Crassula: flowering is not an indicator!

Since time immemorial, flowers adorn the human home. How many thousands of years ago the first pet was grown, in which cave - is unknown. Even in ancient Egypt, indoor floriculture reached great heights. And now, in our stone jungle, popular indoor plants give us a little bit of fellowship with wildlife. For beginners, the most unpretentious of them are recommended here.

Crassula bloom
Fat woman

Crassula is a succulent plant, which means unpretentious. The family Crassulaceae has more than three hundred and fifty species, most of which come from Central and South Africa. A significant part of this diversity may well live in your home. Externally, the fatty woman is also diverse. Flowering is not so often, but from this, oddly enough, she did not become less beloved. If you form a crown, the tree is very decorative. There are individuals from two centimeters to four meters high. Usually these are perennials with shoots. The leaves are plump, pretty. Hence the Russian name. We not only love her, they revere her. It is believed that the plant is magical, attracting well-being. Another name in everyday life is money tree, quite a lot of lovers of indoor plants have not heard its correct name - fat girl. Its flowering is not necessary. Anyway, she remains a symbol of wealth.


The fat woman constantly needs light. But you can’t leave it in the sun, there will be burns. In summer, it can be transferred to fresh air, in a bright and shady place. And it is imperative to turn from time to time so that the crown does not stretch to the sun with one side. Wash leaves from time to time. If they fall - a bad sign. The plant got sick from an excess of moisture. No need to water it often. Under good conditions, the tree blooms profusely. The fat girl, whose flowering is in full swing, is especially pleased. The flowers are white, yellowish, sometimes red and very rarely - with a bluish tint. You can’t eat the leaves of the fat girl and decorate the nursery with it - this is dangerous, the leaves contain arsenic.

indoor plants

Gardenia - in this case, the view Gardenia augusta is an exceptionally beautiful indoor plant. To grow it is not so difficult, the main thing is to maintain a constant temperature and humidity, then the gardenia blooms profusely and for a long time. Drafts, climate change can ruin the buds. Shade from direct sunlight is necessary. The temperature of the gardenia needs absolutely normal, room temperature: approximately twenty degrees during the day and seventeen to eighteen at night. Water only with settled or rain water, soft. Gardenia limestone land is not loved. And do not rearrange it, please, often from place to place, do not turn the other side to the sun, it's not a fat girl. Flowering can stop from the slightest inconstancy. In summer, you need to fertilize with a balanced liquid mixture for flowering plants. In winter, water less. Hydrangeas are not only indoor. The plant in the garden reaches three meters in height and width. And blooms like! However, the room can also grow a fairly large bush.

popular indoor plants

Isolepsis - Isolepsis cernua - or reeds drooping - the best decoration of the home in a minimalist style. The mass of pointed thin shoots with tiny flowers gives the impression of an unidentified object lost by aliens. About to fly away. The plant is unpretentious. The only requirement is wet roots. Put the pot in a pot of water - and all problems are resolved. Pour with soft water. Growing more energetically in bright light. He does not like heat, but the flower is not so sensitive to cold. With plus fifteen it grows much faster than with plus twenty five. Indifferent to drafts. The land that is most comfortable for this bulrush is a mixture of sheet land, peat, sand, and clay silt or sapropel can be added. Propagated by division of the bush when replanting in the spring. Young growth takes root easily, a new bright green bush quickly appears. It is not necessary to divide finely, it grows for a long time. You need to rejuvenate regularly.


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