Solid fuel boilers

A solid fuel boiler with water circulation in the heating circuit is the optimal solution for the engineering support of a private house. Due to the traditional principle of operation, the availability of a fuel source and a safe design, such units are very popular. On the market, solid fuel water boilers are presented in different variations, so you should responsibly approach the choice of model for specific needs.

The device of the boiler and the principle of operation

solid fuel water boilers

Against the background of other heating units that can serve private homes, this variety has one of the simplest designs. It is formed by a combustion chamber, a heat exchanger, an ash pan, a system of circuits with water, as well as a housing and, in some versions, additional control devices. During operation, solid fuel boilers with a water circuit emit heat, which heats the medium circulating in the pipes. Initially, the design of the boiler should include the infrastructure that it will serve. The active elements of the system that distribute heat will be precisely the pipe circuits that pass from the design of the equipment to full batteries. The power of the unit, suitable for operation in appropriate conditions, depends on how wide the heating channels are.

As for the fuel source, traditional firewood with coal and biofuel in the form of pellets can also act in this capacity. True, the latter variety is suitable only for equipment of a special design or combined models. It should also be borne in mind that solid fuel heating water boilers emit coals during operation, so regular cleaning of the ash pan is required from the owner.

Types of heat exchangers

solid fuel boilers with water circuit

Heat exchangers differ in the type of material used in the manufacture. Manufacturers produce them from steel, cast iron and copper. The cheapest are steel models that are made from plate metal. Such units are not subject to the formation of external defects as a result of contact with the coolant, but can be affected by corrosion. In turn, cast-iron solid fuel water boilers are less likely to rust and withstand high temperature loads. But, unlike steel counterparts, such heat exchangers do not guarantee the absence of microcracks arising from direct contact with a hot aqueous medium. For this reason, the service life of cast-iron units on average does not exceed 20 years. In terms of heat transfer function and rust protection, it is more profitable to use copper exchangers. But in most cases they have small dimensions, which limits the possibility of using such models in large houses.

Modern boiler modifications

solid fuel heating boilers

On the basis of traditional designs, technologists have developed pyrolysis versions and long-burning models. As for the first variety, it provides for the presence of a chamber for secondary combustion - but not firewood with coal, but gas, which is formed in the main stove. As a result, a second stage of heat generation occurs, which increases the efficiency of such boilers. But for their work requires a connection to the mains in order to actuate the fan, which pumps air into the additional chamber. The principle by which water-fired solid fuel boilers were developed comes from the desire of manufacturers to save the user from the main drawback of all units in this category. For the operation of a solid-state boiler, regular laying of the same firewood or coal is required. Thanks to a more massive combustion chamber, the designers increased the combustion time, which also affects the saving of consumables.

solid fuel boiler

Main characteristics

On average, such boilers have a capacity in the range of 15-20 kW. In this case, the calculation of the served area is carried out from the following proportion - 1 kW of power potential per 10 m2. That is, a solid fuel boiler for water heating with a power of 20 kW will provide heat to a house with an area of ​​200 m2. But this problem can be solved only with the condition of correctly laid heating circuits, through which the water coolant will circulate.

It should also be borne in mind that during operation, the unit will emit combustion products. Therefore, it is important to calculate the diameter of the smoke exhaust pipe, which will require a hole in the roof. Dimensional characteristics also matter. Since solid fuel water boilers for the most part do not differ in compact dimensions, in some cases users assign special technical rooms for them.

solid fuel water boilers prices


High-quality heating equipment is produced under the German brand Buderus. In its line you can find units with a wide range of power potential, designed for domestic use, and for the needs of large enterprises. Also worth noting are solid fuel boilers with a water circuit from Czech developers of Protherm and models of the Italian brand SIME. These products are characterized by reliability, high performance and ease of maintenance, which is especially important when operating solid fuel equipment. Domestic boilers Pechkin and Lemax Forward also have worthy opportunities.

How much do solid fuel boilers cost?

In the initial segment, you can find boilers with price tags of about 15-20 thousand rubles. This is just the products of Russian manufacturers, with average power indicators. Models from companies of Buderus level are estimated at 50-60 thousand. But much depends on the characteristics that solid fuel boilers have. Prices for units with a capacity of 10-15 kW, for example, can be 30 thousand. However, if the power potential reaches 40 kW, then you should prepare for payment of amounts of 100 thousand or more.


solid fuel boilers long burning water

The segment of boiler equipment is expanding due to new modifications in the segments of gas, liquid and electrical installations. In this context, wood-burning models seem outdated, but they have several important advantages. Firstly, solid fuel heating water boilers require minimal costs during operation. At least when compared with electrical counterparts, since gas units are also inexpensive. Secondly, an advantage over gas boilers is already noted here , solid fuel models are the safest heating option in this class.


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