How to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house of foam blocks?

Houses made of foam blocks differ in very good heat-saving characteristics. However, in our Russian climate, such buildings may require additional insulation. Like any other residential buildings, houses made of this material are usually insulated from the inside. But, unfortunately, it is sometimes impossible to perform the casing in this way. Some home owners, for example, do not want to spoil their appearance from the outside for any reason. It also happens that an unheated building is attached to the building or there is some kind of building in the immediate vicinity, etc. In this connection, many owners of household plots are concerned about how to insulate the walls from the inside. In a private house for this purpose, you can use different materials and the procedure is quite simple.

how to insulate walls from the inside in a private house

Types of Insulators

The most popular varieties of insulation used for cladding inside a foam block house include:

  • Mineral wool. This can be a regular basalt insulator or less harmful fiberglass.
  • Styrofoam . This material is worth more than mineral wool. However, insulation with its use will most likely cost a little more. The fact is that when using polystyrene foam there is no need to install a frame. Therefore, it is quite possible to choose this material for insulation. But at the same time, it is worth considering that for health it is considered even more harmful than mineral wool.
  • Polyurethane foam . This is the most environmentally friendly way to insulate walls from the inside. However, such isolation will be quite expensive. In addition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to finish the walls with polyurethane foam with your own hands, since special equipment is required for its application.

Which to choose?

The most popular type of insulation today is basalt cotton wool. It is made of stone fiber impregnated with resins. This material is considered harmful because phenol-formaldehyde is part of the latter. Therefore, when buying mineral wool for insulation from the inside, you should pay attention primarily to its quality, and, accordingly, to the brand. The most popular type of basalt wool in our country is Ursa. This material has excellent characteristics and is quite acceptable. About how to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house "Ursoy" will be described below.

how to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house with foam

Fiberglass wool is better for covering on the premises side than basalt. However, it cannot be considered absolutely absolutely environmentally friendly either. Therefore, in this case, it is also worth acquiring the highest quality material. It can be, for example, the same Ursa, only fiberglass, or the popular Izover, etc.

Expanded polystyrene should be chosen if the walls inside the room are very flat and smooth. Plates of this material are usually installed in a frameless manner, on glue.

What else will need to be purchased

The question of how to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house, comes down to including the purchase of all necessary materials. In addition to the actual insulation itself, owners who decide to sheathe walls from the inside will have to purchase:

  • Timber . It is necessary if mineral wool is used for insulation. The width of the beam should be slightly larger than the thickness of the insulation. The calculation of the amount of lumber required is made taking into account how much wall and ceiling have, as well as the width of the insulation. When using expanded polystyrene, timber does not need to be purchased. In this case, you will have to buy a special adhesive for foam.
  • Reiki They are necessary for fixing the vapor barrier.
  • Vapor barrier . Foam wall - the material is "breathable". Therefore, it is best for them to purchase not an ordinary plastic film, but a special membrane that allows air to pass through.
  • Finishing material. In the event that the insulation will be made using the frame, it can be drywall, plywood or lining. A polystyrene insulator is usually plastered or wallpapered.
  • Expendable materials. And for mineral wool, and for expanded polystyrene, you will need to buy special plastic dowels with a wide hat.
  • Antiseptic. The foam blocks, as well as air, pass moisture well enough. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of fungus and mold, it is desirable to process the walls of them with special means.
  • Hydroinsulator. It is best if it is also an air-permeable membrane.

how to insulate walls in a private house from the inside with isover

How to insulate walls from the inside in a private house: preparatory activities

Before installing the frame or applying glue, the walls and ceiling must be thoroughly dried. You should also close up all the cracks and large chips. Next is the treatment with an antiseptic. Under the glue, the walls are usually also primed. This allows you to increase the adhesive properties of surfaces.

Mineral wool insulation: installation of the frame

After all the preparatory measures are over, you can proceed with the procedure of insulation of walls and ceiling. When using mineral wool at the first stage, a wooden frame is assembled. You can fix the beam on foam blocks with self-tapping screws. In this case, it is best to take fasteners with wide thread. Previously, the walls are covered with a waterproof insulator.

Next, we consider the actual process of how to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house with mineral wool. The distance between the fixed bars should be slightly less than the width of the purchased plates. It is best to install frame elements vertically. Then the moisture accumulating under the fair skin will flow down freely.

