On which estrus day do you need to knit a dog? Dog Mating Rules

Many owners of thoroughbred dogs sometimes think about how to breed them. You need to understand that this is a very difficult task. If you are seriously interested in dog breeding, then in this article we will consider all the features of preparation and breeding.

Preparing a bitch for mating

what heat day do you need to knit a dog

Dogs become sexually mature at eight to ten months. Usually during this period, bitches have the first estrus. From now on, you need to prepare the dog for mating. Record during estrus every day what discharge the dog has, what appetite, the state of the “loop”, well-being, and also changes in behavior. It is also worth noting in a notebook how the bitch behaved a few days before the discharge. This is necessary so that it is easier for you to determine the beginning of the second estrus. Early mating is not recommended. They can undermine the health of young, still immature organisms, as well as the psyche of animals. Therefore, it is better to knit after two years of age. To find a suitable partner, you can contact the dog breeding club. They will help you find the right dog for all the necessary criteria, even contact it directly with the owner of the candidate.

In some clubs, a prerequisite is the mating of dogs that are only registered there. When your dog is three or four years old, they can call you and say that, according to the rules of their institution, you should bring your pet. The dog breeding club will also help you in finding a suitable male.

If you have records of the past two estrus, then you can begin to prepare for mating. To do this, you need to do several activities:

  • 1.5 months before the alleged event, pass a comprehensive biological analysis to identify anaerobic infections. It can be done in any veterinary clinic. A certificate with the results must be presented before the mating owner of the dog. If any disease is suddenly revealed, then it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment.
  • A month before mating, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment against skin parasites. It is best to use sprays that do not contain toxic substances.
  • After 5 days, take a course of deworming.
  • After another week, you need to take a course of vaccinations against common infections.

dog club

Signs of dog readiness for breeding

On which estrus day do you need to knit a dog? This issue needs to be sorted out in detail. To understand when the next estrus will be, it is necessary to keep a special diary. It should be recorded when the previous one was. Then it is possible to predict with a small error when the next one will be. But on what day estrus need to knit a dog? About 12-15 from the start. But there are still some signs that you need to pay attention to before you go to the "groom":

  • the bitch flirts very actively with males;
  • “Loop” is soft to the touch, maximized;
  • there are yellowish-pink discharge ;
  • the dog becomes in a pose, while during the grooming of the males it takes the tail to the side (it does the same when stroking it on the croup or touching the “loop”).

If there are these signs, then the bitch has begun a period of ovulation. It lasts approximately 5 days. This is the ideal time for breeding dogs. But it is best to hold this event on the second day so that there is no risk of getting fewer puppies in the litter.

Note that not all dogs have discharge during the entire estrus period, or they are dim. There are times when the "loop" does not become soft, and the bitch is constantly aggressive towards males. Everything happens individually, like estrus in dogs. The mating will be successful, if you correctly calculate the days, then fertilization will occur. To do this, you must definitely keep a diary, otherwise no specialist will help you in determining the day of ovulation.

Do not feed the dog before mating. It is better to carry out mating in the morning, on this day you should not give the pet food, it is better to take a short walk.

dog breeding

Place for knitting: how to choose the right one?

If you decide on which day of estrus you need to knit a dog, you need to identify the location of the event. It must be prepared in advance. Note that it is the “lady” who is being taken to the “gentleman”. This is necessary so that the male feels confident. It is necessary to select a place according to the size of the dogs. For large, a medium-sized plot fenced with a fence is suitable, and for small ones, a small room. First, a “bride” is released into the knitting room. After 10 minutes, the "groom" is launched.

Meeting two dogs

dog heat

Now we have found out on which day the estrus needs to be knitted, where it is better to hold such an event. Now consider how to introduce a bitch and a dog. During the acquaintance, you need to monitor their behavior, respond to "signals". Young males can do cages incorrectly due to overexcitation, then the help of an experienced specialist will be required. This "groom" needs to be taken out of the room for a couple of minutes, then you should try again.

Experienced males behave differently - someone shows their superiority, and some flirt. Even if the dog is not the first mating, you still need to monitor his behavior. Usually bitches calmly respond to males. They take courtship, play and stand, pulling their tail to the side. Some young “ladies” may get scared. If your dog has accepted the courtship of a gentleman, plays with him without manifesting aggression, then you need to ensure that the “partners” do not “burn out”.

Rules for breeding dogs: stages and techniques

When the dog stands, she needs to lubricate the “loop” with baby cream or petroleum jelly. At this time, the owner takes her by the collar, and the other person sits on the side, holds her stomach, directs the “loop” very carefully to the genitals of the dog. The latter begins to make cages. When a suitable position is found, the dog begins to make tremors. At this time, you need to monitor the dog, because during the ejaculation, which lasts no more than two minutes, he is not particularly confident on the ground.

There are times when the genitals are not suitable in structure or size. Then you need to help the pets. An experienced breeder presses the dog denser, or lifts the feminine pelvis, or puts the dog on a stand. It is important at this moment not to touch the genitals of animals, so as not to harm their psyche. After the end of the ejaculation, the male dog falls on the “bride”, who at this moment can show her dissatisfaction (this is the norm).

During the tremors, the “couple” is clogged (“lock”). This happens due to the structural features of the genitals. This is a kind of "natural insurance" so that the mating does not end before the ejaculation occurs.

What to do after ejaculation?

dog breeding time

If in the process of mating the dogs fell into the “castle”, then approximately 3 minutes after the end of the ejaculation, the owner of the dog transfers the paws of the pet and puts it in the tail-to-tail position. Under no circumstances should you separate the cross yourself. This can cause serious harm to dogs. At this point, it is better to calm the pets, talk with them. The duration of the “castle” stage is from 15 minutes to an hour. After this time, the genitals of dogs become the same as they were before mating, after which the animals are disconnected. Then the pets are taken home and await confirmation of fertilization.

dog mating Price

Dog breeding: price

As a rule, the cost is determined by the average price for one representative of this breed. The more titles a dog has, the more expensive it will be to mate with it. Usually, owners indicate about the same cost as their dog was worth. For example, if an average German shepherd costs 10 thousand rubles, then breeding will be estimated at the same amount. Sometimes people agree differently: the owner is given one puppy (or money for his sale). In general, everything in this matter is individual.

dog breeding rules

Little conclusion

Now you know on which day estrus you need to knit a dog, and also how to mate properly. We hope that our advice will help in its implementation. Remember that knitting is only half the story. Dog breeding includes not only the mating process itself, but also many important points, in particular the preparation, birth and raising of puppies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32441/

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