Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk: photos, descriptions, addresses of historical places and reviews of tourists

M. Yu. Lermontov first visited Hot Waters in 1820 with his grandmother E. A. Arsenyeva. Then he was a 6 year old boy. In 1837 he was exiled to the Caucasus, where at first he lived in Pyatigorsk. His impressions of that time are perfectly reflected in the famous story “Princess Mary”, the fourth part of the novel “Hero of our time”.

During his stay in these places in 1840-1841, Mikhail Lermontov wrote his works “The Prophet” and “I Will Go Alone on the Road”, as well as many other equally famous works. It so happened that it was in this city that the life of the young poet was tragically cut short.

Lermontov Gallery

Today, numerous guests of the city make fascinating excursions to Lermontian places in Pyatigorsk, not forgetting to bow to the poet’s monument, visit the Lermontov’s House, and also visit the site of that terrible duel that killed a talented young writer.

General information about Pyatigorsk

Pyatigorsk is not only a resort city with wonderful nature. It is also deeply historical: it has numerous monuments of culture, archeology and history. He is especially famous for the fact that many Russian poets and writers visited these places. But the great poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov left a special mark here.

The following article presents interesting and fascinating Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk: addresses, photos, features, etc.

Lermontov in the Caucasus

Grandmother brought little Mikhail to the Caucasus, starting from the time the spa with mineral springs appeared. Here lived her sister, Generalsha Hastatova, with whom they stayed for a period of rest (1820, 1825). These two trips played an important role in the formation of the future poet.

The life of a young poet is closely intertwined with the events that took place in those days in this city, with its history. Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk (see photo in the article) are numerous and interesting. The connection with the Caucasus and the Caucasian Mineral Waters became significant events in those days for the poet himself, and today for the entire region and country.

An amazingly long road through all of Russia, magnificent Caucasian landscapes, local ethnic group and folklore of the peoples of the Caucasus, communication with local people and wounded soldiers - all this impressed little Misha. Subsequently, to all childhood impressions of the Caucasus, true bright love was added, of which memories in his heart have been preserved until the very last days. For him, the Caucasus Mountains became "sacred."

In Pyatigorsk Lermontov was three more times: in 1837, 1840 and 1841. These visits are associated with the treatment of the poet during periods of exile in the Caucasus. During the short breaks between being treated and in the army, he wrote his great works. Here Martynov also died in a duel from a bullet.

The city has many memorable places related to the life of M. Lermontov. All of them are described in his immortal poems and poems.

The following article provides a brief overview of those corners of the city where Lermontov’s places are located in Pyatigorsk.

Monument in the square to them. Lermontov

This obelisk is installed in the center of Pyatigorsk. The author is the sculptor A. M. Opekushin, who created a monument to A. S. Pushkin in Moscow. The figure of a seated Lermontov is made of bronze, an open book lies at his feet, and his gaze is fixed on the Caucasus Mountains.

The pedestal on which the figure of the poet is located is made of granite. Its front side is decorated with a bronze lyre with the inscription: "M. Yu. Lermontov ..." (with the installation date - 1889).

Museum "Lermontov’s House"

Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk are numerous. But this can be said, the main thing. You can get to it by public transport to the Tsvetnik stop, and then go up the Anzhievsky street (address: 4 Lermontov St.). Lermontov spent the last months of his life in this small house (in those days the northern outskirts of the city). His body was brought to the same house after the fateful duel that took place in July 1841.

Lermontov's house

At the initiative of the greatest Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky in 1884 a marble plaque appeared with an inscription announcing that M. Yu. Lermontov lived here. This small house since 1912 began to be called a museum. On its base in 1973 a museum-reserve was created. It includes the oldest quarter of the city of Pyatigorsk, as well as memorable Lermontov places in Zheleznovodsk and Kislovodsk. In the house-museum itself, the atmosphere of those times was recreated, and Lermontov’s personal belongings are displayed in the exhibition. Most of the excursions to Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk begins with this house.

Room in Lermontov’s House

"Aeolian harp"

You can get to this place by bus (stop "Pirogovsky baths"). According to the project of the brothers of architects Bernardazzi, on the most elevated point of the spur of Mount Mashuk (eastern tip) in the early 1830s, a gazebo with round columns was built. Excursions to Lermontov’s places in Pyatigorsk (the photo is presented later in the article) include this wonderful place, located not far from the Lermontov’s House.

Aeolian harp

At that time, a wooden case with two harps was mounted on the rotunda floor. A weather vane was installed on the dome, which turned under the influence of wind, due to which the device touching the harp strings was set in motion. As a result, pretty melodic sounds were heard. Therefore, this arbor got its name - "Aeolian harp". And this place is mentioned in the story "Princess Mary". Now the rotunda is equipped with a modern electric musical instrument.

Grotto of Lermontov

This grotto is located below the Aeolian harp on the spur of Mount Mashuk in a steep rock. Among the Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk, the grotto is also quite famous. It can be reached from the Academic Gallery. The architects of Bernardazzi in 1831 added decorativeness to a natural cave. Now this is a favorite place for a secluded holiday at the spa. There was also M. Yu. Lermontov.

