Tasty Kharitonovskaya cherry: variety description

Cherry is a truly elegant plant with a gray-brown bark and a slender trunk. Today, more than 150 species of this tree are known (sometimes shrubs, depending on the method of care). In Russia, only a few of its representatives gained popularity, including Kharitonovskaya cherry. The description of the variety will help to verify its uniqueness.

Kharitonovskaya cherry variety description

Origin history

This variety of cherries was obtained as a result of work on crossing Zhukovskaya with Diamond. The author of the variety is considered to be O. V. Zhukov, who named the variety bred by him in honor of his mother, who was directly involved in this process. The originator is the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants named after I.V. Michurina. The year of birth of the variety is 1998, when it was entered into the State Register.

Kharitonovskaya cherry variety : description of external features

The tree is characterized by an average size, and this applies both to the size as a whole and the amount of foliage. The crown of Kharitonovskaya cherry has a spherical shape. Shoots are usually straight, brownish brown.

Kharitonovskaya cherry is very popular among gardeners . The variety description says that the berries on this tree are usually large. As a rule, the size of the fetus ranges from 16 to 18 mm. Weight is about 5 g each berry. The shape of the fruit is round, uniform. Dark red skin tone predominates. The number of subcutaneous points is small. Kharitonovskaya cherry (description and characteristics can be found in this article) has a light red juice, and the color of the pulp is very unusual, orange, despite the dark skin color. The fruit tastes sweet and sour. The peduncle is often of medium size - both thickness and length, and quite easily detached from the branch, but at the same time attached to the bone firmly and securely. Despite this, the bone can be removed quite easily.

Kharitonovskaya cherry variety description

The main advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the variety can be considered the versatility of the use of fruits, as well as a large number of quality berries on a tree. In addition, Kharitonovskaya cherry (description of the variety can be studied above) is resistant to diseases, especially coccomycosis, which is why every season you can count on a stable harvest.

In addition, the variety is winter hardy, so it can be grown in many regions of Russia.

Despite all the advantages, there is one drawback. Kharitonovskaya cherry (grade description above) has a fairly large seed, which is not always convenient.

Features of plant care

Kharitonovskaya cherry is partly self-fertile. The most optimal pollinators for it are the following varieties:

  • Zhukovskaya cherry;
  • Vladimir cherry.

The variety is suitable for cultivation and for personal use, and in farms.

To get a crop in an amount of 20-30 kg, all you need is just 5-6 trees, since one of the advantages of Kharitonovskaya cherry is its stable crop. Trees are best planted in certain areas, which are gentle slopes, especially their middle or upper parts. It is better to plant seedlings in early spring, even before the buds bloom, and the age of the plants should not exceed two years. This will help them better take root in a new place. To improve the effect, you need to use a talker of a certain composition: earth, clay, water and a special growth substance.

Haritonovskaya cherry fruiting (description of the variety can be found in our article) begins in the fourth year of life.

Do not forget that this plant is very fond of rich, loose and fairly light soils. In addition, drafts should be avoided, since cherries are heat-loving trees.

Hariton cherry description and characteristics

Watering should be plentiful, on hot days, as a rule, about two times a month. After flowering, it is advisable to feed the cherry. Mineral fertilizers are best suited for this . In autumn, organic is required. But still the main procedure remains pruning a tree. It is of two types:

  • formative (carried out in spring);
  • sanitary.

With proper care, you will receive a plentiful and high-quality crop, which can be stored until mid-August.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32460/

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