When the ticks disappear, in what month? When do ticks appear and disappear?

Quiet countryside forests, cozy parks, green groves attract people at all times of the year. It is especially nice to dive into the coveted coolness under the trees in spring and summer. But along with magical landscapes, danger lies in wait. In what month ticks disappear and whether it is possible to protect themselves from their bites, the material will tell.

National problem

These small parasites are most common in forests in the Siberian, Volga, Ural districts. In other regions of the country there are fewer of them, but even there people suffer from them. Every year, 400,000 Russians turn to medical facilities with the bites of these arthropods. It is worth noting that the fourth part of this figure is children whose age has not reached 14 years. In addition, these statistics do not include persons who performed treatment at home. Animals also suffer from these leeches: from dogs to goats.

when the ticks disappear
In order not to become a victim of parasites, you need to know in what period their activation occurs and when the ticks disappear.

Today in nature there are more than 48,000 species. This amount is associated with evolution. This class lives in the first layers of the soil, the chemical and mineral composition, which varies depending on the territory. The length of ticks is usually from 0.2 to 0.4 mm, but there are giants, which in size reach 5 mm.

Weather is the main factor

The parasite sticks to the human body through an organ called a hypostome. With his help, he not only clings to the skin, but also sucks blood. In the place where the insect is attached, irritation occurs. If the parasite is not removed in time, it can lead to terrible consequences. The main reason people suffer from attacks from these creatures is a lack of information. Few people know when ticks appear and disappear.

The first attacks can occur in the early months of spring, when the soil temperature warms up to 0.3 degrees.

when ticks disappear in the fall

The appearance of ticks is largely facilitated by weather conditions. In years when winter is characterized by abnormal heat, and spring comes very early, parasites are activated extremely quickly and in large numbers. Significant thunderstorms and heavy rains contribute to their appearance, after which air temperature rises sharply. Significant cold weather - this is when the ticks disappear and cease to carry danger.

Unsafe places

This species lives most often in mixed forests and groves. But you can meet him in clearings with tall grass, among the bushes. Often their habitat are glades with old stumps. In order for the parasite to be able to bite, it is not necessary to leave the city. Today they are teeming with well-groomed parks, squares and gardens. Moreover, they are found even in places where there are two or three old bushes. You can suffer from them in your own yard. A lot of grass, moisture and warmth - an ideal place to live.

Every year, doctors warn the population of a possible danger, give recommendations on how to deal with this disease. Epidemiologists determine the time when the greatest activation of parasites occurs, and when the ticks disappear.

what month do ticks disappear

Weather that people like is also to the liking of these arthropods. On warm sunny days, even the laziest parasites go hunting. At such a time, they seek a victim to drink blood. But in the cold, rainy and frosty weeks, insects, like many other creatures, hide. In their "bunkers" they experience bad weather.

Dangerous hobby

The maximum number of bites falls on the time from the first half of spring to mid-summer. But you can pick up a parasite at a temperature of +5 degrees. The peak of activation is in May and June. If we are talking about the time of day, then most of them in the morning and evening.

It is worth noting here that even in the summer there may be a time when the ticks disappear completely. If the season is excessively hot and dry, then the parasites can hide from the sun until the month of September. But as soon as the temperature drops, they will appear again and will terrorize people until October, November, after which they will fall asleep for the whole winter.

when ticks appear and disappear

This little nuisance can catch up with mushroom pickers, who spend a lot of time in forests, fishermen doing things they love on the banks of ponds, summer residents during their work in vegetable gardens.

But people whose hobbies are not connected with nature can also suffer from ticks. Sometimes you just have to go under the tree or hit the bush with your sleeve. A small parasite clings to the skin quickly and painlessly. But the fact that these creatures are everywhere does not mean that you can go to the forest only when ticks disappear. In autumn, they are usually smaller, but no one is safe from their bite.

How not to fall into the trap

It is also worth noting that they do not sit on the tops of trees. Usually their observation point is located on the lower branches, in tall grass. Many scientists believe that insects do not rise above 50-60 cm at all. When they are especially aggressive, they wait for prey. Their receptors allow you to feel a person or animal at a distance of 10 meters.

But any problem can be prevented. Doctors recommend wearing tight clothes, treating open areas of the body with special tools, and examining the skin in detail upon returning from a walk.

At home it is worth mowing the grass and planting the territory with plants-enemies of the parasites - thyme and sage.

Observing these rules, you do not need to wait until ticks disappear in the forest, but you can safely enjoy nature.

Frost and the sun are enemies of the parasites

The main sign that these small arthropods have disappeared is frost or heat. Both the first and second creatures are very much afraid. In summer weather, they hide from the sun. But it should be noted here that they sit out insignificant heat in those places where people go, who also want to escape from scorching rays. Therefore, if an increase in temperature is predicted only for a few days, and the rest of the summer will be moderate, it is better to use protective equipment.

when ticks disappear in the forest
Despite the fact that today hectares of land are cultivated from various dangerous insects and parasites, some still manage to survive. Even the capital forests in certain years were full of these small forest leeches. When do ticks disappear in the suburbs completely? In the fall. In October and November, the chances of becoming a victim of a parasite are minimal. In addition, at this time of the year, nature is especially beautiful, and the air is very healing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32478/

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