this case, the status of the recipient does not matter. It can be unemployed, employed, student, schoolchild and so on.

Is it possible to receive a pension for a deceased relative

What documents are needed

So, how to get a pension for a deceased relative? The procedure may consist of several stages. First you need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Proof of identity: passport, birth certificate.
  2. A certificate that confirms a kinship.
  3. Conclusion from a notary public: necessary when problems arise in terms of a monetary issue.
  4. If relatives went to court to share the property of the deceased relative, then a certificate of extension of savings or a court decision is required.
  5. Certificate of personal savings of the deceased from a pension fund.
  6. The death certificate of a relative.

What's next

To receive a funded pension for a deceased relative, all papers must be submitted to the territorial authority of the PFR. And you need to do this within 5 business days. Here you also need to write a statement to receive a payment.

The whole procedure is as follows:

  1. Pension fund employees check documents. If any papers are missing, they ask relatives to provide them.
  2. Within 30 days, employees decide whether to grant benefits or not.
  3. If necessary, the payment is divided into equal parts. It all depends on the number of relatives.
  4. Employees determine the total amount of money owned by the deceased retiree.
  5. The representative of the state body must decide: to pay money to relatives or refuse.
  6. The final stage is the payment of money to the relatives of the deceased person.

This procedure, according to the law, should occur the next month after the death of a pensioner no later than the 15th day. If the payment was not received in full, then the relatives have every right to contact the government to clarify the circumstances.

receive a funded pension for a deceased relative

If relatives did not apply for payments

There are situations when no one applies for the pension of a deceased person. This is due to:

  1. Sudden death. As a result of this there is confusion, stress. Many relatives simply forget about payments.
  2. Ignorance of all laws. Not everyone knows that after the death of a relative, you can get his pension.
  3. Temporary residence of the applicant in another locality or country. In this case, relatives are not able to receive notices from the pension fund. From the day of death, you can receive money only within six months.

If no one applied for payments within the specified time, the amount goes to the common inheritance of the deceased person. If the property is transferred to one person, then it will be impossible to return the share of the benefit. As for the heir, he can receive money only after providing legal paper certified by a notary.


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