Grotto of Lermontov

This grotto in "Princess Mary" is the meeting place of Vera with Pechorin. In his painting "View of Pyatigorsk" Lermontov painted the spur of Mount Mashuk and the alley leading to the grotto. A man in a cylinder is walking along an alley.

House of Verzilin

This department of the museum is literary and is also located near the "Lermontov House". It should be noted that the main historical places of Lermontov in Pyatigorsk are noteworthy and convenient because they are located almost nearby.

In this house lived the family of P. S. Verzilin (major general). Young people often gathered in it, among them was Mikhail Lermontov. He also loved fun, dancing, socializing, and loved to entertain everyone with witty improvisations. One evening (July 1841) in the living room of this house there was the same fatal quarrel between Mikhail and Martynov, which was the reason for the duel. There is an opinion of the biographer P. A. Viskovatov that Lermontov had rivals who incited a quarrel of some of those present at the party, wanting to cause such a collision.

House of Verzilin

The Verzilin’s house features an exhibition of Lermontov in the Caucasus, which includes autographs, drawings, and paintings by the poet, as well as some historical documents.

Academic Gallery

How to get to the Lermontov places of Pyatigorsk, which are located at a considerable distance? You can go down to the Academic Gallery from the arbor "Aeolian Harp" along the ring path. Buses still go from the station towards the gallery.

In the upper part of the gorge, as if connecting the Mikhailovsky spur of Mashuk and Mount Goryachaya, there is a white stone light building of the Elizabethan Gallery. It was named after the name of the source discovered by F.P. Haaz in 1811. And this spring is mentioned in the story. At that time, in the right wing of the building were bathtubs called Tovievsky. The left wing had a lounge. The building displays ancient statues found by archaeologists in the Cavminvody.

Academic Gallery

Today in the gallery, which received its modern name in 1925 in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences, there are pump rooms with mineral springs (carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide). From the platform in front of it (there is a stone staircase built in 1935 there), a magnificent panorama of the surroundings opens up, where numerous Lermontian places in Pyatigorsk are located in different corners.

Lermontov baths

Built in the years 1826-1831 according to the project of the same Bernardazzi brothers, this is the oldest building of such a plan in Russia, known for the fact that M. Yu. Lermontov accepted medical procedures here. This was during his first exile. He got here in a very serious condition from the serious consequences of a cold (rheumatism). For a month, mineral waters completely put him on his feet: he drank water and took baths (the old name is Nikolaev).

Lermontov baths

The one-story building, built of mountain stone (from Mashuk), is distinguished by the rigor and simplicity that is characteristic of the architectural manner of renowned architects. Address: Kirova Ave., 21.

Duel Place

Among the many Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk it is especially significant and tragic. It can be reached by tram, reaching the final stop. Further from it you should walk about 1,500 meters to the place of the duel. And from the railway station "Lermontovskaya" approximately the same distance.

It is known that Lermontov himself was of the opinion that the reason for the duel was completely insignificant, so he did not really try to shoot the target, unlike his opponent. The fatal duel took place in 1841, on July 15.

Duel Place

At the site of the death of M. Yu. Lermontov in 1881, a pyramid made of stone was installed, and in 1901 a monument made of wood and plaster was temporarily built instead of it. A modern stone obelisk was erected in 1915. In the very center of it is a high relief of the poet (project by sculptor Mikeshin B. M.).

Burial place

You can walk to the place of the original burial of the great poet from the house-museum. In July 1841, the body of the deceased M. Yu. Lermontov was buried in Pyatigorsk cemetery, located at the very foot of Mashuk. After much trouble, Mikhail's grandmother received permission to move his ashes to the village of Tarkhany (her own estate in the Penza province), where he spent his childhood.

In 1842, in the spring, the remains were taken away from Pyatigorsk, and an obelisk was erected on the site of the initial burial in 1903, on the fence of which there is a memorial plaque. Pointers to the cemetery indicate the path to this place.

Place of Initial Burial

Tourists reviews

According to travelers, Pyatigorsk is not only a magnificent health resort city with mineral and hydrogen sulfide healing water, but also a place of many attractions and mysteries associated with M. Yu. Lermontov. It is impossible to cover all Lermontov places in Pyatigorsk (photos of some of them are presented in the article).

There are a lot of historical monuments connected with the life of the greatest Russian writer. I don’t want to leave from here, because there is a feeling that there are still some unsolved secrets. As if something very important and secret were missing. Almost all tourists who visited the memorial sites associated with the great Russian poet, believe that not enough fluent surface passage through individual points of the reserve. The more you learn, the deeper you want to delve into. Therefore, it is worth visiting these historical sites one more time and again in order to fully feel yourself in the atmosphere in which M. Yu. Lermontov created his unique, greatest artistic works.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32465/

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