The connection of the beam among themselves: methods, technologies. Profiled beam

Wooden timber today is increasingly used for the construction of baths, cottages and houses. This is because the material with a large cross section becomes better and can compete with the log. When erecting walls, reliable fastening is of particular importance.

The use of profiled timber saves effort and time, ease of assembly of the structure. This technology has few differences from a log house. But installation and decoration are much easier and faster, while this material in many regions is more accessible. The joining of the beam with each other is one of the most important stages on which the structural strength directly depends.

joining timber

Key points

When erecting walls, the joining problem arises in two cases: when building (plexing) the material along the length and bundle of building corners. Joining the beam in the corners is of the greatest importance. During its implementation, there is a bookmark on the reliability of the house, its size, design and quality of the wall.

There are two types of joins: no residue and no residue. The latter is based on the fact that the end face extends to a specified length beyond the place of angular fastening. A peculiar wooden angle insulation, especially noticeable during wind, is the main advantage of this method. In addition, thanks to this design, an original design is created that has its own connoisseurs.

Plexus without residue means the location of the ends on the same level with the plane of the wall. The main advantage is saving building materials and reducing the size of the building.

For any type of product, the connection rules are general, it can be profiled or glued beam 150x150, dried or with natural humidity. During installation of the log house the same method should not be used. Different structural elements have their own bonding technique. During the procurement of materials, it is worth remembering that the samples for good insulation must have different sizes, in particular the cross-sectional parameters.

groove in groove


In order to connect the beam to each other with your own hands, a mechanized ordinary tool, which many have:

  • A set of chisels. In stores, despite the wide selection, it is not always possible to find a tool with the necessary parameters. You can solve the problem by ordering it from a blacksmith or making it yourself.
  • Electric or petrol chain saw . In its absence, it is possible to use a circular hand saw with an electric drive, but the device must have a maximum cut depth of no less than half a tree.
  • Ax, mallet, hammer.

We cut corners earlier using one ax, but it took a lot of time and effort. Thanks to modern tools, time spent on work is reduced and labor is simplified.

timber 150x150

Types of joining timber

Fixing with rectangular grooves is the most famous joining method. This type of plexus has three varieties, the simplest of them is a one-way connection method. In this case, a rectangular small groove is cut out on the side. Two connected products must have identical groove dimensions. Their size corresponds to the width of the material used, the depth is half the height. The sides of the bars during the joining of the groove into the groove should be on the same plane without protrusions. The length of the residue is revealed by the distance from the beginning of the groove to the end of the beam.

Another option is a double-sided type of plexus. The groove needs to be cut on two edges opposite each other. Its depth should be equal to ¼ the height of the beam itself. Such assembly of a bar provides high-quality installation.

Four-sided bonding is a groove cut on each face. In this case, the upper and lower grooves should have a depth of ¼ the height of the bar. The ultimate density of the joining of the bars is provided by this method.

Docking on molded spikes, special dowels and end-to-end joining are considered the most popular connection options without a trace. The last one is the easiest, but unreliable. The end face of the bar in this case rests on the side of the other (they are further interchanged). Metal staples are used to secure the beam or nails. With this installation, the pressing of the end face is poorly controlled, this affects the quality of the subsequent processing and ensuring the perpendicular arrangement of the nodal elements. This method is justified in the construction of small outbuildings.

The “half-tree” version is more reliable, it uses a lining of beams, at which cuts are made at their ends with a length corresponding to the width of the material. The ends of the bars are thus wedged into each other. Using fasteners, the connection point is strengthened.

timber assembly

Root spikes

This technique is based on the creation of spikes and nests suitable for them. In the center of the end face on the edge of one element for connection, a spike is cut out. Equals its length to the width of the material. On the other bar, respectively, a groove is formed with a size suitable for the tenon. During the joining, a groove is driven into the groove with an effort. Most often, in order to warm the corners before fixing, flax jute material is laid.

The dovetail joint is one of the options for such a docking. The manufactured spike in this case has a trapezoidal shape that expands outward. The groove has a similar shape. Such a joint is more reliable and dense.

Non-root spike for fastening

Unlike the root version, it has a vertical arrangement. Such a spike when connected appears on the inner wall surface. A transverse suitable groove is formed on the lateral plane of another beam. The connection of the beam to each other consists in docking with a spike.

joining of a bar

Elongated dowels for joining timber

Particularly widespread is the method of combining studs and butt joints. At the end of one beam, in this embodiment, a groove for the key is produced. A similar element is formed on the side of another beam in a transverse line. Each beam abuts against the adjacent one. A wood key is inserted over the entire length of the grooves. It is a square whose side size is one third of the total width. The key is mounted so that in one bar there is one part, in the other - the other. It can be inserted in a horizontal and vertical way, the latter being more common due to the ease of manufacture.

Using pins

In the corners of the building, to increase the quality of the connection, an addition is used in the form of reinforcement with pins, they are called pins. They are installed inside the bars, due to which the mechanical load is reduced and the probability of deformation changes during drying disappears. A reinforcement or a pipe made of metal can act as a nagle, wooden options are also used.

The joining of the beam to each other on the main spikes more often than others has hardening with pins. For such a joint, a hole is cut in a steep direction with a diameter slightly larger than the hardening size. The pin is inserted into the hole.

The size of the plug is selected in the range from 20 to 50 mm. The need to connect two rows determines the required length.


Fastening in the half-tree

Often during the construction of a house there is a need to increase the length; various longitudinal fixing techniques can solve this problem. The most common are the docking method with root longitudinal spikes and the combination with the name “half-tree”; fastening with the help of a slanting lock does not lag behind them either. When creating angles, the first two options are no different from similar methods, with the exception of the sequential arrangement of the beams themselves.

Longitudinal bonding using a nail (half-tree) is a high-quality and simple way. The implementation of the process is sufficiently convenient. The junction of the bars is horizontally placed and several holes are drilled with a drill. Round pins made of wood with a diameter of up to 25 mm are inserted into the hole. Glue may be used to treat the docking site. A wood dowel with further gluing is also used for bonding with root spikes.

The difficulty in the implementation is distinguished by a combination with an oblique lock. A bevel is made at the end, while a groove is formed on one wooden element, and a spike on the other.


Warm corner joint

During the connection of the bars, it is worth paying attention to the insulation of the joints. Due to inaccuracies in the grooves, loose joints in the joints, the thermal protection is reduced. To avoid this, you can apply a warm angle. To create it, a heat insulator is placed in the form of linen fibers or tow at the joints between the beams. This should be done during the installation of the warm corner.

There are many methods that allow you to make the corners of the walls, join the beam 150x150 during its building. The main factor that determines the quality of all work is proper installation. The choice of the necessary method depends on the type of construction and operating conditions.


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