Assembly of the "pie"

So, now let's see how to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house. After assembling the frame, they actually begin to install the heat insulator itself. Slabs of mineral wool are installed between the bars at a time so that there are no gaps. Additionally, they can be attached to the surface with dowels, “fungi”. Further, a vapor barrier film is stretched over the insulation on the beam . You can fix it on bars or rails. Pull the membrane in stripes in a horizontal direction. Joints can be glued with tape.

Finishing and cladding

As you can see, the question of how to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house from basalt or glass wool foam blocks is reduced mainly to the reliable fastening of the boards and the careful installation of the plates. Finish the installation of the “pie” with plasterboard sheathing (attached to a bar for nails or self-tapping screws), plywood or lining.

how to insulate walls from the inside in a private house on the second floor

When insulating the ceiling, the assembly procedure for insulation is exactly the same. The only thing, fixing the wool to the surface with dowels or glue in this case is a mandatory procedure. In the event that the building has more than one floor, it is better to insulate the ceiling from above. Experienced builders give the same recommendation to owners of houses with attics or attics. If the upper room is residential, when warming, two layers of vapor barrier film should be used. One is laid before installing mineral wool plates, the second after.

The use of expanded polystyrene

As you can see, it is completely uncomplicated to warm a house from foam blocks with mineral wool. However, if someone does not want to install the frame too much, polystyrene foam can also be chosen to insulate the walls and ceiling. Next, we will consider how to insulate the walls in a private house from the inside with Izover or any other foamed plate material.

how to insulate walls from the inside in a private house mineral wool

When using this type of insulator, the walls are pre-aligned and primed. After that, they need to be treated with an antiseptic and dried thoroughly. Expanded polystyrene is fixed on the surface to a special glue. It is best applied with a roller from the bottom to the top. The procedure for insulation with expanded polystyrene is as follows:

  • In each plate, six holes are drilled. At the same time, two are made in the middle, the rest at the edges. You need to drill holes in the wall.
  • Then the insulated surface is coated with glue. To apply it, it is best to use a roller.
  • The plate is lifted and pressed tightly against the wall, holding it for several seconds. Gluing is done in a checkerboard pattern.

The final stage

The same technology is an excellent answer to the question of how to insulate walls from the inside in a private house with polystyrene foam. After all the boards are glued, not too wide seams pass with mounting foam. Large slots - from 4 cm - close up with strips of expanded polystyrene.

how to insulate walls from the inside in a private house ursa

How to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house with foam or Izover? This question is, therefore, completely uncomplicated. Next, proceed with the installation of the reinforcing mesh. To attach it, the polystyrene surface is coated with glue. Then they recess the net into it and pass the wall with a roller again. It is necessary to mount the mesh so that the joints of its strips do not coincide with the joints of polystyrene foam sheets. After the glue dries, the walls and ceiling must be sanded. At the final stage, the surfaces are finished with stucco or glued with wallpaper.

Finishing polystyrene foam

Probably everyone can stick wallpaper on the insulated walls. But their plastering is a procedure that has some of its secrets. First of all, you will need to purchase a special tool. Regular plaster laying on such walls is not too good.

If you decide to still use a simple mixture, you should still pay attention to some of its qualities. Since polystyrene foam is flammable, it is worth purchasing a plaster with refractory properties. It is also a very good solution to buy a mixture that creates an air-permeable layer.

how to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house with foam

Plaster polystyrene, even indoors, can only be plastered in dry weather. In the event that it is decided to finish the walls in this way, instead of glue for fixing the reinforcing mesh, it is allowed to use a special primer mixture. After it dries (about 24 hours), the surface of the walls is also polished. To do this, you can use a piece of the same grid.

After polishing, a leveling layer with a thickness of 4-5 mm is applied to the walls. A day later, it is also overwritten. Then the surfaces are primed again and a finishing layer is applied (2-3 mm).

How to insulate the walls from the inside in a private house on the second floor correctly

Thermal insulation of surfaces according to the technology described above can be made in any room of the building from a foam block. This method is an excellent answer to the question of how to isolate the rooms from the cold on the first floor, on the second, etc. The most important thing is to buy high-quality materials and perform work with exact observance of technology.

As you can see, the question of how to insulate walls from the inside in a private house of blocks is not particularly difficult and does not take too much time. It is quite possible to independently carry out all the actions necessary for reliable isolation.


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